
by turtleturtle 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cantleave

    PLEASE - Don't feed him!!!!

  • maisha

    If you dont like it CANTLEAVE dont read it,

    actualy his comments are as credible as anyone elses on this sites!. probably more so!.

    it is interesting how the ones that hit at him are the ones that have NEVER BEEN JW's.

    I wonder why?.

  • maisha

    But seriously, looking at that image of the young girl, what is she looking at?.

    and how old is she?

    is she over 16? it dosentlook like it to me??? how about you,

    if she is under sixteen, what the hell is she doing fronting a topic like that?.

    to me she looks about 13 to 15 and th eboy looks about the same.

    what are they saying with this imagery?

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    These images are largely the same phenomenon that occurs in the Rorschach ink blot test. Many of the images have to be mirrored to appear. This is the same phenomenon that happes when looking at clouds in the sky, and they appear in the shape of something recognizable. There is hidden satanic imagery in anything if you look hard enough. I'm sure ewatchman or templelijah could find the same phenomenon in Time magazine, readers digest, Scientific American, or Knitting Weekly. I'm not saying that something couldn't have slipped through by an artist that was feeling a bit cheeky. But seeing faces in clothes is common in alot of artwork and photography.

    Why do you think people have seen the virgin mary in a piece of toast? Of the crucifix on the side of a building? People see what they want to see and it's a well known phenomenon. It's called Pareidolia. Remember the face on mars?

    Here's another of Jesus in the clouds:

    Here's one of Jesus in a grilled cheese:

    Here's an evil spirit in the trees:

    This also occurs commonly in art. Here are more examples:

    See the face?

    Here is a scary one from an Ultrasound:

    Face in a tree:

    Here is one of the more convincing:

    Here's an example from a Canadian dollar bill:

    Much of the examples ewatchman gives require using a mirror image, the same as ink blots. Again, it's seeing images that aren't really there.

    So can we let it rest now? It's been debunked. It's a well known psychological phenomenon. The mind will cause face and images will appear randomly in art, photography, and in life.

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    Temple, was there a magazine in the 1980s with profanity in, or on the cover? A story by some fundamental Christians I recall, was the local traveling "apostate" ex-JW was doing a slide-show of strange magazines and imagines of the occult. Are you aware of the "Profanity Issue" of the "Awake Magazine" or was it the "Watchtower?" thanks!

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    I agree with "templelijah", I think a big change-up is inevitable. The appointment of a 40something year old, changing of definition of the "Faithful Slave" that no longer includes the "annointed" has crossed the line.

    I was thinking about the NGO status the Society had with the United Nations, was this common knowledge, I say this because I do recall Bethelites talking about WTS members attending the United Nations and using their research facilities in early 1980s.

  • maisha

    NOT AT ALL...

    yes it is true that such things occur in nature, we can make images with the mind easily.

    the ones you show above have been "created"

    take the image of the snake in the WT as a background to the internet cable,

    is that intentional or and ink blot?

    created right and intentional.

    the face as shown n the skirt of the woman preaching is an old image, but the face also occurs in other society images as do other faces, how can that be?.

    same artists, same intentions,,, i know some of these artists!, lol...

    some feel as do we, some have different points of view!.

    I suggest a symbol tells exactly who is who and what is what.

    it has great power and great meaning.

    We are not talking about random images scattered about in nature.

    We are talking about an organisation whose top grouping answer to nobody but themselves, (and others we wil lnever know about) whose accounts are totally hidden (assets, cash flow, total worth into billions completely hidden from all except those at the top and others we dont know about), past presidents who took power from those to whom it had been given and took total control over all assets, who enaged in actions that were very questionable with vast sums of money and no accounting for it.

    as a past wt asked WHO REALLY CONTroLS THE WORLD, well the image in the front page clearly showed centered at the bottom center of the image a woman in RED and a man in BLACK, the woman wearing a unique pendant, and if you position out the page in lines you get a double pyramid upside down one at that.

    I believe there is much more to whom pulls the strings in the WT than anyone knows.

    I believe they insert symbols to show such in words and images as do all the religons controled by these powers.

