Bigfoot ain't no homo!
. . . not that there's anything wrong with that. . .
by sabastious 35 Replies latest jw friends
Bigfoot ain't no homo!
. . . not that there's anything wrong with that. . .
Lol i havent changed my tune but im certainly interested in hearing first hand evidance...
ELDERELITE- Sorry I didn't respond earlier as this thread dropped back and I was busy working yesterday.
So in regards to your question, " the whole diet and civilization aspects and how do you think they have been able to hide ? "
Lots of research and discussion has been presented on this not only from scientists but Native Americans, Bigfoot field researchers, anthropologists, etc. A lot of it is covered in Jeff Meldrums book " Sasquatch- Legend Meets Science " so I'll tell you what I do know.
Bigfoot or the Native American term Sasquatch 's diet consists of deer, wild berries, roots, vegetation ( plants of many sorts ) , salmon, trout, insects or other animals they are essentially called an omnivore and eat the same things that we humans eat which makes sense because basically Bigfoot is human, just another form of human - in my opinion. If we had no Safeway, Wal Mart, or Costco stores and had to fend for ourselves off the grid in the wild we'd basically have to eat the same things as Bigfoot. There have been documented reports up in Canada of Bigfoot being sighted carrying deer carcasses and eating the deer meat. Also people have sighted Bigfoots eating berries in the wilderness. As well as fish.
In regards to hiding from allegedly " civilized " human beings for hundreds of years , it's no real stretch to say that an intelligent human type of being could do so. In recent years there have been legitimate scientific discoveries of pygmy tribes, or remote Indian tribes long hidden in South America that NOBODY knew existed. And yet- due to cautiously protecting their way of life ( much different than our own in society ) stayed hidden for hundreds of years without intrusion. And some " civilized " intruders ended up going " missing " in some of those remote areas. I've read accounts by a scientist Ivan Sandersen who mentioned that in remote Mexico in the huge mountain range there the Sierra Madre that a good number of people went missing who excursioned into the back country of that range with one incident of a man's wife possibly being kidnapped by an adult male Sasquatch and the husband lost her forever. Name of the book by Sandersen is " Abominable Snowmen - Legend Come to Life ".
Also as regards to " hiding " there have been many species of creatures once thought extinct for hundreds of years that have been discovered to be alive and well in our oceans. It has been reported that Sasquatch likes roaming on tops of ridges between canyons so as to possibly have lookouts posted as guards to warn the others living in canyons that humans are coming or in the area. I can verify that my son and I first had our Bigfoot experience on top of one of these long flat forested ridges . In 2008 we hiked into a lake over 7 miles in due to snow choking out our end of the road entry. We camped at the lake in the morning two mornings in a row heard a deep, loud roar from about a mile away on the top of this ridge we were on. We hiked that morning to where the sound was and saw 16 inch footprints in the snow and then in a forested area my son said " Dad, I saw it. " We stopped and tried to get his video camera out and we felt the ground shake from heavy bi-pedal footsteps about 60 feet away from it walking. I had NEVER felt anything like this in my 30 years of hiking in the Sierra mountains. We stayed silently frozen in our feet while this creature walked a little more then stopped. It began speaking some kind of mumbling, unintelligible babble like " ugh, argh,grhhh, grhh. " Only way I can describe it- like it was trying to communicate with us, not in an angry tone, but just normal speaking tone. So, then it ambled off, but it never showed itself enough to us to get a picture as it was hiding behind the trees. My son saw it as it moved at first initially from the shoulders up , very hairy, very large , almost 7 feet , but it hid itself after that. We decided it was better not to move closer as we didn't want to annoy a 500lb. 7 foot tall hairy prehistoric hominoid.
So thats the closest encounter my son and I have had with Sasquatch. We have gone back each year several times since, have photographed more footprints on the same ridge and remote river canyon below, but haven't heard more screams or seen it close since 2008. But it's there, you feel it. In 2009 we heard it do wood knocking on trees on the ridge, heard it from about 70 feet away running through breaking branches of trees, photographed the footprints again, yet didn't see it. It has been said that Bigfoot is mostly nocturnal, and I would agree with that as it seems pretty active by night, or early morning hours or right at dark falling.
Anyway- hope this gives you some insight from what my son and I have personally experienced. As you know, I have no reason to be dishonest about this, I'm not looking for fame, exposure - I just want this species protected by United States laws in our country as an endangered species of human. And if someone shoots a Bigfoot in order to commit murder they should be prosecuted for killing another form of human being. My take is it's probably a form of human being that survived from ancient times, just hairier than ourselves. Of course, it may debunk religionists who want to believe in creation - which is possibly why scientists haven't been freely able to come out and claim it's a human form as organized religions and the elite rreligious right wing media would criticize it as it would shake the faith of the Bible thumping public. So that may yet be ANOTHER reason you haven't seen this publicized as of yet. Science community is being careful, to put it mildly
In regards to hiding from allegedly " civilized " human beings for hundreds of years , it's no real stretch to say that an intelligent human type of being could do so. In recent years there have been legitimate scientific discoveries of pygmy tribes, or remote Indian tribes long hidden in South America that NOBODY knew existed.
Sure, but that's S America. We are talking about North America here. It isn't the Amazon rain forest, and the country has been thoroughly explored.