at least kingdom halls will have "windows" then...
WT video. Green screen paradise.
by aposta-Z 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
"Be amazed by the magnitude and intricacy of the physical world around us and to look beyond the awesome material universe and see the qualities and personality of our Grand Creator; this will draw you closer to Him.'
How can seeing god as being outside the universe draw one closer to him? The god is everywhere which makes up christian dogma would be more effective. But then, they don't want that, anyway. They want you to be close to them. The wt is everywhere, so they think.
Thats means meetings in and of themselves could last.... FOREVER!
Thats no paradise at all!
So in the new system, when rock climbing, the appropriate attire is khaki slacks with collared shirts (tucked in so they're certain to look like asshats)?
Hilarious, the way they combine ancient superstition with modern-day scientific discoveries, none of which would have been made if the church leaders had had their way...
After all, ALL of that scientific information is coming from people with [shudder!! GASP!!!! ] COLLEGE DEGREES!!!
Ooooo-kay, there are a couple of errors or omissions from around 12:30 to 13:20...
First of all, apparently they are unaware that the tendency for frozen water to float on top of liquid water occurs on watery moons like Europa, too...
Also, their claim that "water wouldn't exist" if earth were slightly closer to the sun, isn't quite accurate. The REAL reason water exists on earth, is because water-rich comets bombarded earth during its first billion years, bringing said water to the planet.
The precise distance of earth to the sun allows the water that earth has, DUE TO COMETARY BOMBARDMENT, to exist predominantly as liquid.
I wonder, too, about their comments regarding earth's size; it isn't JUST the earth's gravitational pull that keeps our atmosphere intact; the earth's molten core and the magnetic field generated thereof protects the earth's atmosphere from being stripped away by the solar 'wind'.
Oh, and the next part...
"Jehovah designed us to enjoy life"... But one cannot really enjoy life due to the restrictive edicts of "his" special little organization...
Oh, for the love of -"No wonder we want to live forever..."
Ah, no sane person would want to "live forever", if they looked at it realistically. The earth gradually becoming less and less hospitable, having to seek another habitable planet - and continually having to do so, as suns, solar systems, galaxies and even the universe itself collapsed or dissipated around the person/people living "forever"...
Now they're yakking about DNA/RNA, but they're ignoring the scripture that states [to the effect of] 'jehovah is examining the kidneys'... Why would he "examine the kidneys [or whatever organ is mentioned]', if he could examine the DNA code??
I can't watch anymore... I'm at the 37-minute mark, but the style of speech is SO condescending - as though the speaker were trying to hammer the most basic scientific facts into a toddler's head.
Cold Steel
Nice video, but who said God created matter? Theologians say He did, but the scriptures only say He "organized" it. And with all those worlds and suns, are we to believe that we're the only humans God created? What if God has created billions of inhabited worlds?
Does the FDS say anything about this?
King Solomon
Ziddina, the "examining the kidneys" reference stems from the ancient Hebrew belief that the kidneys were the organs used to make decisions, where wisdom (making good choices) was associated with the kidneys (and hence why they were used as sacrificial guilt offerings, to atone for sins where the penitent made a bad decision). KJV translates the Hebrew word as "reins", the same word still used for the reins of a horse, used to direct or guide the animal in the right direction.
They believed you had two kidneys, one good and one bad, somewhat akin to the concept of a tiny angel standing on one shoulder, a tiny devil standing on the other, both prodding you to do or not do something. So God's "examining the kidneys" was intended to refer to checking for wisdom, seeing what someone is made of. BTW, the video engages in a bit of updating for Gods mistake, changing the word to 'embryo' when that was NOT the original concept! Those lying scribes, indeed, lying for YHWH to cover his ignorance of human anatomy/physiology!
Those silly goat herders, thinking their kidneys played a role in decision-making, not knowing they are actually the filters and excretory organs for the blood stream, eliminating impunities in the form of urine.