    I was born into JW religion, I have grown up inside and been places that few go.

    When you have witnessed different things as a devout JW which i certainly "was" you simply cannot believe, you put those things out of your thnking as they cannot be right, You follow the company line right or WRONLY, and eventually you react, I now feel this reaction comes from doing things that one knows is not right, from years of going along with procedures, and wondering where is this holy spirit directing things?,

    watching decisions getting made that you know are NOT right, speaking out because you have status, but not getting anywhere because the powers that control have the ultimate say, and you know that you must back down or face a problem, a problem you dont want because it woud alter your life too greatly, so you shut the hell up and agree.

    BUt i can tell you that these images go through the brother and GET TALKED ABOUT, yea,, they do,, like in the live forever book there was an image there that created great discussion,, BUT did you know that PRE internet none of the other evidence was availabe easily,

    I have bound volumes going backto the start, all of russell books right through except the last 10 years since i been out. We were encouraged to keep these things as well as other books in the hall libary and home libary, i see someone saying they should dump these as they are considered apostate now, rubbish!,,,

    As a kid growing up n the early JW comunity we had out meeting in the masonic halls, i alwys wondered why we didnt use other halls or chambers, why only masonic ones!,

    then you graduly get to know that many members were EX MASONS, now that never bothered me as we were all brothers, but i never considered that the establishmnet was a potential creation of the illuminati or its sub groups, nor that the had taken a blood oath when joining their masonic group, because my focus and that of others was on the preaching of the good news about the kingdom, that russel was the laodocian messenger, that christ was risen and in kingdom power awaiting the preaching work to be completed,

    yea this is long winded, sorry,

    but my point is we were focused on other things and the facts that some in control had been members of these groups and that their ties to such were bound by blood and death never crossed our minds.

    NOBODY considered that russell grave inside the now masonic temple grounds was a bad thing, we thought it to be society grounds, not realiseing it had masonic connections!, nobody realised that the pryamid build after the event with the masonic symbols had any bad meaning, until you start to realise that the ones building it had been and were connected to these so called past things.

    All these things were put aside, andthe ability to tie these together all came about with internet,

    Ray Franz and thers in the GB just a couple, all tried to wait on jehovah, they were humble men whom should have been recieving greater benifits than what was given them, When you talked to them the sence of deep appreciation for jehovah was not held back.

    but others in the organisation it cannot be said of the same,

    I FIRMLY BELIEVE there is another group that CONTROL the organisation, they play with and use good men to do as they want with mind control, pressures, even hypnosis, yes some of the tecniques are such and suggestive in approach to control groups and individuals.

    I believe that they do insert certain images and hidden images for a reason,

    they dont need mirrored images, the obvious ones are there as are the word codes.

    one eye, skulls, winged sun disk, etc, these images are there and easily visible,

    try word codes in the magazines, i havent done it for awhile but you might be rather surprised.

    When one see all these things over a period of 70 years one tends to wake up and things drop into place that only being there can grant a person when all these thing witnessed suddenly wake the hell out of you and you have to ask WHAT AM I DOING!, is this the truth, can JEHOVAH really accept this organisation as the true and faithful slave?.

    The answer as Ray Franz came to was and is NO. time has passed, the prophesys have come and gone and the evil salve has come to be.

    So when i see elijah member and pnt post, to me it brings back memories of different thing is personally witnessed when serving the true god jehovah.

    I suppose i would love to see jehovah judge these fakes, impostors, and establish the real annointed to their rightful position of controling the organisation and preaching the good news as it should be done.

    I am one of them.

    cheated, despised, thrown out like a dog.

    DF, crushed.

    cheers! and sorry for the long rant..

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I don't think that lars...I think it is 2045pnt.... (letters and numbers) site. Thats his style.

    Christ alone...you are in danger of being accused of being a part of the conspiracy...by people I will not mention. But I will send you a secret handshake so you know what I mean...

  • NoStonecutters

    Temple, are you going to inspect previous Watcthtower magazines for Illuminati symbolism?

  • Listener

    I've no doubt it is 20451point numbers but his writing is becoming easier to read.

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