City Contributes $150,000 to Jehovah’s Witnesses Convention

by TJ Curioso 20 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • metatron

    Even in Raleigh, the government gives cash to an anti-gay group?


  • cobaltcupcake

    LOL!!! I would love to see the turnout for the "community service" thing.

  • braincleaned

    They get "volunteers'' to do what they get paid for, right?

  • dozy
    The figures don't make any sense to me. 275K investment to get ( potentially ) 300K tax return? That is a marginal pay-off at best. Some of the assumptions are far too optimistic as well - $42 spend each day for 7 days per delegate on food & beverages? No way. Very few JWs will be there all week & most will spend a lot less than that on food. Many will commute in , take a flask & sandwiches or pinch stuff from the breakfast buffet. They seem to have based the typical spend on a worldly works conference not a JW convention. As we know , JWs aren't even supposed to leave the stadium for lunch.
    For my conventions we stayed with a relative for the 3 days & other than a few snacks for the kids from the supermarket spent very little in the host city. We were pretty typical. Maybe we might go out on the Saturday night for a meal or take away but no way would we spend anything like 300 dollars per person on food for the convention. Not even a tenth of that.
    Also what the authorities seem to forget is that JWs aren't your typical free spending delegate on a works junket. Many are kids or elderly people. Most are ( with respect ) from lower to lower-middle class people on a tight budget , as the WTBTS is against university education. I remember going out for a Chinese meal at an assembly with many in the congregation. It was tap water all round - one course. No coffees. Barely enough rice to go round. Cheapest meal I ever had. Minimum tip for the disgruntled Chinese waiter. $42 per head? No way , jose.
    I once had a chat with the manager of the mall adjacent to the circuit assembly where many JWs would mingle before & after the sessions. I asked him if there was any uplift in spending during the assembly. His answer was that there was only a tiny increase , if any. He said that most shops reported no extra spending , although the Starbucks usually did a few more coffees. His impression was that JWs spent very little in the town & that there was really little benefit financially from the assemblies. Had the JWs applied to the town authorities to get any kind of financial subsidy for the assembly it would have been laughed out of the local authority headquarters.

    And as others have said , no way will the JWs get involved in any charitable program other than cleaning the stadium.

  • moshe

    I'll bet they never tell the brothers about this worldly investement in the convention- Hail to Caesar and his checkbook!

    Yeah, that sounds about right-

  • Ding

    The city authorities will regret this when the "community service" turns out to be increased field service...

  • GLTirebiter

    But this year City Councilors say they want to see more outreach into the community.

    Carte blanche to ring every doorbell in the city: just what they always wanted!

  • GLTirebiter
    It would be so easy to send a RBC crew to help one weekend with a Habitat for Humanity house.

    Habitat expects good quality and workmanship for the houses they build. An RBC rush job would be a "do-over" for Habitat builds.

  • clearpoison

    Well it must mean that local witnesses may reach out to some sort of community work to get this 275k contribution fixed, but on top of that they are welcomed to feel free participating in paying assembly costs with their contributions.


  • supernerdboy

    An elder told me not to drink Pepsi back in the day. Why? Becouse coke suported the WTBTS with money and we should do that back for them. It made me sick, and I never agread with him, he was the type that said "back in my day" and "you kids have it easy" I always wanted to lash out at him, and tell him just how fuking bad my last 5 years if not my whole life. Now I never buy coke for that reson, that and I like pepsi and mt dew better. :-P rant over/ Supernerd -

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