Is there anything??!
What Would Be A Big Deal For A JW To Get Them To Really Question The "Truth"???
by minimus 28 Replies latest jw friends
Apparently not. The WT has consistently proved that they can come up with the most illogical doctrines, use blatantly manipulative methods of control in their propaganda columns and the R&F just eat it up as more "spiritual food" from Jehovah.
Obviously many find a breaking point. All of us here are proof of that. But for the masses it's just the same ol', same ol'.
There's no point discussing doctrine with a die-hard JW because doctrine clearly does not matter to them!
No matter how illogical, incoherent, contradictory, stupid or silly a "New Light" teaching is, they all just gulp it down.
Seriously, this new, yet-upcoming to the masses-teaching about the GB being the FDS means that for 100 years the organization has been wrong about the very "prophecy" which they use as proof they are "God's Visible Organization" on Earth! There's no way around that. Will it matter to the majority of Witnesses? I doubt it. Most of them will probably respond with, "That's what I already believed."
They don't notice that the mags have been preparing and conditioning them for this change for some time now. In last week's WT the expression "faithful slave" was used five paragraphs in a row!
Hopefully some few will say, "This is ridiculous, I'm outta' here!"
I hope it's someone you love.
MAYBE.....if they said you could not talk to an inactive one, that could make them start thinking.
MAYBE, if they said blood was ok after all, a few might raise their eyebrows.
MAYBE, if they said, 144000 isn't literal, it could make somenone start questioning.
Having lived through the incredible experience of the total failure of the 1975 prophecy - I am convinced that only about 10 to 20% of them could EVER see that there are things which should be seriously questioned.
After all - if you have the end of the world prophexied to, the date comes and goes - and nothing happens - and then at least 80% of them say {oh, well - guess it just wasn't the right time after all} - then WHAT could possibly cause them to question this idiotic theology & chronology?
And yet 80% of these deluded people can openly laugh at Harold Camping for doing the very same thing!
It's the reason I think a lot of JWs are dumb.
Absolutely nothing..
JW`s don`t care what they believe..
If the WBT$ stopped selling Religion and started selling Old Refrigerators..
JW`s would become Old Refrigerator Salesmen..
JW`s used to Believe in God..
Now they Believe in..
Old Refrigerators!..
Outlaw, you are so right.They do as they are told, being meek sheeple.
wha happened?
everything and nothing. Take your pick
I think even a scandal of enormous proportions would make most members say they are being persecuted by Satan and that any members (all the way up to the GB) found guilty of anything within a scandal were just victims of Satan's world getting to them.
I think it would take a major major announcement of ridiculous changes. Maybe if the old geezers started having virgins keep them warm at night (wink wink) like King David did. Maybe not that obvious, but it would have to be big.
I think short of that, it could be a hidden camera/microphone (like what happened to Mitt Romney) that picks up an actual Governing Body meeting where they discuss something in very "worldly" secular financial terms and reveal how they don't trust or give a rat's ass about the members. Or maybe they could be discussing how the newly married GB member had to tell his wife that oral sex is good and the others could be discussing how they should change the rules so their wives will do the deed.
OTWO, I guess we have to get some hidden microphones in the FDS's offices!