Patterson on the line: Watchtower claims that paying cash bond would cause “immediate irreparable harm and hardship”

by cedars 339 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • cedars

    AnnOMaly - I'm no property expert either, but in the current financial climate, I reckon $17.3 million would buy you slightly more than a "small corner" of Patterson!


  • 00DAD

    Cedars: If they CAN stump up the cash - why not pay it? Either way, Patterson is being used like chips on a gambling table.

    Because it means nothing out of pocket. They continue to control the property while the legal wranglings go on and they can conduct "business as usual."

  • NeverKnew

    I've worked for the Courts for 19 years.

    Like I said above, it's a chess game.

    Plaintiffs are ahead...

  • 00DAD

    On another note, the GB guys must be wringing their collective hands wondering why Jehovah is letting all of this happen to them.

    It sucks to be them right now. God must be very angry since he isn't delivering them out of the palm of their opposers.

    Cognitive Dissonance is a bitch!

  • cedars

    00DAD - yes but the world is looking on, surely they know it. I think most publishers would be uncomfortable with the knowledge that one of the big three bethels in the states is being dangled as Surety in a legal battle over child abuse. It's terrible from a PR perspective, especially for a cult that prides itself on its carefully groomed image.

    And if Conti wins (which I personally believe she will from what I know), and Watchtower can't meet the payout, imagine losing a facility like Patterson to a so-called apostate? Oh, the humiliation!!

    Move aside Lake Tahoe - the 2014 Apostafest will be held at Patterson! lol Flipper, start making plans! I'll bring my guitar...*

    *Assuming the judge approves the request, of course - which I don't think he will.


  • 00DAD

    Cedars: I think most publishers would be uncomfortable with the knowledge that one of the big three bethels in the states is being dangled as surety in a legal battle over child abuse.

    Hahahah, the idea of an Aposta-fest at Patterson made me laugh!!! Oh the irony ... if only!

    Realistically, how many active R&F dubs do you think even know about this case, let alone the WT's legal maneuverings? As you know, they're very well trained to not look at anything in the news that is unfavorable of their precious WTBTS.

    That being said, if even ONE formerly ignorant of TTATT Witness gets the wake-up call as a result of this, then it's worth it.


  • Finkelstein

    Quite frankly it sounds like sly and devious maneuvering by the WTS. lawyers, what the judge should do is order a complete financial

    statement made up by an outside accounting firm of the WTS. assets.

    Delaying the inevitable, the WTS lawyers create more court time for themselves, making their pockets fuller. $$$

    There is obviously plenty of on hand cash to cover that 17 million judgment, particularly in the main US HQ of the WTS..

    I get this is a ploy by the lawyers to see if they can get the original judgment lowered by crying we are too poor to pay that amount.

    Will it work, time will tell.

  • DesirousOfChange

    On another note, the GB guys must be wringing their collective hands wondering why Jehovah is letting all of this happen to them.

    It sucks to be them right now. God must be very angry since he isn't delivering them out of the palm of their opposers.

    Yes, you would think they would be seriously convening and debating as to why they have lost Jehovah's spirit & favor. What have they done? Where have they gone wrong?

    If it's true that contributions are drying up, then they should recall what CT Russell originally said in the 2nd issue of the WT. When funds dry up they would realize that it's an indication from Jehovah that it's time to stop publishing.


  • cedars


    Realistically, how many active R&F dubs do you think even know about this case, let alone the WT's legal maneuverings?

    Based on the interest in my articles on JWsurvey and the stats I get back, definitely hundreds at least. Thousands once you count DF and inactive ones, many of whom have relatives they are in contact with. And never underestimate the power of the JW grapevine!!


  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Metatron-Is there real hope that they can ever get rid of the factory buildings? Who wants a factory in NYC?

    Have you ever seen the location of these buildings?

    The properties are in a prime$$$$$$ real estate location. These factory buildings are being converted into upscale residential condos. Plenty of investors looking to buy and since there's a major downturn in the market, the buyers have the upper hand.


    Cedars, thanks for the info.

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