Elder's are under the same pressure-cooker, elders are not to call their local traveling O on his malarky and sisters can't say "bull puckey" either, it's "trickle-down religion", the pent-up anger and rage and frustration are showered upon the lower men on the totom pole.
I've seen my share of bullies come and go, causing friends to throw their book bags into the trash and never return to meetings. The Watchtower can keep telling themselves it's ok to keep holding the avereage dub down, eventually their going to pop and take a few people with them out the door.
Flipper you witnessed this during your tour de organization, the WTS is having trouble keeping their sheep muzzled. The time for them to answer for their heavy-handed tactics is on the way out the door. I would enjoy seeing their "road map of continuity" for the hell of it. ty flipper for pointing this out!