Hello all, I'm relatively new to the faith, and struggle with many concepts and teachings. I am getting married soon. Part of the teaching I've experienced is that a wife must learn submission to her husband. It is something which both my fiance and myself find difficult to put into practice. In today's world, this teaching is unpopular for many. Is this teaching truly scriptural? I'm not trying to be contentious or controversial - just wanting to share a difficulty, and look for help in overcoming it. Thanks, Mark.
A wife's submission
by Mark_C 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Is it truly scriptural ? as is the case with nearly all matters, not as the WT interprets it. I was a young twenty year old all those decades ago when I married my JW wife. We both firmly beleived then that it was to be an equal partnership, that you could not interpret scriptures that seemed to say women were inferior etc and ignore the scriptures that urged you to love eachother fully.
We have had a long and happy marriage, O.K not perfect, but better than many many JW ones.
I made a study of all the scriptures used to subjugate women, it was a pet hate of mine the way the WT interpreted them, and the way some Pig JW men put them in to practice, and I concluded there was nothing solid to support a mysogynistic attitude.
I do wonder though why anyone should want to risk their happiness based on the edicts found in a 2000 year old book written for its time by goat-herders and desert nomads i.e The Bible.
It is not a book on which to base your life, or your morals and ethics , in the 21st Century, no more than the Quran is.
If you are referring to the Bible keep in mind it is a 2000 year old text from bygone cultures. What else about a 2000 year old culture/religion do you want to assimilate in your life.
Welcome to the forum Mark_C!
It is scriptural, but then again, so is stoning your kids when they tell you to *@#$* off.
What Phizzy said.
The bible was just written to keep women down, and subservient. End of story.
oh gawd how i hate their interpretation.
its very simple, do you really love her?
real love never makes another subordinate. the two things cannot exist together.
also...youre a good man phizzy!
I try to be Gcakes, wifey doesn't always think so ! but over the years she many times has expressed her appreciation for my attitude to her and all women, the old Sisters in the Congo used to love me too for pointing out things like how Jesus respected women, appearing to them first when resurrected etc I used every opportunity to put down the WT type attitudes to women.
I was convinced they had no mandate from scripture to put women down. I can still make a good argument for all the seeming support for denigrating women used by the WT as being wrong, especially the silly stuff like head covering, the WT simply have not read the scriptures.
By the way, welcome Mark, and may you and your love have a long and happy life together !
If you truly believe that Men Women are equal then you are in the wrong religion buddy.
Ever wonder why only Men can preach standing on the platform, serve behind the literature counter, count money, hold any postion? etc. Its totally out of line with the real world.
I was always disgusted that women had to wear something on their head when preaching/teaching if a baptised Male was in the room. How is God going to view her differently because she has a tea towel on her head. If the religion treated people equally then everyone would have to wear the stupid rag on their head.
Seriously rethink your decision to get married in this cult, there is so much more pressure for couples than most 'normal' relationships, donn t believe their stats on JW marraige, as JW facts has proven - those facts are rigged.
**gcakes stands up and applauds phizzy :D**
ive always thought what if it was a little different, like imagine this scenario (hypothetical):
what if instead of subordinating women, they were trying to subordinate a whole race of people, and that youre best friend in the whole world was of that race. how would you i feel? should you pause and ask is this loving? is this even humane? is it possible things were lost in translation or mistranslated. also keep in mind that the writers of these supporting scriptures had a vested interest in writing those things. if it were as i describe here (subordination by race instead of gender) we would say of course its disgusting and inhumane. why do do many tolerate it when its gender based? and they inflict it on those they supposedly love so dearly?
its just so rediculous and awful.
TBH in all the years I was a Witness, and all the congregations I served in, I never saw a man who was truly head...outside of the KH anyways.