How many of you have lost your faith on JWN

by Most Noble 58 Replies latest jw friends


    Why do you ask? Just curious is not good enough.

  • BlindersOff1

    Coming to a state of clear thinking and non-delusion is very far from a LOSS .

    Accurate knowledge heals .

    JWN is great.

  • Tylinbrando

    CA said:

    I'll jump in among the sharks and say that JWN has strengthened my faith.

    Or in my case it has given me cause to examine faith that others have and the reasons behind it. Some days I need to feel there is something to have faith in and some days I am certain it is a self prescribed remedy. Either way, this is an arena that it can be discussed and examined without being drug into a star chamber tribunal and effectively ostracised emotionally, physically and spiritually.

  • Glander

    I believe that JWN is the only path to eternal life in cyberspace.

  • steve2

    Your loaded question about 'losing' faith (as one might lose a wallet, or friendship or mind) implies something negative has happened. With the exception of weight, loss is often a negative effect. Shame because loss can mean liberation from mind-prisons.

    Even so, I do think I know what you mean by your question; namely, Did joining this forum turn anyone's belief into disbelief?

    Not for me. I saw through "faith" long before I left the organization; I could see how faith stops people searching and questioning. At its worst, it robs people of the capacity to think for themselves and to even see what is right under their noses.

    I joined this forum over 8 years ago and was delighted that sacred cows, including the Watchtower, shrivelled under spotlights of incontrovertible reason and evidence. To reiterate, I did not so much lose faith as simply see it for what it was: a sham, a delusion, a manipulator of people's emotions and behaviors, a self-soothing intoxicater of reason and evidence.

  • sizemik
    I've found it sad that many, not all, have left because of the idea that "If the Watchtower is wrong, then I'm done with a belief in God."

    I'm curious as to this claim, as I've heard it before . . .

    I know a reasonable number of ex-JW's and have never heard this reasoning . . . ever. The great majority have simply stood back and performed a more subjective evaluation of religion(s). The level of conviction is proportional to verifiable knowledge gained . . . not depth of emotion. This would represent a more natural human reaction to a deception of this magnitude . . . and a very reasonable one IMO. It hasn't been the emotional knee-jerk to WTS the above statement suggests.

    So it doesn't quite stack up for me . . . maybe it's a cultural thing?

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    Steve2, it's funny that you took it as a loaded question. I actually thought it was a question by someone that did lose their faith and is now without any type of religious faith. I don't think the term "lose your faith" is degrading. Non believers commonly like to say that they have no faith. Then believers get into the tried and untrue "Well you have faith in the sun rising, so you have some sort of faith" argument that we all know does not work.

    However, if someone did have faith before, and now they don't, then they lost it. I personally wouldn't think that saying "I lost my faith and am now an atheist" would necessarily allude to something negative.

  • somebody

    I've been on JWN for YEARS and have never lost my faith in God. However, I DID lose my faith in god for years before I ever registered here, during my years involved in the JW sect.



  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    sizemi, I said that because my experience has been different. Even on this same thread Steve said, " I saw through "faith" long before I left the organization;" Many did not examine historical Christianity. They believed that it was all wrong and bad because of what the WT said, so when they found that the WT was also full of crap, then they naturally backed out. I've seen very few, in my experience and I could be wrong about the ratio, that came out and gave historic orthodox Christianity an honest examination.

    Instead, I've seen (again from only my experience) that many come out, latch on to the "all belief in God is delusional" statement, and set out to prove it all wrong. The comments about delusion work both ways. I personally think that believing we are all here by random processes and chance is delusional.

    But I'm learning that by saying that, I am no better than the atheist saying that I am delusional. Maybe what it comes down to is that we are ALL delusional and what we think we know...we don't.

    He that thinks he knows something, doesn't not yet know anything. (1Cor 8:2)

  • mouthy

    I had GREAT Faith in the old men at Brooklyn Bethel. Then I learned they 'screwed' me big time
    I then asked the one the scriptures told me to "talk" to....I did. JESUS CHRIST!!!!! with out him
    I could never had gone on!!!! He is the LORD,MAN,Master, GOD!Him & I are bosom buddy's I talk to
    him constantly,,,,,I never his hear voice, BUT!!! He does guide me, lead me ,wherever I go.

    At my age I cant remember how to get places ,I ask him before I leave, HE GOES with me
    that is why I am 86 still driving, And get home safely.
    Now any rocks that are tossed, will be used for my rock garden, try to send CLEAN ones NOT dirty ...

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