Of course Sparlock as a programing tool needs to be examined. Children have a very active imagination, what message are they sending to childrens brains(psyche)/computer/quamtum mind/or what ever your choice for intelligence is called.
Are these just innocent well meaning old men on the Governing Body? or this an unconsious move of repressed evil from thier psyche's Shadow?
What kind of repressions are the Governing Body causing the children they address? All at the expence of a delusion they share as Mouthpieces of the Almighty God.
"My Book Of Bible Stories" and "Your Youth Getting the Best Out of It"(so misleadingly innocent and absolutely controlling of thought).
I'm realtively sure the Governing Body are targeting youth as a marketing tool, after all they are all executives of a corporation that has corporation issue that need to be adresses or brought to bare on decisions.