in my simplistic ways, I have no problem here, nothing is not a difficult mental concept, and thinking about it does not get it filled with anything. look at the word: it is NO THING. nothing material. matter is a form of energy. but the mystery is time. to my understanding there can be no-thing, but in can be in time for time is a no-thing. naive as I am.
What is Nothing? A Mental Construct?
by frankiespeakin 54 Replies latest jw friends
I can think of there being nothing and it going on and on in time, and it still being nothing. nothing and the existence of time for me are not a contratition. nothing being in time does not make it a something. this concept is leading to other models that are useful tools for thought. peace.
nothing is everything
if there is any discussion of "nothing" having latent enregy and the like, it clearly is not "nothing". Take an equation. just because the product is 0 would not make it a nothing. so nothing is nothing. 0 is 0 it is not even a moebius strip (a twisted everything lazy eight symbol). peace not nothing is everything.
i knew that at some point talking about nothing would mean something.
i think when describing "no--thing" some, I for one, think of the only time it existed, before creation or the big bang. In one of the links above, Jean Paul Satres' philosophies are discussed and his treatment of "l'Neant", a word that brings to mind the conndition, non-exixtence before birth. interesting that those daring scientists featured above, that speculate about the pre-big bang times, all seem to include some pre-existing condition as a prelude to the big beginning. So, the void or nothing before the big first event was not a nothing at all. creationists take heart. we are all still learning. peace
The nothing before the universe was not literally nothing. You cannot argue the beginning of the universe began from nothing since the nothing would have had to have the potential to be the universe & potential is something.
Potential is a property so it's not literal nothingness. Empty space is not literally nothing but is similar to the scientific meaning of nothingness & what the universe was before it began to exist.
Nothing is the Black Hole into which Dr Who, when he looked like Patrick Troughton, threw the Master.
Since black holes are mass, charge and angular momentum and grow by absorbing mass, they are certainly not "nothing! ;-)
Mind you who am I to argue with the Dr.?
Can't leave, black holes are the negation of all that is, which sounds distinctly nothing-ish to me, and even if they are jam packed full of anti-matter, that only goes to prove the point.
Anyway, Dr Who is always right, even when he's wrong, because the Tardis, with all it's spatial anomalies, makes it so. ;)
So there!