An empty chair from him could lead to a default judgment.
Perhaps the Judge could get Clint Eastwood to address the empty chair?
by moshe 77 Replies latest social current
An empty chair from him could lead to a default judgment.
Perhaps the Judge could get Clint Eastwood to address the empty chair?
I would say the person suing him probably needs a good slapping
a reality check in life
instead of suing obama devote some energies to saving the whales! lol...
Obama has been dropping bread crumbs for years about his real life-
Back in 2008 Michelle told a group at a campaign rally that Obama was born to a single mother- she repeated it again last month- as did Obama.
Why wasn't the black hand" picture just quietly dropped from his Facebook page? I believe that Obama wants to be able to later say- I gave everyone clues- all you had to do was to pay attention and take them at "face value".
When Obama tells us on his campaign website that - his father taught him to love jazz- he has all but admitted that a Kenyan goat herder was not his real father- was it Frank Marshall Davis? He has not denied it and allows the DVDs to be freely sold and distributed. DVD's that could cost him votes and the election- legal actions for slander or libel could stop that video in it's tracks- but Obama is silent. He is mocking you to do something about it--
When he tells us- on July 15th of 2011, " I'll be turning 50 in a week"- he has told you his real birthday is around July 22nd, not August 4th and has given you a tacit admission that the scanned Whitehouse birth certificate is a manufactured political document, not a legal one. (which is why it has never been submitted to a court as evidence).
Perhaps the Judge could get Clint Eastwood to address the empty chair?
Am I missing something...if this was legit, FOX NEWS would be all over this 24/7
Am I missing something...if this was legit, FOX NEWS would be all over this 24/7
That's because it's not worth reporting on.
.if this was legit, FOX NEWS would be all over this 24/7
It has was quickly discovered by mainstream reporters that doing a pro-birther story is the kiss of death for your career-
It was reported that almost 200 document experts were contacted to examine and testify in court about Obama's Whitehouse scanned BC-
Not one would agree to do the job-- I do government work!- My present clients will ridicule me and I will lose my business- I'll be branded as a racist!
The lack of any negative Internet stories from these professionals is taken as proof the Obama BC is legit--
The tabloids, like the Globe regularly run stories- that is the only print media that will do them- and they have never been sued by Obama, so their sources have never had to be revealed in court to back the stories up.
Globe stories-
OBAMA IN GAY BATHHOUSE BOMBSHELL- In a world shattering exclusive, a key member of Chicago's gay community rips the lid off Barack Obama's secret double life -- charging that the President frequented bathhouses and bars known for homosexual activities while he was an Illinois state senator. Get more about the shocking lifestyle sources claim Obama has kept hidden from the public - and even his trusting wife Michelle - all in this week's GLOBE!
Obama's Presidency Illegal?
An exhaustive six-month criminal probe into Barack Obama's background has concluded that his Hawaiian birth certificate is fake! That's the sensational result of the investigation by Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio's Cold Case Posse. This issue of GLOBE reveals the shocking proof, and why experts say Obama could be booted from office.-
Before you vote in November, you MUST read GLOBE's explosive revelations exposing the shameful skeletons the top candidates are hiding. In this week's GLOBE, you'll learn about the baby scandal that's threatening Barack Obama's presidency and marriage -- and the humiliating arrest in a public park that Mitt Romney has kept hushed up -- until now!
-this weeks story-
Dude...not that you had any...but you lost more credibility by posting this:
Are you being serious?
Do you also read stories of women having ALIEN BABIES. Come on man. Why do I click on this crap?