Patterson on the line: Watchtower claims that paying cash bond would cause “immediate irreparable harm and hardship”

by cedars 339 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • metatron

    As for the factory buildings in Brooklyn, I realize they could convert them but I wondered why they weren't sold already or at least listed for sale. Perhaps they are holding out for better real estate prices. I could see buyers for the little stuff but are there buyers for 30, 124 Columbia Heights?

    Cedar, don't let the trolls get you down. The biggest evidence I see of financial trouble are the magazines. Cut, cut, cut.


  • Finkelstein

    Obviously the WTS. would like to lessen the amount of the judgment, to me this recent movement by their lawyers

    is just that direct intensional endeavor in mind.

    " We are just a non-profit religious organization, we don't have alot of money like those other churches of wicked old Christendom "

  • Healthworker

    King Solomon, thanks for your reply!

    I also asked:

    Are you retired? Or do you still work?

    I have read some of your posts! Are you a gentleman KS ?

    Love Healthworker

  • OnTheWayOut

    Nobody on this forum knows the actual total financial situation of WTS. We do know that they have assets in the USA easily totaling more than a billion dollars, primarily in properties around the country. I hope they really are so strapped for cash that this would cripple them somewhat. But I cannot imagine how that would be. One round of yearly district conventions should easily get them to guilt everybody into dropping enough cash into the box. In the USA alone, it woud be $17 per publisher extra. That's a bunch of money for a family of 6 publishers with one window-washer salary between them, but they could guilt the elders into picking up some slack. They certainly could read a deficit for each and every assembly so the members feel the need to drop even more on the way out the door. Maybe they could even just put out flyers (tracts) at the 2013 conventions and skip the cost of some new literature.

    As far as poor nations producing a negative cashflow, with other nations like the USA picking up the slack, I call bullshit. Sure, they want us to believe that. There might even be the occasional island nation that doesn't have a positive cashflow to WTS for what it gets. But they must be few and far between.

    When a televangelist raises money to go to Africa, he uses a wee bit of his surplus money to get there with sound equipment and lumber and he pays to build his stage. But then he asks Africans to put money in the coffers. At worst, he breaks even on what he spends and keeps the surplus raised back in the states. At best, he gains money. WTS is on a different plan, but with similar results. At worst, they raise enough funds in their poor countries to break even with their efforts in those same countries. At best, they gain properties and have a slight surplus.

    A business can only sustain a loss for so long. WTS is a giant business, not a charitable organization.

  • frankiespeakin

    Maybe those in charge of Watchtower assets that have been have been liquidated have sifoned off lots of the money and puting it in secret bank accounts?

    They may have over extended themselves in the world wide work and shot themselves in the foot by making literature availible free to avoid taxes.

    Bethel homes and branch offices around the world cost money and since they discourage education they have a big majority of poor in the ranks with little to give for donations. They have lots of property but probable not much opperating cash.

    Contributions must be getting smaller as end time prophecies fail to materialize.

    So perhaps they are really in a bind of thier own making.

  • Jaime l de Aragon
    Jaime l de Aragon

    I believe very strongly that King Solomon has economic interests in the WTS

  • frankiespeakin

    Maybe the WT should send a letter to each congration and ask for(17,000,000/6,000,000=2.84) $2.84 per publisher to cover the cost.

  • Tylinbrando

    I worked in the accounting for 10 years on the district level. A very conservative estimate of income from donations is 1.5 billion a year from congregation contribution boxes. At the conventions of 35,000 in attendance we were depositing close to a million a day. At conventions of 12,000 in attendance it was still close to half a million per day. There were many personal checks in the amount of 10k, 25k, and 50k at those conventions and we would speculate those publishers probably made that their donation for the year.

    If WT made it public on JW(dot)ORG or through a letter to all congregations that they were going to suffer financial hardship from this specific court case, every publisher would toss in 10 extra bucks to the world wide work for the month. Quick extra 70 million in just one week or month.

    Im surprised a complete financial write up on the WBTS has not been done. Despite the astute speculation from a number of sources that indicate the WBTS is hurting financially, it is my personal guess that their total worth at the present time is 1 trillion dollars.

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    Theres got to be legal ramifications if the WT were to make such a request openly though right?

    On another note, I wonder what would happen if the org went belly up financially? They've layed off volunteers before, but not so in a sudden massive manner. Imagine how it would affect die hard believers if God allowed his organization to suffer a financial death blow. I couldnt imagine a WT without any teeth, sounds impossible to me.

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    This is sort off the topic but I wanted to thank you Ceaders for all of your hard work on this subject and other posts that you have done also also. I am so horribly sorry about posters like KS and JT. It just made me sick to read what they said to you.

    I read their responses to you before I had to leave for work this morning and it really upset me the whole time I was working. You do so much for this board and to see such hate and meanness that is so uncalled for toward you is just amazing. It just totally brings me down. I just do not understand them. Why are they so hateful? What is their payback?

    I loved your take on this subject you bring things out points that I have not thought of and that I cannot express so well and you make total sense to me as you also clearly do to many, many other posters on this board.Please do not quit doing you great work.


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