Yes Cobalt, I agree, I would think anyone that has been in for any length of time is going to suffer some sort of PTSD, My son has it very badly, My "Blackbird Singing" name is the song dedicated to him from me in the pursuit of helping him get better and start living the life he so deserves!! BBS
Long time Lurker, ready to join in...
by Blackbird Singing 38 Replies latest jw friends
We raised our sons in the cancerous cult, both have left, before we did ! and both have turned out to be great guys loved by all they meet !
I do think that any professional help you can get for your son is well worth doing, we as parents, love our kids so very much, but we actually know nothing, let the experts help, they are there to make life better.
Looking forward to more from you !
Welcome Blackbird Singing !
Member since 2006, wow I thought I was shy.
LoisLane looking for Superman
Blackbird singing in the dead of night. Yes. I agree. Great name. I am so happy you are out. Another success story. I am sorry your sweet son is having a hard time. (((((((Hugs))))))
Blackbird, thank you, for bringing up about the abuse at the KH with the parents, beating up on their little kids. JW kool - aid drinkers are told they should, worship as a family and that means, spending the money to dress up their little kids, and parade them around, excuse me, take them with you to meetings and FS. When the little child is tired and needs to go to bed, he is instead at the KH and gets paddled or smacked down in the bathroom or outdoors for just being what he/she is. A little kid that needs his mommy and daddy to start being normal parents and put him/her to bed, at home, in a quiet, cozy, room, depending on age 6:30 - 7PM - 7:30 - 8PM 8:30 - 9PM. Not a big, light filled Hall with 100 people in it, talking, singing, clapping hands. When the child is tucked into bed, the parents then have quiet time for themselves to create a better marriage, even have happy sex that is right for them without WBT$ telling them what is right and what is wrong and all in the family get their normal rest to wake up in the morning, refreshed and happy. Everyone is naturally happy, relaxed and refreashed. No one got yelled at. Age approperiate bedtimes. No guilt feelings from the adults. Normal people don't have to pretend they are happy. Many JW's do.
Welcome to the forum. Like you, I was very verbal and was criticized for it. You open your mouth and don't take any sh#t when you see something is wrong. They expect everybody to roll over and play dead. The scripture: "the man of thinking abilities is hated", well, just insert the word 'woman'. A woman of thinking abilities is hated even more in this religion.
I also hated talks mostly because I was forced to get together with women in the hall and I didn't really care for most of them and I didn't like the idea that the women were inflicted on each other. I didn't like all this forced "togetherness".
I am sure you feel like a ton of bricks was lifted from your shoulders now that you stopped going.
Best of luck.
Your post says a lot.
The hours that the religion wants people to keep are just plain unhealthy from many standpoints. The one you mention about children being home in bed at the appropriate time is right on. Also, quality time (at home, not the hall) that should be spent with family members is missing when people do the JW "thing". Everybody suffers because of this ridiculous treadmill. And, you are right about JWs pretending to be happy, because they are not.
Reopened Mind
Blackbird Singing,
Happy to have you on board. Very glad your whole family is out! I agree with Phizzy, get your son some professional help, you, too, if you can.
Reopened Mind
Welcome, and nice job shoveling the crap back in their face!
Blackbird Singing
Thank-You Phizzy and Reopened Mind. My son is in therapy and is on medication, He really is a very bright young man, He graduated honors and has certification in Vascular Sonography, worked in that field for a couple years, but the depression and PTSD just caught up with him and he crashed bad, very very sad, but he's trying to work his way back, hes actually on disability right now and in a Voc. rehab program. Amazing, when he finished school he was sought after in his field, got hired by one of the Imaging Companies in the area and made 80k his first year, now I would just be so proud of him if he could just find work, enjoy work and learn to live again, he wouldnt matter what he made or did.......and Yes I too am in therapy and it has helped a ton! BBS
Welcome! Thanks for sharing your story.
BLACKBIRD SINGING- So nice to have you with us on the board ! I'm so sorry the WT society did damage to your son and homelife . It screwed a lot of us up in that department, my first marriage broke up due to it in 1998 after 19yrs.of marriage. But many of us gain greater happiness once we move on and I've been happy to have experienced much more freedom of mind ! I can actually THINK now after being out 9 years now. Look forward to getting to know you . Take care and welcome ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper