Can an inactive one be DFed?

by Eustace 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Eustace

    On another thread somebody wrote:

    I was df'd about a month ago and when it happened, I cried. I'm not sure why, I certainly don't believe one crumb of what they teach anymore, and I had been inactive for two years.

    This goes against my understanding that they can't disfellowship someone who's inactive.

    What's up?

  • Iamallcool

    if they have been inactive for MANY years, some elders are known to leave someone alone as long as they are not disruptive to their lives or causing trouble with WT.

  • ziddina

    Hell yes...

    It all depends on whether one gives them 'cause'.

    For example, the inactive one could have slipped up and celebrated a few 'pagan' holidays. If the elders find out about it, it could be classified as "brazen" behavior - a new 'catch-all' phrase and category that can be used to disfellowship people.

    Or if the inactive one happens to mention that they're having 'doubts' or worse yet, questions the validity of the "Governing Body's" authority, then they can certainly be disfellowshipped - for "sinning against the spirit", I believe...

    But I'm female, so I was never an elder. Can any current or former elders answer this lady's question, and correct my comments if I'm wrong?


  • EntirelyPossible

    Depends. Of course they can, many choose not to, some would try to DF the Pope if they could.

  • Eustace


    Then what's the point of all this fading stuff people talk about?

    I thought after someone faded they could do whatever they wanted without being DFed...

    Perhaps I was wrong and it's just a question of people fading to get out of meetings and field service.

    Scary to think they can even DFed people who aren't in their religion any more!


  • EntirelyPossible

    Fading is a way of hopefully getting out without having to deal with the DFing stuff. They can ALWAYS come back and DF you for whatever reason they want.

  • Eustace


    I guess there really is no way out once you get baptized. You're under the thumb of the all the rules until you're branded an apostate and ostracized by 7 million people.

    Could someone document this from an elders letter or the flock book? (I'm trying to write a pdf about the shunning policy and this is something that would probably be good to include.)

  • LV101

    "brazen" behavior -- give me a break! Who is more brazen than the cult. If I had a couple of family members out I'd have legal counsel contact crooklyn and remove me from the rolls. Besides that I'm still a member of the xtian church I attended as a child ---- kinda like marriage and people who aren't legally divorced can't be legally re-married or something like that.

  • clarity

    Hi Eustace .... oh what a weird world to be sucked into!

    Here's an interesting shunning vid.

    Take it easy


  • the truth is mine
    the truth is mine

    My copy of Shepherd the Flock of God will not allow me to copy so I am typing what it says. Please forgive me for any typos.

    Those Who Have Not Associated For Many Years

    40. In deciding whether to form a judicial committee or not, the body of elders should consider the following:

    * Does he still profess to be a Witness?

    * Is He generally recognized as a Witness in the congregation or the community?

    * Does his conduct continue to affect any other person, such as in some cases of adultery or child abuse?

    * Does the person have a measure of contact or association with the congregation so that a leavening or corruption influence exists?

    * is the person willing to meet with a committee , thus admitting accountability to the Christian congregation?

    41. Depending upon length of inactivity and other factors suggested above, elders may determine to hold the matter in abeyance. In such a case

    They would make a record of the person's questionable conduct for the congregation file. When the individual again shows interest in

    returning to the congregation, they can clarify these matters.

    So basically if you have friends or relatives for example an ex wife who want to make issues of things it might prompt the elders to pursue you even if you have faded. On the other hand I have seen many who just go about their lives after leaving and they are not bothered by the elder body even if after a number of years are openly observing holidays and birthdays, voting or even holding elected office.

    I did find this point of special interest ' is the person willing to meet with a committee , thus admitting accountability to the Christian congregation?' so perhaps if you are inactive and have had no contact with the congregation for a long period of time refusing to meet with any elders is the best call.

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