Can an inactive one be DFed?

by Eustace 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • moshe

    Fading is a coping mechanisn for people who want to put off the OK Corral showdown with the elders- There are short term faders who do have a plan- the ones who need time to find a new place to live, a better job, even move far away in order to gain anoniminity from the local JWs. A workable plan is the key.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    I faded and soon most JWs in my small town treated me as Df'd . Elders wives would avoid me like the plague in the grocery store ect.. However nothing official had been announced , this is just typical JW behavior .If you are not miserable like them and towing the line then you are not worthy of their self righteous association .(However a very small few will still say a hello ).

    After four yrs of fading I began putting out 'winter' decorations in my yard . THIS caught the Elders attention . One asked me when he saw me out shopping if 'they ' could come by for a sheparding call .....this is where I made my mistake .....if you have faded NEVER say yes to a sheparding call because this is really saying you still believe they have some form of authority . Long story short the sheparding call was really an inquest to see if we were indeed celebrating holidays . I refused to answer personal life questions and was promptly invited to a JC . In turn I sent them a cease and desist certified letter and have never heard a word from them again . I have no idea if they Df'd us or not ,but somehow I don't think they did .

  • BluesBrother

    After 6 months non reporting your record card moves to the back of the box as an "inactive" one. When it is time for renewal , your card disappears - so the C/O does not know about you.

    If you keep your head down, and no spiteful family wants to make trouble, you will probably be left alone. But if someone complains to the elders that Ex Bro XXXX now has a woman living with him (for instance) they may be obliged to follow up.


    I`ve seen Inactive faded JW`s DF`d after 10 years..

    Your never safe..

    JW Elder Fudd is always after those Cwazy Faded JW`s..


    I`m hunting Cwazy Faded JW`s..

    ........................ ... OUTLAW

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    Whether you are df'd or not most JW will have nothing to do with you if you leave the organization. It's the price you pay for freedom of thought and being true to yourself.

    The Watchtower says that they have no membership so I've always felt how can they kick you out of an organization that you never really joined. If they say but you were baptized I would reply that the baptism was obtained under false pretences. They misrepesented themselves as a truthful organization that God select. They aren't truthful and it is easy to prove that God never selected them. They lied on the contract so I don't see why anyone would consider it valid.

    Just how I feel I'm sure not everyone would agree.

    One more thing as far as dfing goes I df'd the Watchtower. Not the other way around. And I highly recommend it.

  • blondie

    DF'd for just being people tend to do things after that that can be considered grounds for df'ing no matter how insigificant. Some elders will see you as a danger and don't see you as a lost sheep. As scully pointed out, they can drop by to talk and it is merely to set you up for accusations...guilty until proved innocent. Never let them in, never make an appointment, don't give reasons, just say no.

    I view fading as a temporary state to get your life together before you leave, finances, family, new social group and activities. It's like straddling a short picket fence. At first you can do it without pain but as it gets taller, you have to pick one side.

    *** w93 7/15 p. 27 Tenderly Shepherding Jehovah’s Precious Sheep ***

    Inactivity in the ministry or in attending Christian meetings does not mean that the sheep is no longer part of the flock. He remains part of “all the flock” for whom the elders must “render an account” to Jehovah.

  • cobaltcupcake

    You can rip the Band-Aid off quickly or slowly, but it'll still hurt.

    The Odd Life of Jehovah's Witnesses - Shunning

  • mind blown
    mind blown


    Shows how much of a CULT this religion is. A person has to move away....(new home/maybe new job) order to safely avoid being ripped away from your family.....says it all right there.....

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