He sure sounds like a "Brown Pain" (sic.)!!
Another doozie from DO Brown Payne about "many JW's compromising their neutrality" and voting for Obama
by oppostate 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Compromising your neutrality by voting? How? I would say that just voting is not compromising your neutrality. True, the president will do nothing for us as long as he permits the philo-Semitic congress to toe the line to the Rothschilds, the Feds, Israel (even after Israel attacked the USS Liberty in 1967, and after this philo-Semitism lead to the 1973 energy crisis). As long as the president takes orders from these foreign sources, he will never do anything for us. But, as the voter, you are not compromising your neutrality--it is the politician that promises to help the people and instead helps the banks and the Rothschilds.
And, it is those banks and special interest groups, not the voters, that are actually ruining political neutrality. You vote for the candidate you think is going to do the best job, then expect that candidate to follow through by doing the best job they can. That is not violating political neutrality.
More and more JWs are breaking the rules by voting, quietly getting transfusions, not shunning, and rolling their eyes at Sparlock and the deafsterbation video...
Elders with porn problems aren't getting removed 'cause the pickings are too slim...
The Remnant's ranks are swelling with mental cases...
The wave of pedo lawsuits are rising like Godzilla...
No wonder the GB thinks they're on the cusp of the Great Trib.
Wow, no one that I've heard around here has even hinted about that.
Maybe it's a regional thing - certain areas in the US where folks are more inclined to be caught up in politics?
If regional, that would explain why this potentially big issue has never made it into a WT study article.
Doubting Bro
A few years ago, our CO (white) also mentioned this during one of his parts. He said that individuals were "disciplined" and that some elders and MS were removed as a result. He also said that there were several that went to the inauguration ceremony. He said that when he confronted some of those elders, they responded that it was "a black thing, you wouldn't understand". His response was "no, its a netruality thing, you don't understand". I was surprised that some admitted to voting, otherwise I'm not sure how you'd get caught.
I really don't understand why a JW couldn't go watch the inauguration. I mean, I watch most of them on TV. I think that's one of the things that makes the US a great place to live. In some countries, the transfer of power isn't nearly as smooth and I've always thought it was great to see the outgoing president shake the incoming presidents hand and step back.
Many states now draw juries from people who have valid driver's licenses as well. Florida, Georgia started this year, Wisconsin, etc. Not enough votes or diversity I guess.
In Michigan juries are drawn from DLs I believe. I know it's not registered voters.
More and more JWs are breaking the rules by voting, quietly getting transfusions, not shunning, and rolling their eyes at Sparlock and the deafsterbation video...
Elders with porn problems aren't getting removed 'cause the pickings are too slim...
The Remnant's ranks are swelling with mental cases...
The wave of pedo lawsuits are rising like Godzilla...
I forgot one; more and more rank-and-filers (mostly Sisters) hooking up and/or marrying out of the "Truth".
It was that QFR about voting that made me realize that the WT began to pursue double tracks in their sketchy policy stands; read that voting QFR, one from the late 90's about working in churches, and any of the recent articles on blood and one realizes that they are writing them to make it seem that voting, taking blood and working in churches is a conscience matter.
It isn't of course, they still will give you the boot if they want for those issues, but they don't want to own their stance, as it makes them look ridiculous and out of touch.
I voted; I am not df'd or da'd. I don't attend either though.
But if they called me out on it, I would cite that '99 QFR that really clouds the issue as one that made me think it was not wrong to vote.
PS: don't you just wonder what rich sister had to go into the voting booth to please her worldly husband, and talked to the elders about it??
I can personally attest to the fact that they draw juries from areas other than voter registration since I have not voted since before I became a JW but yet was called for jury duty at least twice inside of the past decade! I think they got my name because I applied for a commuter parking permit.
I was also told they get names from public assistance rolls, etc. They are well aware that many people are not registered voters and the pool of people to pick for juries has gotten so small that they were forced to look elsewhere. Even though I hate jury duty, I feel that it is good that certain professionals who have been exempt for a lifetime, now have to set foot inside the court just to see what goes on. In many cases, they are dismissed. Other people shouldn't be the only ones inconvenienced by jury duty. Now that there are so many unemployed people, they shouldn't have a problem with unwilling people, since they are paid a small amount of money to go.
As far as certain JWs violating their "neutrality" to vote, I am not surprised. I believe many JWs don't really believe the new system is coming in time to save them, so they feel they might as well vote for a man who they imagine is going to better their lot in life. The question is: did it make a difference? I think not.
Let's not forget that there may have been some JWs who voted against him.