If somehow there was a change, the anointed who replace could do the same thing the current ones are.
If they want to fix things, they would have to send a letter to all congregations for effective immediately changes.
1. Everybody can get holy spirit to understand the scriptures and must not take anything printed in this magazine as strongly as words from God. Permanent unchangable rule, check everything and go by what your conscience and heart tell you.
2. nobody who repents no matter how many times will be disfellowshipped. No matter how many times you do wrong, if you say you are willing to stop and seek help, you will be allowed to remain. It also doesn't mean God has or hasn't forgiven you, only he will read your heart and decide.
3. All who had been disfellowshipped for apostasy if it was based on truth and their conscience w/ current and previously practices are to be publically announced that it was unjust and they were in the right, if they are to rejoin they should be commended for taking such a hard stand for what was right, and all ask for forgiveness.
4. Whether somebody is or is not part of this organization will not have an impact on if they know the truth or will survive or not. This is only for association of like minded ones trying to do what's right and sharing what we learn. bottom line, we are not judging anybody and repenting for having judged in the past.
5. If it is not in print in the bible, then it's a conscience matter. pray and go based on the bible if your question on acceptable things or not is correct. We will no longer dictate law or judge or bind our consciences to yours. we will all answer to God on our own.
That would be a few things they would need to start with, if there was a take over to trying to salvage and keep those who want to truly do what is right together.