We Need A Group Of Anointed To Challenge The Governing Body

by DT 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lozhasleft

    Since the late 1930s when 'the heavenly calling' stopped being available, the GB decided not to listen to any newly anointed ones, nor even to acknowledge them. There is no point or validity in the GB's eyes in hearing what they think, feel, or say. Trust me, I know from experience. The current GB are so locked in to the WTBS and their legal representatives, that any other real spiritual input has become totally irrelevant. For a very long time now the anointed except for the GB have become inconsequential. Any uprising from them would be regarded by the JWs as of no consequence at all. Sadly.

    Loz x

  • tresdecu

    I honestly think Oprah is the only one who could possibly bring down the WT.

  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz

    I think this is an excellent idea .Remember this is not 1916 ,you don't need big bucks to organise a movement these days ,only an Internet connection and a website ,then you need to start something long overdue :THE PARTAKING OF THE EMBLEMS in a MASSIVE SCALE .You can't be disfellowshiped for partaking and that will show to us who is part of the movement .We know now that we're all going to heaven great crowd and 144,000 so nothing to worry there .That will be stage 1

    Stage 2 :We send letters to our congragations that we disfelowship the current GB for apostasy

    There is a lot of resentment now amongst the ranks and probably is the best time for that

  • EndofMysteries

    If somehow there was a change, the anointed who replace could do the same thing the current ones are.

    If they want to fix things, they would have to send a letter to all congregations for effective immediately changes.

    1. Everybody can get holy spirit to understand the scriptures and must not take anything printed in this magazine as strongly as words from God. Permanent unchangable rule, check everything and go by what your conscience and heart tell you.

    2. nobody who repents no matter how many times will be disfellowshipped. No matter how many times you do wrong, if you say you are willing to stop and seek help, you will be allowed to remain. It also doesn't mean God has or hasn't forgiven you, only he will read your heart and decide.

    3. All who had been disfellowshipped for apostasy if it was based on truth and their conscience w/ current and previously practices are to be publically announced that it was unjust and they were in the right, if they are to rejoin they should be commended for taking such a hard stand for what was right, and all ask for forgiveness.

    4. Whether somebody is or is not part of this organization will not have an impact on if they know the truth or will survive or not. This is only for association of like minded ones trying to do what's right and sharing what we learn. bottom line, we are not judging anybody and repenting for having judged in the past.

    5. If it is not in print in the bible, then it's a conscience matter. pray and go based on the bible if your question on acceptable things or not is correct. We will no longer dictate law or judge or bind our consciences to yours. we will all answer to God on our own.

    That would be a few things they would need to start with, if there was a take over to trying to salvage and keep those who want to truly do what is right together.

  • EndofMysteries

    amend #3, all who had been disfellowshipped for ANY reason for to be immediately reinstated.

  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz

    Hi DT ,can you explain these points ?

    "The Governing Body could face some serious legal challenges if they ever tried to punish those who never joined their coup. A religion doesn't have the right to punish nonmembers. The Mormons have gotten into trouble for this very thing, so there is a precedent.

    There is one very useful thing that this rival group could accomplish. They could process letters of disassociation. I would recommend that they keep the identities of those who disassociate private, but they could send them a letter saying that the request has been approved. This letter could be used to threaten legal action against any elders who represent the Governing Body and try to punish them in any way, including an announcement that is intended to get the congregation to shun them."


    Well,...that sounds awesome, but there is a problem. The sheeples are too brainwashedright now. I love my wife, but she is brainwashed. She straight up told me that she would let our kid die if the GB said organ transplants were cannibalism today. Even if they are wrong, or there is doubt, the sheepies will not disobey. The only hope is for individuals to escape. If you believe the scripturesthen you will partake if you are a christian. It doesn't matter to anyone though. I told the Elders that i partook in private. I baked my own bread and bought wine. I told them about a few things that needed changing. 5 Elders meeting later, I have zero assignments in the kh. Thats fine I dont care, but the point is there is NO getting through to anyone. I chose not get df'd at this time. If I wanted out it would be easy. The only real chance for most dubs is for the Org to self-destruct. Even then they will get scooped up by a splinter groupmost likely. If the bible is right and God has all organized religion destroyed, that would be great. I don't even care if who we call God is from Planet x, as long as religion as we know it is gone. Maybe if some HUGE scandals break, that cant be hidden some individuals will leave, but a mass exodus for any reason but the final destruction of organized religion is not gonna hapen in my opinion.


    sorry posted from my phone.....

  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz

    I think there is a lot of resentment DATA-DOG more than you think to fuel a coup .The Bible says that the judgement will start from the House of God ,whether we have anything to do with that or not ,I 'd rather belong to a small congragation of 30 free Jehovah's Witnesses (the result of a cup) rather than I congragation of 100 lobotimised drones

  • dreamgolfer

    see this site - www.anointedjw.org

    your wishes may come true

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