minimus- You ask a lot of questions.
What Would Be A Big Deal For A JW To Get Them To Really Question The "Truth"???
by minimus 28 Replies latest jw friends
Two things appear to be most effective at waking Jehovah's Witnesses up...
First, if they run afoul of the organization's laws and edicts and are subsequently subjected to being "marked" or shunned...
Secondly, if they choose to read the bible BY ITSELF, instead of passively allowing the Watchtower Corporation to "filter" it through their publications.
In third position, would be those who have had nagging doubts all along, due to issues with doctrine, issues with the lack of "Christian" love in the congregations, or issues with the unscientific and factually inaccurate information presented in the Watchtower publications.
When I asked my wife that question she said "it would take a major change in doctrine". When I explained the plethora of major doctrinal changes thus far in the organization's 100+ year history she thought for a minute and said " There is nothing that could happen that would make me lose faith in the organization"
yadda yadda 2
Ask your wife if she would think the GB had gone apostate if they suddenly announced that the trinity is true, that the soul is immortal, and that eternal torment in hell is true.
The WTBTS has a way of turning everyones BS meter "way down" so that it does not go off easily.
What Baltar and Ziddina said is exactly right. It has to be the perfect storm. It's what happened to me and my family. A terrible injustice, doubts about the org's love, allowing ourselves to examine other doubts, and then reading the bible purely by itself... Poof. Humpty dumpty couldn't be put back together again. My husband's parents are the only people I know who responded to gentle reasoning and coaxing over time... though they are still "in".
When I first left the JW/WT cult, I searched in my mind and on the Internet for the one thing that would wake up any JW, and there simply is not a single stake we can drive through the heart of the Vampire.
I discovered that what made one person wake up, had no effect whatsoever on another, this was brought home to me by reading old
"What made you leave ?" type threads on here, everyone had a different reason, but once they started to examine things with a mind not clamped firmly shut by WT lies and ordinences, the whole house of cards fell down in no time.
One big problem we have, and really it must be the main one, is highlighted by Outsmart's wife and her reply to him: "There is nothing...... that could make me lose faith in the Organization"
Notice what she said there, "faith in the Organization", JW's have been indoctrinated to equate the Organization with Jehovah and Jesus. You could expose the whole of the GB as being the worst kind of human beings, and that would not be the "Organization", you can expose mistakes, lies and errors whatever from the past, and that was "imperfect men", not "The Organization".
Faith is belief that something is true without proof. To have such "faith" in this nebulous "Organization" is a pitiful state of idolatrous worship to be in, but you will not get the indoctrinated mind-controlled JW to see this.
If anyone can think of a way to make a JW hold up a mirror to themselves and see how they really are, then please, tell us !
To quote Robbie Burns (from memory) " Oh would some power the gifte gi'e us, to see oursel's as others see us !"