If anyone would like to listen or call in to my show "The Razor Swift" here are the details.
William Bowen Will Be On My Radio Show Tomorrow
by middleman 19 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
We'll be live at 5 pm Pacific!
Is the link broken? "Page Not Found."
Or maybe it just isn't active yet?
Middleman, so excited to be able to hear this show. I'm sure you've got some planned script to follow but I'm wondering if you might touch on some of the following questions to get Bill's firsthand testimony?
1.)How is Silentlambs funded and how much interest or support does it gather? How are you able to continue running Silentlambs when funding through donations is sparse?
2.) How long has Silentlambs been operating as a Not for Profit entity? Has that ever been problematic?
3.) Silentlambs, being a Not for Profit entity certainly may not always put food on your table. What kind of work do you do to pay for personal necessities of life?
4.)What services do you provide to those who have been sexually abused and mistreated by Jehovah's Witnesses?
5.)How many cases have you worked on or provided "expert testimony" for that has resulted in some type of monetary settlement for the victim or judgment in favor of the victim at trial?
6.)You have done so much to forward information about child sex abuse within the Jehovah's Witnesses Organization. What part did you play in the Candace Conti victory?
7.)Where are you from originally?
8.)What type of tax requirements do you have to deal with for this kind of cause, initiative or business?
9.)How do you follow up with victims once they have reached a settlement in court?
10.)How are you compensated as an "expert witness’ for the victims when called to make a deposition on their behalf? How often are those depositions utilized before a judge in the courtroom?
11.)What should someone do if they have been abused and that abuse has been covered up by the Jehovah's Witness Organization?
12.)What type of education or qualifications do you have to have to be able to carry on this cause while helping victims and being used as an expert witness?
13.) When a victim relates their story of abuse for the first time on the Silentlambs websight what do you do with that testimony? How do you encourage or instruct those victims of abuse in regards to that disclosure?
Check the link now, it should be working. Tylin, thank you for the questions, I will use some of them!
Calebs Airplane
There is a letter from the Watchtower to All Bodies of Elders dated October 1, 2012 where the phrase "Call the Legal Department" is used exactly 10 times. That letter does not mention the phrase "Call the Police" (or any other "wordly" authority) at all.
You should search for that letter and base some of your questions on it (just to keep the conversation relevant)...
If you can't find it, PM me.
Caleb's Airplane
Thank you for this post. I've never heard Bill Bowen in an interview and am looking forward to this.
As to the link,
- When I click on the details link in the OP it takes me to a WorldPress.com page advertising the interview.
- There I find a link to the live broadcast, http://www.cyiworldwide.com/chat.html#.UDO166llQtR. This link gets me a "404 - Page Not Found" msg.
I'm thinking the link will work when it's time for the broadcast to go live. Is that right?
SV, I think I finally got the link working now, thank you for pointing this out to me! CA, can you please send the letter to me at my email address? Here it is: [email protected]
Will there be an archive of the show?
One question if you don't mind. On the silent lambs site they mentioned that the Conti case was the first of EIGHT that they were working in California. If Bill is free to answer, are any of the other cases going to a full trial like the Conti case, and how are they progressing at this time?