First off, I am unable to post this as a link for some reaon. Sorry to make you copy/paste. But I had to share...
So what video is this? this youtube user posted in many languages. When did this come out?
If you cannot bear to watch the whole thing (I skipped a few boooooring parts myself) skip to 26:00 ish where the footage from paradise appears. I laughed my head off when the girl pets the white lion !!!? Bethel invested on a green screen.
WT video. Green screen paradise.
by aposta-Z 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
@27:34" - "Man's world is designed to draw us away from Jehovah ..."
00DAD's retort: "The Watchtower world is designed to draw us away from ourselves and our families."
free @ last
When did this get released?
At 26:38 they show a new world meeting! Meetings for eternity, just like the Watchtower likes it. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhgggggggggggggggggggggggg.
Simon Morley
Wow !! casual clothes at the meetings...I can't wait (not)
Does anyone know how to remove small chunks of carrot from the spaces in between the keys on a keyboard?
Oldlightnewshite, I can help you with apple shavings, but not carrot chunks, you're on your own on that one.