Latest Watchtower about Education ??

by ShirleyW 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • ShirleyW

    Saw a Sis. in the subway station holding a washtowel which had a title dealing with education, can't remember the exact wording now. She was actively pursuing everyone as they swiped their Metrocard, so as she thrust the mag towards me I said "oh, it's about education, does it say anything about college"?

    She said, "if you'd like to take it you can read it (or something like that)

    I said "you guys believe in a college education now"? and she repeated the same thing again

    I said when I used to go to the Hall they were against college education, once again" if you just take it and read it you can see for yourself"

    then myself once again" when I used to attend mtgs they didn't believe in college, is this new light or something"?

    With that she just smiled and turned away from me and I said "Oh, I gotcha didn't I?" then she turned towards me again, to which I said, you do know what new light is don't you?" Then, of course, she turned away with a smile on her face.

    I knew the train was going to pull off in a minute or two so I had to catch it, but I have a feeling that dear "Sis. Trying to get her Time In" will find another location tomorrow.

    Have to give her credit for actually speaking to people, 99.9 percent of the Dubs just do their statue imitation while holding the rags.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Give 'em hell! Just curious as to what station. . .

  • bsmart

    If you see her again, it will be time for a return visit!

  • RayPublisher

    Good for you ShirleyW! That's what each and every one of us needs to do- engage these Dubbs and ask them the hard questions.

    BTW I like your avatar- very c ut e


    You should ask her: Who is the FDS?

  • steve2

    Gosh darn! She would have initially thought she had you hooked to simply take the magazine - she didn't figure on your nice persistence.

    She might have realized a lot sooner that she was on a hiding to nowhere had she herself enjoyed a college education and could exercise those brain cells of hers! Meanwhile, back in the train station, one mildly-perplexed and frustrated sister is doggedly trying to divest herself of magazines..... some life, for the uneducated, huh?

  • ShirleyW

    BoC - Are you in NYC as well? I live in Queens and ride the F train into the city.

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    Queens huh........ the borough that gave us the greatest rapper to ever grab a pen, a pad, and a microphone.

    Oh how I'd love to hear a part two, to this story. She'll probably cringe the next time she sees you, Shirley.

  • ShirleyW

    Which rapper? Are you talkin bout LL ? He grew up two blocks away from me, if you wanna see the nabe i grew in just watch a few of his videos.

    I went to school with Russell Simmons, but don't know his brother.

    Btw, I knew Jah Rule before he was born, his mom used to my Cong.

    Did I cover the rapper you're referring to?

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    Interesting. Its a small world indeed. Ja's mom was DFd right? Yo know if she ever went back?

    Nas was who I was referring too. I'm glad armageddon held off long enough for him to drop another album this year.


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