My gut feeling is that the Society's claiming of financial hardship isn't true at all, rather it is in their minds justifiable "spiritual warfare"intended to stall or keep them from using any hard to come by cash. Putting Patterson on the line might be a good way of getting out from under the costs of maintaining it should they loose the case. They might count the loss of Patterson as a "Blessing from Jehovah" because who's going to buy that huge complex out in the middle of nowhere once they are done with it? If they loose Patterson in a legal case, that financial loss could somehow be a write off and benifit them in terms of an additional reduction in taxes possibly. Should worse come to worst they could move the operation back to Brooklyn until the new complex they have in the works is ready. This could be one of the "wonderful examples" that they would tout for years, showing how Jehovah maneuvers events in their favor.
Besides that, there are 7 million JW's. All the Society would have to do is say the word and ask each JW to donate $2.50 and overnight their supposed money woes would be solved. I think Most JW's would give that amount or much more if it were presented to them in that certain heartstrings tugging society manner we all remember. I don't see this situation or any other similar one, bringing them down. Once people are captive to the notion of this group being the source of everlasting life, they will spend their last dime making sure they don't have to face reality.