A cautionary tale... the extremely beautiful sister and the worldly guy at the office

by cedars 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LongHairGal


    (I couldn't get the video to come up)

    Your funny post is a sad commentary of what really happens in many congregations. Single sisters (whether beautiful or not) are sitting there wasting their life while the clock on the wall ticks on...

    How many of them passed up decent "worldly" guys because they bought the crock of sh#t that it wasn't "pleasing" to Jehovah? As far as I was concerned, it wasn't pleasing to THEM when a single woman got married because then all the users could NO longer go up to her and ask her to do favors.

    I also felt that if the demographics were reversed (more MEN than women), the religion would be singing a different tune with regard to marrying a worldly woman. They would feel "sorry" for all these men without a mate. The religion always seemed to me to be an old boys club.

    I saw the handwriting on the wall and had no intention of being one of those older single sisters sitting in the hall being targeted by users.

    As for becoming "dowdy"? Hell no! I always looked very good on the occasions such as the memorial which I made an "appearance" during my years as a "fader".

  • cedars

    Thanks for the comments everyone. What stood out to me most when I was listening to this talk recording was the "in all the right places" remark. It sounded to me like Herd was projecting some of his own fantasies onto this fictional character he'd created, who (after all) didn't NEED to be so devastatingly attractive for the purposes of the parable.

    I've found some of the comments on here interesting about how his counsel to "be specific" when praying runs entirely contrary to the scriptures. That wasn't something I considered at first, but it's a valid point.

    There are so many things about this little talk snippet that you could highlight, but the bottom line is that it hardly points to Samuel Herd (who is now 1/8th of Christ's "faithful and discreet slave") as being a wise and balanced teacher.


  • tiki

    i didn't watch it because i really find these clips too gaggable....but from the comments i gather it is yet another proud pontifical moment bred from ignorance and lust for power. first - very true, the sad commentary of so many women who have lost out on love, life, men....and for what. but....i was always completely annoyed by the assumption that as soon as an attractive woman sets foot in a "worldy" setting, she is going to be harassed, victimized, and treated like nothing more than a sex object. if you send out vibes that you are a hottie after some action, you will get it. if however, you are proper and act professionally, you will gain respect and not be harassed except possibly by completely uncouth ignoramuses. and in that event, the law is on the woman's side. any decent business has sexual harassment standards and they have to be upheld - it is the LAW!

    so...mr. herd has his little fantasy and assumes a lot of things that are irrelevant to reality. it is all about keeping the poor lowly rejects in line. enough bs.

  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    Now brothers and sisters listen up we have more erotic fiction for you.

    Once upon a time an extremely handsome brother, who should have really been pioneering instead of trying to earn a living ,was sitting at his desk with his biceps exposed due to it being a very hot day so hot in fact that he had to roll his shirt sleeves right up, you know what I mean riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight up . This hunk would not let anybody kick sand in his face down on the beach during a Kingdom picnic he had muscles to die for his cockles were not half bad either. Ocasionally on very hot and sweaty summer days he was allowed to go tie less with two top shirt buttons undone exposing three strands of chest hair..He was so attractive in all the right places that other worldly women and the occasional fella used to linger longer around his desk causing him to have sensual thoughts and temptaions beyond what other normal less endowed mortals like us have to endure.

    What to do ? What do do? He went home each evening and before he got into bed read his Watchtower 68 times he was going to make it 69 times but that number caused him to have more bad thoughts. He lay in bed under his sheets which now resembeld a big top at a circus tent and suddenly realised what he was doing wrong .The fact of the matter became clear the brothers needed to read scripture to him and on this thought he turned the light off turned over and went straight to sleep problem solved.

  • Badfish

    "I don't feel good" isn't good enough. She needs to go to the elders so she can explain in explicit detail all of her sexual fantasies....

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Obviously, this extremely beautiful sister's "I don't feel good" thoughts aren't coming from the notion that she's falling for a non-JW. This "worldly" man clearly cares about her as a person, rather than just treating her as a penisless cult-slave that needs to be tyrannized by a man. Likely, this dude is obviously gainfully employed, which is more than you could say about many "brothers." He's probably well educated and interesting, which you can say about very few single "brothers."

    Her "I don't feel good" feelings are probably coming from realizing that she's been deceived by a cult. She's frustrated by the petty gossip and fights among publishers, tired of the unfulfilled prophecies and changing interpretation of "generation" as she fears that her extreme beauty has begun to fade from her youth as "soon" turns into 5 years, 10 years, 15 years. She's subjected to the unwanted attention from a series of brothers that are unable to hold either a job or a conversation.

    After praying to Jehovah, she works in harmony with her prayer and types into Google search, "Jehovah answers my prayer". After looking at a few worthless links, she finds a link to www.jehovahs-witness.net and learns TTATT. Once she begins fading from the KH, her "I don't feel good" feelings start to go away. She is disappointed when her feelings for the "worldly" guy at the office don't develop into a relationship. However, she begins to develop feelings for a poster on JWN nicknamed Billy. They have a passionate fling which turns into love, marriage, baby-carriage, vacations, and lots of fun.

    Hey, if Herd can make up his stories, I can make up mine!

  • 00DAD

    ... one Christian woman, “I was the only girl in the office. The men would make suggestive remarks, and it was really hard for me.”

    I bet it was!

    That's gotta' be on purpose! C'mon.

  • ziddina

    Billy, I like your story better!!!

  • 00DAD

    Well now everyone in Brother Herd's congregation and evirons knows there are NO beautiful sisters in his congregation, none!

  • frankiespeakin

    The clip sound like Herd has got Jehovah under his thumb, after he is Part of a Jehovah's spokesperson group called the Gb or FDS whichever you want to call it.

    They always know what Jehovah will and will not do. After all Jehovah is thier hand puppet and will do whatever they imagine him doing.

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