We Need A Group Of Anointed To Challenge The Governing Body

by DT 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • DT

    I believe that a coup is one of the Governing Body's worst nightmares.

    Imagine a splinter group led by anointed ones that draw off enough of a following to cause confusion about who is directing the organization.

    This may be one of the reasons the Governing Body removed the special status of the anointed and placed it on an organizational arrangement that they just happen to occupy.

    The irony is that this action is a coup in itself. By declaring themselves leaders in complete control of the organization, they have created a rival group composed of those who disagree. These people have no obligation to follow these newly self appointed leaders. They have every right to stick to the previous arrangement and understanding.

    I'm no lawyer, but I don't believe that any court in the United States would be willing to interfere in internal religious matters to determine which group is legitimate. For a person to side with one group would indicate that they are not under the authority of the other. A court might determine ownership of property, but would probably be unwilling to arbitrate theological issues.

    What is needed is for the group that disagrees with the Governing Body's self designation as the Faithful And Discreet Slave to have a face and some level of organization. These would probably be disfellowshipped, if they aren't already, but they could also formally disfellowship the Governing Body. I don't believe there would be any legal basis for deciding which disfellowshipping would be legitimate.

    Even one anointed person could be enough, although a group might be better. If that group has a website with some spiritual information, they could be said to be dispensing spiritual food at the proper time. The could have a claim on being the Faithful and Discreet Slave (or a part of it) that would be unlikely to be challenged by any court.

    The Governing Body could face some serious legal challenges if they ever tried to punish those who never joined their coup. A religion doesn't have the right to punish nonmembers. The Mormons have gotten into trouble for this very thing, so there is a precedent.

    There is one very useful thing that this rival group could accomplish. They could process letters of disassociation. I would recommend that they keep the identities of those who disassociate private, but they could send them a letter saying that the request has been approved. This letter could be used to threaten legal action against any elders who represent the Governing Body and try to punish them in any way, including an announcement that is intended to get the congregation to shun them.

    I welcome your thoughts. I never claimed to be of the anointed, but I would be willing to offer some assistance to a group that wishes to challenge the Governing Body.

  • DT
  • DT

    If there were a group of three or more, they could formally invite every member of the Governing Body to a judicial committee.


    Courts won`t get involved with Church Doctrine..

    Any who claim to be Anointed and want to challange the WBT$ Governing Popes will be DF`d..

    Averge JW`s are going to welcome their New Golden Calves/WBT$ Governing Popes..

    I`m told JW`s will be Singing about the Governing Popes..

    From their new WBT$ song book about to be released..

    JW`s have 8 WBT$ Governing Popes/WBT$ Golden Calves to Worship!..

    .............................. ... OUTLAW

  • EndofMysteries

    you just linked back to your own thread.

  • Gayle

    I have wondered,,the 'reason' for the GB to see the need to get rid of the 'previous' f & d group (yet active within the org, closer, perhaps even at Headquarters ), ,, the previous f&d group are questioning too much, and rejecting stuff from the GB. Maybe some are getting vocal that the pedophile policy should get changed, that families shouldn't have to shun family, that the blood issue should get dropped, etc. that college should not be denied,etc.

    I know the GB just wants full power, nothing new about that,,but for a silly doctrine that has served them well for 94 yrs, to be radically changed now but needed because of a reason for them to enforce their authority above all others.

    Schism issue? Is this a preventative measure at this possibility?

  • DT

    "you just linked back to your own thread."

    Oops, fortunately I was able to fix the link in time.

  • tresdecu

    DT said "splinter group led by anointed ones that draw off enough of a following to cause confusion about who is directing the organization."

    I personally think that is unlikely as the current GB have the money and the infastructure. Who would actually listen to a group of annointed men from nearby areas marching on Bethel?

    A High-up coup???...maybe some "Ray Franz-esque" ballsy bros with some power already at bethel...that would be awesome. Although unlikely, I share your optimism!


  • DT

    "I personally think that is unlikely as the current GB have the money and the infastructure. Who would actually listen to a group of annointed men from nearby areas marching on Bethel?"

    I would like to see a large scale rebellion, but my goals are more modest. Any group of anointed that challenges the Governing Body could have an enormous symbolic impact. It could be argued that they have the traditional authority and that the Governing Body is the group that defected by changing long established JW doctrine in a sneaky power grab.

    It would expose this coup for what it is and possibly give dissidents a way to escape the authority of the Governing Body without experiencing the normal repercussions.

  • Quendi

    Here’s my take on DT’s idea: “Been there, done that.” The reason I say this is not to discount the notion advanced but to say that it would be a replay of what the organization faced nearly 100 years ago. This was after the death of Charles Russell and the International Bible Students were then in chaos. Their leader was dead, and even though he had left a will that specified who his successors should be, there was a lot of political maneuvering going on behind the scenes.

    We know what eventually happened. Joseph Rutherford emerged as the new president of the Society. His election was resisted by most of those associated with the WTS. It is said that some three-fourths of the Students left. Some, like P.S.L. Johnson, founded their own organizations. Some returned to the churches of Christendom. Others walked their own spiritual path. But that wasn’t the end of the story.

    Rutherford and six others were convicted of violating the Sedition Act and sent to prison. The Society’s chief organ, Zion’s Watch Tower, with its editors in jail, could not publish anything new and instead reprinted some of Russell’s older writings and sermons. All seemed lost.

    However, the organization not only survived, but amazingly began to grow again. About 4,300 publishers were active in 1918, the year Rutherford was jailed. But some 7,000 listened to his public talk on 8 September 1919 at Cedar Point, Ohio.

    So even if a majority of Witnesses were to leave the organization as a result of this power grab on the part of the Governing Body, I think it would survive and start to grow again as it has in the past. We’re talking about a cult that outlasted both Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union despite their all-out efforts to destroy it. I’m not saying the WTS is invulnerable, but no schism is going to end it.

    That probably isn’t the goal of those who would start a separatist movement. Nevertheless, they should be aware of this organization’s history. If they choose to leave, they must realize that their goal is to worship God in the way of their choosing and not to strike back at the WTS. Otherwise, and they will suffer bitter disappointment.


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