The original poster has been revealed to be a troll.
Just for the record.
by Most Noble 58 Replies latest jw friends
The original poster has been revealed to be a troll.
Just for the record.
I had lost faith in all religions, I saw lies which were being taught. Then I started to look at the bible and other holy books and even lost books of the bible, ancient religions, ancient beliefs, and I thought it would be impossible to know what was right and what was wrong. Long story short, after a long search and having faith, trusting in whoever was the true creator, in the bible through interlinears began to see how our version was corrupt, began to see many answers, and a lot of truth, after a much more longer period of time finally getting answers that explain everything and are so true and powerful, my faith is now a lot stronger and better and correct then when I had been a JW.
I have found a kind of faith since being on JWN. I now believe in the overall goodness of people, and I believe in the ability of those good people to eventually solve all the problems mankind faces.
This is a kind of faith, the facts to back it up are anorexically thin !
It was after a spiritual awakening (being granted the free gift of faith) over a period of years that I began to see the Watchtower for the evil that it is (stopped believing in religion).
Then I found and joined JWN.
The journey of freedom from religion continues...
Faith? What is that? I do not know. In what? The God of Abraham? JWN didn't make me lose faith in the God of Abraham. Reading alot of other things did, including the Bible without the Watchtower lens. It did open up my thought processes.
I think I lost a sock.................
Faith in what?
I came to find out while here that the only way you can be saved is by faith.
Being saved by faith has nothing to do with facts and reality.
Faith is a belief not based on proof.
So I have had proven to me here on JWN that the bible is not true and that
there is no God. That there was no flood and that the earth and man is more than 6000
years old.
But that reality, that proof has nothing to do with faith.
Faith is not based on proof, so how can you loose it, if someone prooves to you
that a belief is wrong?
The only way you can loose your faith is just to decide you dont want to have faith anymore.
You cant loose your faith because someone proves to you what you believe is wrong.
Because if your belief is faith it is not based on proof. So how can you loose it?
The only way you can loose it is to just decide you don't want it anymore.
So you cant really loose it, you have to disgard it.
This forum was a crucial tool in allowing me to sidestep faith based filters - I could examine ideas vicariously because they didn't directly attack Mormonism. Once I was comfortable with the idea that faith works on the same principles everywhere and all that changes are the words, rituals and dogma I could be more certain that my Mormon experiences were not exceptional. My testimony was no more special or from god than a JWs convictions, an evangelicals spiritual gifts and the Muslims fervour.
This forum toughened me up and taught me not to respect others supernatural claims. I'm much less gullible, much more skeptical and much happier now that I can see the power of rationality and facts as tools for trust v faith based woo. To those who maintain their faith despite facts evidence and common sense I give a cautious , if disappointed, 'good for you :S'.
Thanks to all who have helped me in my quest for self doubt and the fruits of questioning that faith would have robbed from me.
JWN has helped me develop a great faith with mankind, we are not perfect but not as horrible as we were told.
JWN added more perspective in my life, learning how the "men at the top' were telling me to go in field service, while not lifting a finger, brought more faith in Jesus warning about "Wolf's in sheep's clothing", "Men tricking even the elect". More faith into Jesus prophecy of fake men.
JWN has taught me who the real apostates are, prophets like Jeremiah, Isaiah, Haggai, Nahum, Malachia, Matthew,Mark,Luke,John, Paul, James, Jude would be "Disfellowshiphed" from the Watchtower Organization as "Apostates".
If the old prophets of Isreal were resurrected, for Beth-Sarim, if they were critical of the Org's big talk, would they be killed? New faith teaches me the GB might put a hit out on the Prophets raised from the dead! :)