I'm not going to get into any long involved debates about it , however my son and I have photographed Bigfoot prints, we've both heard the roars, felt the earth shake from 60 feet away when it walked , and my son saw it through some pine trees back in 2008 but we couldn't get a good photograph as it was behind the trees. There are lots of books by legitimate anthropologists discussing this in very scientific detail. My son and I have been amature Bigfoot researchers since 2008 . Some books that you may want to read are : " Sasquatch - Legend Meets Science " by Jeff Meldrum a professor of anatomy and anthroplogy at Idaho State University. He has a B.S. and M.S. in zoology , emphasizing on physical anthroplogy from the State University of New York. It's a very fascinating book which deals with the Patterson film being broken down and analyzed by expert scientists regarding locomotion , and analyzing every aspect of the film. ( Many scientists are saying the film is authentic and could not be reproduced by a human type gait - and in the film you see upper leg muscles moving under the fur. )
Another book which has very credible eyewitnesses is written by ex-policeman investigator David Paulides called " The Hoopa Project " which describes actual eyewitness testimony over a period of about 40 years in and around the Hoopa Indian reservation in Northern California of sightings, vocalizations, and footprints in dealing with Sasquatch . The pictures and names of these eyewitnesses are all in the book as they signed an affidavit affirming their testimony's in order to be in the book.
There is a lot more to this than people realize. Their have been thousands of experiences of sightings, but people get reticent at reporting these because of fear of ridicule and scorn. And we have to blame for that the number of hoaxsters who try to ruin serious research being done on it by reputable scientists - as they turn the search for Bigfoot into a joke by their dishonesty and desire for attention and sick publicity.
Serious scientific research IS being done on hair samples, DNA samples from skin acquired , scat samples, casts of footprints, etc. that scientists are observing in private laboratories and waiting for conclusive research to be done behind the scenes. The reason for secrecy is that you can't expect the American public to accept anything credible as evidence until thorough testing, research, and scientific proof has been demonstrated. And that takes time . The last several years has been an exciting time for many researchers into this field.
After my son and my experiences with this creature, my theory is that it's a primitive type of human, perhaps Neanderthal type of species that migrated from the Himalaya mountains down through Alaska into Canada spreading into the United States. It's intelligent, basically not violent and would rather avoid human contact to protect it's own kind. There are websites you can check such as BFRO.com and other free sites which have firsthand accounts in detail by credible eyewitnesses to these interactions with Sasquatch.
As a courtesy I will post a picture of one of the footprints my son and I have taken pictures of in the last 5 years :