From Adchoices: Parents looking to adopt Loving Jehovah's Witness couple hoping to adopt a baby.
How can we save this baby?
by Eustace 14 Replies latest jw friends
There is no baby...and there never will be. no one will place a baby with a JW, no birthdays? no christmas? no thank you. this is just sad
there is nothing we can do about it.
Theocratic Sedition
For the life of me I dont understand why believing JWs would want children considering the great tribulation is imminent. Plus growing up JW is a sucky experience, so why put a young buck through that? Doesnt make sense. Its as bad as people below the poverty line making babies. You're setting that kid up for failure. Anybody whos been in a congregation long enough has seen the majority of young jws go through it and end up leaving or put out of their folks home upon age 18. That said why have children if your a JW couple and really believe.
there is nothing we can do about it.
this is about as intelligent an answer as this thread will get...
...and theosedition...what are you going to belittle jw's (and people below the poverty line) for next?... often a week they have sex?...
I speak from personal amount of believing and just being a good jw took away my desire to be a - not in the new system. It started me on a path...that path lead to a house full of wonderful amazing children who call me Mom...and no one prays to Jehovah.
Back in the olden days when I was a chile (60's - 70's) there were quite a few Dubs that had foster and adopted children.
Being completely honest here, there are many foster and adoptive kids that have been placed in many homes regardless of their religious affiliation and have been mistreated.
My father used to work with the foster children program here in NYC (1950's until the 1980's) and this was before the 800 numbers were in place to call if you're being abused, etc. He has said his place of work got many legit calls from kids saying their parents were abusing them, that took quite a lot of research for a kid to find a place where foster kids were sheltered to report their parents.
For the life of me I dont understand why believing JWs would want children considering the great tribulation is imminent.
They want some easy recruiting time. They can both get 4 hours a month with the child.
Being completely honest here, there are many foster and adoptive kids that have been placed in many homes regardless of their religious affiliation and have been mistreated.
That's all too true.
The impression I get is that adopted children are less likely to be abused than children placed in foster homes.
So maybe a kid would be better off adopted by a JW than fostered by a non-JW (assuming the JW couple really are loving).
At the same time a kid adopted by JWs could end up pressured to be baptized and then DFed for this or that, leaving him or her back to square one of not having a family; actually being worse off because of the hurt of losing the only family he or she ever knew.
Still would beat being abused, though, so there's that.
Tough call.
No, its not a tough call. At all.
Clearly none of YOU were in foster care or in need of a family to adopt. If you were you would fuckin JUMP at the chance to be a dubbie kid. Granted, any home that is physically abusive is not good, but all things being equal, a loving if somewhat "different" dubbie home is light years ahead of being in a group home. This is one of those threads started in a moment of 'oh the cult is the root of all evil' hand wringing and the pile on has begun. many who consider themselves "free" in a rush to add their anti cult .02 without stopping to think and weigh the real world risk/benefit.