What is Nothing? A Mental Construct?
by frankiespeakin 54 Replies latest jw friends
Yep - "Nothing" does not exist. The elements of the Universe have always been, as Quantum Physics now show. Some may call it god - I call it nature.
'When you think about nothing, does that make it something? Can there ever be such a thing as nothing? Physicists regard the true nature of nothingness as one of the biggest mysteries of the Universe. And now their work to try to understand what "Nothing" really is may finally uncover what our Cosmos is made of, how it came from nothing 13.7 billion years ago, and when it might collapse into a purely empty void once again.
Einstein showed us that empty space was really a force field that holds the entire universe together with gravity. Quantum Mechanics predicts that empty space is not actually empty.'
Yah, except that they still make the ASSumption that it came from nothing and will return to nothing. What proof do they have of that? The writer doesn't seem to know about m-theory, membrane theory. The universe doesn't come from nothing, it comes from a potential. Potential is a little different than nothing.
Theocratic Sedition
Great question. It hurts my head when I think too long about it. Its like I'm pushing my thoughts where I ought not.
'According to the concept of world cycles, which involve time frames longer than most of us can contemplate, the universe as a whole goes through cycles of emergence from "nothing" followed ultimately by reabsorbsion back into "nothing". In Hindu cosmology this process is referred to as the days of Brahma.
I find this an extremely profound concept at the universal or macrocosmic level, especially in as much as it provides a highly philosophic backdrop for the "Big Bang" theory - which can then be described, in this context, as a "Dawn Of Brahma".'Not that i'm hindu. But, these ideas were already existing within their worldview for thousands of yrs. Their terms are different, but the ideas expressed are similar.
King Solomon
Yeah, it's goes the point as to why creationists have such a hard time wrapping their head around the question of who made matter? Who says it had to have a maker, or be "made"?
I'm of the opinion in order to have nothing you have to have it's opposite something.
Why should thier be something from nothing but who makes this so, there is no law that says thier should only be nothing.The psyches makes imaginary laws for how the world works quantum discoveries tell us empty space is teaming with stuff, so what is nothing did we come out of nothing or was something there allways time a quazi-nothing/something
Yes, quasi-something. In hindu thought, brahman. They (hindus) don't know what it is. But, some of their 'holy men' claim to contemplate it. Endless descriptions of it come up.
You could use the digital analogy; something - 'nothing', 1 - 0, on - off, yin - yang. Balance and oscillation. The potential is balanced. It is unable to stay perfectly balanced and oscillates, instead. It's a bit like the random brownian movement.