I wish I kept it now, but I had a photocopy of notes taken by some JW who attended their golden ticket event last Fall where a GB member went on a tour to speak to invited JWs.
In the notes, it mentioned how some JWs had gotten caught up in the housing market boom and dared to buy a home in the Old System (!), which often meant stretching beyond their means just to buy a shack (and counting on rising prices to extract equity). Being financially naive, some bought at the peak of the market (or even when it started to drop) and ended up losing their homes when the market crashed. From the podium, these individuals were blamed for not putting Jehovah first in their lives, so it was more of that blaming those hurt when things don't work out (which IS somewhat true, but for a different reason: anyone who bought without understanding a crash was coming was not doing their homework, or had never seen a market bubble before).
So a different topic, but the same old theodicy question: YHWH gets credit for blessing someone when things go well, but the individual JW gets the blame when things don't go so well. YWHW always comes out on top.
PS there was also a warning about credit card debt: I dunno if that was a problem coming up on the radar of the GB from the field, but there was a little diatribe about avoiding the trap of materialism enabled via use of plastic.