Yup, it's a delusional birther lawyer named Orly Taitz who has a nasty habit of abusing the legal system.
Comments from http://www.thefogbow.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=8248&p=430039
Meh. Three years ago, Judge Carter attempted (and it was a valiant attempt; as helpful as I've ever seen) to school and then assist Taitz in proper service of the President of the United States. As now, the situation then was similar if not entirely parallel. Taitz asked for a default then (on improper service), just as she asks for one now. Although Taitz appears to have forgotten about that (Judge Carter eventually assisted Taitz in effecting proper service via the cooperation of the local US Attorney's office), I suspect Judge Carter has not.
Orly Taitz is a #*$@ up. Nothing is different today than it was in 2009...although I suspect that this time Judge Carter's referral to the California Bar Association might be just a wee bit more stringent than it was 3 years ago, and will probably include, along with the Judd case, a reference to her recent, failed 60B motion to reopen the Barnett|Keyes v. Obama long-dead case (which Carter dismissed with little fanfare).
Ultimately, it will be the judges Taitz has abused who will be her undoing, and I think it won't be that much longer. Not "any-day-now," but not another two years, either. I believe she will be disbarred by SCOTUS within a year (and it's unusual for SCOTUS disbarment to precede state disbarment), and by the CA Bar within 18 months. Don't have any specific reason to believe that, by the way...it's just what I think will happen.