I am not judging, it's all in good fun, but personally, this thread makes me a little uncormfortable simply because a lot of those crazy people had real medical issues that needed treatment that they likely didn't get because they were associated with a cult that eschewed medical treatment for mental health issues. I am just not comfortable laughing at that situation, it's just more sad to me.
who was the craziest person in your congregation?
by grumblecakes 54 Replies latest jw friends
Its inappropriately not a laughing matter, mental illness never is, irregardless of what religious denomination they may particularly have.
The root underling cause is always a concern, as well how these people are being empathetically looked after and by what means.
Don't get me wrong, I am not a wet blanket, I laugh at and make jokes about all sorts of inappropirate subjects. I make horrible, horrible jokes about the most wrong things you can imagine. I don't know why, but mentally ill people in a cult is something I can't make jokes about.
I have so many story's about our congregation. So there was one elder who was secretly spying other witness in christmas time. He looked into the window of their houses to see if there was a christmas tree!! He visited our home later (I was a child) and watch the back gate / port of the garden. "Splended" he told us loudley, "here can you escape when Armageddon starts!".
Broken Promises
I agree with you re mental illness. I read these posts with sadness, not humour, although I'm sure some of the situations were those you'd have to have a giggle over afterwards.
The JWs were very desperate to be able to count hours and publications, so they had easy prey with these mentally disturbed ones. However, these people may had been ridiculed and ignored in normal life so it was perhaps the only time in their life that they had some kindness and attention given to them.
The thing about mental illness, I'm sad they trapped themselves in the Dubs. Most are smart. They are trapped in their disease. After leaving I feel horrible for poking any fun at these people. They need help but the Dubs keep them trapped in their state.
Tacky thread but weirdly fascinating. At one stage in the period before I stopped associating, my local congregation would have stamped me as the craziest person in the Kingdom Hall. It was only after leaving that I found the number one instruction for stopping personal craziness:
1. Stop blindly following others and for f*cks sake, take personal responsibility for your life instead of bleating on about how much of a victim you are.
Following that instruction to the letter meant I didn't need a step 2 (or 3 or 4....). Now the local witnesses really thought I was crazy. But that's okay: Once you stop being crazy, it doesn't matter as much what others think of you.
Aussie Oz
knew quite a few 'crazy's'... all had a background of mental illness and horrid upbringings.
then again, I believed that an invisble entity that was using me as a testing ground in the battle for his own universal sovereignty issues...
so, who's crazy?
Jaime l de Aragon
A case in New Mexico, the circuit overseer wearing lingerie
a very good friend in my old cong shared a house with what seemed a normal young pioneer couple, they were away for a weekend and he was in the house on his own yet he could smell something disgusting coming from their room, so he entered thier room had a look around , took a look under the bed and saw open jugs of their pee!