It looks to be shaping up to be one of the worst years for the WT. I am sure their PR department is scrambling for some good news.
It all started with the Candace Conti verdict, and then went out of control from there.
Next was the infamous Oct 01 st 2012 letter to all elders on their revised child abuse policy which, in effect did not change anything in most people’s minds. They are still holding on to their “two witness rule” and now even though they are at arm’s length from the situation and do not know the “soft details”. They now assume complete control and decide who is a predator.
Then there was the FDS revision; which really came as no surprise to many but it is none the less negative light on the Watchtower as they have now aligned themselves with most mainstream Christian religions (that they for decades cast in negative light) by structuring the hierarchy of the Watchtower to more of a Papal rule.
Now the tragic of death of Whitney Hiechel at the hands of a fellow Brother no less. One can only imagine how the purported squeaky clean reputation of JW’s will be sullied once again. I remember one Brother told me years ago that “the media is not their ally or friend”. Well no sh_t Sherlock, when you keep feeding the tabloids with such juicy stories how can they help themselves.
It keeps me wondering; what’s next and with a wishful heart that the next breaking story will cause irreparable damage to this destructive sect!