LG, thank you...I just added your question to my list. Yes there will be an archive.
William Bowen Will Be On My Radio Show Tomorrow
by middleman 19 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Here is the link to the October 1, 2012 Letter to all Bodies of Elders regarding Child Sex Abuse.
Also, Silentlambs has an avenue called Pinpoint a Pedophile:
Where does this information collected go to? How is this database if held by Silentlambs different then the database of pedophiles kept by the Watchtower Society? If information about a pedophile or sexual abuse on an individual is disclosed for the first time on the Silentlambs website, what action is taken by Silentlambs?
Thank you Tylin!
BTW, if anyone would like to call in and ask William a question, we would love to have ya on. We'll be taking callers at the end of the show. Thanks again everyone!
Lost Generation said:
On the silent lambs site they mentioned that the Conti case was the first of EIGHT that they were working in California. If Bill is free to answer, are any of the other cases going to a full trial like the Conti case, and how are they progressing at this time?
Do you have a link to where this is mentioned on Silentlambs website?
If a link to the above claim can be verified it would generate one more question:
How does Bill Bowen come to know about these court cases and would he be privy to their details if they proceed without settlement out of court and indeed do reach trial?
Also, this is from the Connie Chung interview in 2002, BB said he's spoken to over 5,000 victims, that's approximately the same amount of victims he claims to have spoken to even now.
5,000 victims in less than 2 years equates to 7 personal conversations per every day of the week. Is that feesible?
Does he no longer speak to abused people?
"I've spoken to over 5,000 victims of abuse either through e-mail or direct phone contact. I have an abuse hotline that rings into my home" ~Bill Bowen
Thanks for the show. I enjoyed it. Seems like Bill is focusing in on Child Custody cases. Would be great to have him as a guest again in the future. It was a very special treat to have Kathleen Conti call in. You can tell the amount of passion she has to get WT to change its stance on Child Sex Abuse. Words like "arrogant" "bullies" were aptly applied to the WT organization. Their blatant disregard to treat victims as human beings was telling as well. The fact that the WT repeatedly lied in deliberations and in court was also not surprising.
Hey maybe you could get Kathleen as a Guest on the show? Would be awesome.....