pls share, i love these stories!
who was the craziest person in your congregation?
by grumblecakes 54 Replies latest jw friends
MC RubberMallet
Dang! Too many.
This one newly brother in my hall growing up was a local boxer up until learning the truth. He was almost 40. I was a teen, but he became a mentor. The vicarious "Ain't nuttin in the world but trouble" brother. And he was crazy.
1) A group of us were walking almost a mile to a town pool. He wore speedos the ENTIRE WAY. And nothing but. Through an urbanized area!
2) He was reading WT from stage, and used the 'N' word in one of his comments. Then looked at the conductor and said "That's right!"
3) He got into a few fights at congregation picnics.
4) I had a few other young ones over at a gathering. He stopped by and brought alcohol for everyone. We didn't accept, but it was crazy. He got offended
5) Right before I left the hall, he had gotten married. The sister was a pioneer, but her family wasn't in the truth. She had a nephew who was always in and out of jail. He was another crazy one. Her nephew came into the hall one day and asked to speak to the crazy brother. The crazy brother went to the back. They were talking in the corridor. I was an attendant. They started arguing and shoving. Supposedly, the crazy bro was cheating on his wife, and her nephew arrived to confront him. They started to fight. A boxer and jail bird! We kinda had to get out of the way, but then the crazy brother pulled out a gun. The meeting was still going on. The brothers just tackled them both. Cops then arrived and took them away.
About a year later, he was disfellowshipped.
MC RubberMallet
Another sister was great.
She was probably crazier than my previous post, but the stories are too long but hilarious.
But she started partaking, but the brothers still counted zero partakers because she was so crazy.
Her first partake, the congregation sucked their teeth. Lol!
WHOA!!!! he pulled gun in the KH?! thats gonna be hard to top...
King Solomon
Oh, man, let me count thy ways....
I remember one young women (a single mom, with a child born out of wedlock) who we'd pick up on the way to meeting who was really dumb (there's no other way to put it: she just WAS). She had a flat affect/personality (likely from a lifetime of abuse from parents/sig others: I don't know for sure, but it seems to fit what I remember). Fact is she really was going anywhere in life, living on food stamps, welfare, likely on disability, etc. In short, she was a whole lot of what JWs are looking for, except, for maybe TOO MUCH?
Her son was this red-headed 4 yr old kid who, looking back, likely was mildly mentally-retarded (fetal alcohol syndrome, perhaps?), with ADHD and Asperbergers (of course, no one considered those diagnoses back them).
BOY o boy, was he ever A HANDFUL for his Mom! He squirmed, figeted, wiggling, punched, and at times bit (!) during meetings (big surprise: 2 hours is a life-time to him). In the 1970's JW ignorance, that meant "apply the rod" (which only worsened his behavior: he was a STRONG kid).
I particularly remember his vocal tics, where he'd shout, "MOONIE, MOONIE, MOONIE!!" at the top of his lungs in a sing-song fashion. He even CRIED those words (which WAS funny to me, as a 10 yr old).
I asked my brother (still an active JW) awhile ago whatever happened to them, and he said he saw them walking down the street (apparently not still associated). As an elder now, I doubt he was particularly behooved to track them down, as he remembered how they were a real distraction during meetings, and no doubt didn't want THAT hot mess back in the KH.
come on mc, share onestory about her.
I had a truly batty older sister in one of my former congregations.
One time I was on the ministry with her and another sister was behind us on the back seat. She started asking me how my long-distance courtship was going with future Mrs Cedars. I said it was going fine, that we were finding it expensive etc but working through all the problems.
She said our romance reminded her of a certain song and proceeded to sing it in her wobbly voice - there and then.
I was trying hard to contain my laughter throughout the rendition, and the sister on the back seat was in complete hysterics!
Here is the song she sang. I can't listen to it now without thinking of her, the poor old fruitcake.
MC RubberMallet
I am trying to google the news article. It was only mentioned in short (right after the incident), but I can't seem to find it at all....
Calebs Airplane
The annointed pioneer wife of the congo's PO... she would always say the strangest things... also, she would also try to sell exotic birds while out in Field Circus (from Monday thru Friday since she usually took Sat & Sun off)... if the householder took the rags and gave a generous contribution, that would be her green light to peddle her birds (but only when she was paired up with certain sisters who would get a cut of the action). One Saturday morning, I had to endure a tongue lashing from a householder who was pissed because this annointed pioneer sister sold her a sick bird and then refused to exchange it for a healthy bird... All I could do was stand there in embarrassment and apologize... This annointed pioneer sister died about 8 years ago. It's assumed that she died from an asthma attack while feeding her birds which she kept in one of her bedrooms.
King Solomon
Cedars, that YouTube video you posted doesn't play, because it was "blocked by UMG on copyright grounds" (apparently UMG must be embarrassed by it?).
Caleb, that's hilarious, D2D bird sales to supplement her income? Gotta hand it to her: as long as you're there, why not pull out a set of cutlery knives, LOL!