Standard of Living in the New System

by cobaltcupcake 50 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • respectful_observer

    King Solomon....

    And good thing we have so many highly-educated nuclear engineers to keep an eye on things after the Big A!!!

    Wait, what's that? You need more than a 2-year degree to be a nuclear engineer? Oh well, I guess we can kiss Europe goodbye!!!

  • PaintedToeNail

    I was always perplexed about the 'Jehovah will satisfy the desire of every living thing' aspect. My hubby had proudly announced to everyone what he was going to be doing forever. I told him that was interesting, as I wanted absolutely NOTHING to do with his chosen occupation, so we were obviously going to be separated. His chosen life occupation is to me extremely tedious and boring, and when we were in business, I hated it. He was utterly shocked to think I might want to do something other than what he was doing.

  • sir82

    The WT's pictures of paradise inevitably show something that simply could not possibly exist without electricity, large manufacturing plants, plastic extrusion, huge logistical & transportation chains, etc.

    It's one way to break up the monotony of the meeting - "How many products can you spot that will not be possible with the 18th century style of living that the Society seems to think we'll be living in?"

    Heck, even the clothing is all dependent on modern manufacturing. So who's going to smelt the metal, manufacture, and transport all those metal belt buckles all the brothers are wearing? Or are there going to be village blacksmiths with bellows making them all? Who will make the little plastic dingles at the end of the shoelaces of everyone's shoes?

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    RO said:

    Wait, what's that? You need more than a 2-year degree to be a nuclear engineer? Oh well, I guess we can kiss Europe goodbye!!!

    Well, at least there will be plenty of janitors with mop and broom handling-skills who are well-trained to clean up the toxic mess left after all those melt-downs occur (and they're going to need an eternity to clean it up, what with the half-life of those radioactive isotopes)!

  • iclone

    sir82...that is an excellent point. I am going to look for those innacuracies in the future. We might as well start living like they do in the movie "The Village" if that is our inevitable future!

  • jgnat

    There is no way to maintain an industrialized society with the vastly reduced numbers offered by the WTS. Without industrialized sociey, as you have pointed out, we have no toilet paper, no working microwaves or laundry machines. I am left wondering where the straws and ice cubes came from.

    A good model today is the area around Chernobyl 25 years later. Poor, depopulated, it struggles to get back on its feet.

    I am reminded also of an old friend, a divorcee and a lovely woman, who with her first husband had joined one of those back-to-the-earth communes. This one had a Christian twist. Everything was going to be "perfect". You can imagine. I once had a peek at the back of this woman, who had left the commune years ago. Her back was a mass of muscle ... from lugging water.

  • d

    Also take into consideration food production and clothes and the process of construction, and all that it requires such as tools and various machines that the jw's do not take into consideration. We are so interdependent on electricity, that it makes me wonder how are the Jw's going to surivive when the power grid goes down?

    the Jw's do not take this into consideration and think that it is going to be walk in the park but it is not.

  • d

    A good book that talks about the power grid going down is ONE SECOND AFTER. really good book and makes you think on how dependent we are on electricity.


    It is not only Nuclear ower plants. Have you ever considered how many industrial plants and power plants would be destroyed if not properly attended and fed with fuel? You simply cannot turn of the switch and expect life to continue to exist on this planet.

  • clarity

    Cobalt ...good thread!

    Must admit I never thought about the nuclear(sp) reactors,

    it would be like the tsunami in Japan a year or so ago, only over the whole world

    ... what a radioactive disaster!!

    Here is Farkle's idea's about living in the new system.


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