Eh? Of course it is. How is that even controversial?
Why aren't you an Atheist?
by Bloody Hotdogs! 697 Replies latest jw friends
yadda yadda 2
Used to believe in a Biblical God but I'm basically a Deist now. You can Google that.
Because atheism isn't a claim to knowledge at all, it isn't even about knowledge. Atheism makes no claims and asserts no truths it is merely the absence of theistic belief - nothing more.
nicolau come on, atheism is the belief that God does not exists. This involves a number of knowledge claims. First that we can speak inteligibly about such things. Then it defines the object of its disbelief and goes on to claim that it has no ontological reality.
This is vastly different from a radical skeptical perspective.
cofty saying that God is a human construct is not saying very much. All human knowledge is socially constructed.
I have found the central message of the Bible, namely the unabridged "good news", to be very scientific, cohesive, comprehensive and superior to all our human intelligence and efforts at problem solving.
It was this "good news" which liberated me and my family from religion.
nicolau come on, atheism is the belief that God does not exists [sic]
It absolutely is NOT! Now, I accept that many atheists go on to make that claim and you can hold them to account if you wish but don't confuse a personal position (of which there may be thousands) with a simple, well defined definition of a word;
NOUN [mass noun]
disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods.
just my opinion: there are too much coincidence...
just take earth for example, it has just the right position in the solar system. the solar system has just the right position in the milky way. and that's just the beginning.
i think atheists have been here since the time of old. its been mentioned in Psalms 14:1.
The most current estimates are that there are 100 to 200 billion galaxies in the Universe, each of which has hundreds of billions of stars. It is not a 'coincidence' that one planet in ONE of these star systems exists in a suitable environment for supporting life - statistically it is a damn near CERTAINTY!
Atheist here.
"The natural world is infinitely more complicated. I just can't believe it came to be by pure chance. "
That is NOT what evolution claims.
It is not by pure chance that life diversity appears. But natural selection which is an observable fact. -
I know your question is Why aren't you an Atheist? I think the questions should be "why aren't you agnostic?" (and I don't want to start my thread).
Combine the complete lack of evidence with the mathematical probability of a god being so infinitesimally small; and the only sensible conclusion is there is no God!