Thinking of changing my life/ long rant

by DATA-DOG 33 Replies latest jw friends


    I want to drastically change my life. I am stagnating and will eventually drive my truck into an oncoming Semi Truck. Short of faking my death there are only so many things I can do. Here is my problem. I was raised a JW by my mother. My Dad just let it happen. I don't know why. He has never been outwardly religious so my only guess is that he just didn't care, or did not think it was dangerous. So not recieving any clear direction and being told that the END was soon I just floated through life. Floating for dubs is the worst because you can't even become a hippie and smoke weed and float with some style. You just exist, like wraith waiting for the END. That doesn't mean I never learned anything. I have always been curious about EVERYTHING. The problem for JW youths were are too aware is that you never fit in. You see the BS so you don't swallow it all. As a consequence of that you don't progress in the ORG. On the flip-side you don't progress anywhere, really. With no " formal " education there is only so much you can do. I was an athletic country boy so sports could have been an option if I wasn't a dub, I could have been one hell of a runningback, but that never happend. How about the military? My Father was in the Navy so I could have went. I trained for BUDs when I was first married ( secretly ), I think I was waking up already and seeing that JW life was not adding up so training was my way of preparing for a possible escape. Still I decided not to go that route because when it came down do it I knew I couldn't pull a trigger and end a life. I loved biology, and Geometry, and writing, but no college for Dubbies so.... I didn't do sh**.

    Soooo... with no formal education what's a dub to do? How about Construction!?!?! Yippeee!!! It is great! You get all the physical trauma of sports or the military, without all the medical support or insurance! It's great I tell ya! There is nothing like 60hrs of back-breaking labor for years while at the same time going to 5 meetings a week. The best part is the total lack of appreciation for your worth as an individual. Then there is the blessing of volunteering at KH builds but not being allowed to count your time. Of course Brother can't read a measuring tape-doughnut in hand Mc Pudsmack is counting his time.. So is Brother secretly gay cake decorator. Then the constant aggrevation of the Ms. wondering when her man will be used in the Congregation like Brother McPudwacker. But I digress... So I AM getting older, I COULD fulfilled a CAREER. My biggest contribution to this planet at this point is my daughter, how did that happen, well you know HOW. It was not a planned pregnancy. I love kids and could be surrounded by them all day, but some people do not feel that way. So I have wonderful child who I try to de-program at every opportunity. That includes speaking about the value of education and contributing to society. JW's I love you as people, but by and large you are parasites. You take and you give nothing back because you are judgmental and you feel that you are entitled to take. My daughter will NOT be that way!

    So I am thinking of continuing my own education because I cannot continue working at the pace I am keeping. You DO get old, time does start to catch up! I figure I can set an example. Don't judge but my daughter home school's. It's not all bad, especially when her school is overrun with drugs and has a full time police force with drug dogs, not to mention students being arrested on a regular basis and it's not even High School yet. She is an excellent student. She loves to write and she excells at Math. So I have some time to plan, but not much. In my mind this is a war. I have to plan accordingly. She is already well beyond the average age of baptism for dubs. It is only a matter of time before they start pressuring her. Her mother takes her in service or arranges for it during the week, so who knows what she is hearing. I can't be there to be the voice of reason. All I can do is be watchful and do what I can when I am with her. Then the god-awful YPA videos come into play! I almost puked during the meeting. Meetings... I the people, some more than others. Each meeting is a torture session. I have been recording them for fun and to keep from going mad. I have been recording field service conversations too. I figure being a double-agent might help me keep my sanity. If I can work out the kinks, I thought of posting funny audio from the meetings and service. Maybe a bi-monthly post called " Tales from the Thinkingest ". Its just a germ of a thought at this point...

    Well, I have to work now. I just thought i would rant and rave. I welcome any suggestions about education. Maybe you know of reputable on-line courses? I am so ignorant about those thing that I would probably get taken. Ok, have a great day everyone and thanks for listening, or just being tolerant, whatever the case may be.

  • DNCall

    You have a good plan. I wish you the very best in your efforts.

  • Quendi

    That was an interesting post, DATA-DOG, very interesting. You say you would like to further your education. I applaud that. What do you want to learn or study? I know you didn’t take the time to think about that in your youth, but do that now and see what you come up with. Then, when you’re ready, I’d suggest that you get in touch with the local community college to see what courses they offer to further your goal.

    Community colleges offer wonderful classroom experiences. The instructors are usually very competent and love to teach. The class sizes are small. The cost is much lower than a standard four-year institution and the classes are often taught at hours that are very convenient for working people.

    After I dropped out of college, I stayed away for more than seventeen years. When I decided to complete my education, I started at a community college. It was the best move I could have made and one that enabled me to eventually get the degree I wanted. Whatever you decide, I wish you the best of luck!


  • Cagefighter

    Data-Dog- I completely understand the way you feel. Especially when you talked about not being able to play sports, college, or military. I have echoed those feelings before. Please read my post from last week called Everyone deserves a choice. You are already suffering from the negative effects of all of this crap. Being a "double-agent" isn't a choice my friend. It's lowering your head and going along with it, while muttering under your breath.

    What if you just walked away from it all and started living your life for you today? You don't owe nobody at the KH an explanation, an argument, or anything. If it's unhealthy for you, just walk away.


    Meetings... I the people, some more than others.

    There should be a " love " in that sentence, sorry i should have proof-read better.

    Meetings... I love the people, some more than others.

    DNCall: Thank you

    Quendi: Thank you as well and will look into some local community colleges. I just need to decide what I am interested in.

    Cagefighter: Thanks Bro, I will check out your post asap.

  • OnTheWayOut

    There are many ways to drastically change your life. I am sure you are speaking in extreme exaggeration to make a point when you say you "will eventually drive my truck into an oncoming Semi Truck" or have thought about faking your death.

    To anyone out there that isn't thinking these are bad ideas, I want to say that losing your entire family would be horrible, but still better than losing your life. If you start to build a real life, you will gain new friends and even new family, maybe not blood but still family.

    Having gotten that out of the way, let's stay with your specifics. Similar to you, my Dad sort of just let it happen. People in general do not understand Jehovah's Witnesses, cults, religious fanaticism. They don't know how to stop it or even if they should stop it or encourage it. Not knowing the answers to the ultimate questions, people in general can think that some dedication to something is good, or that it may be damaging to help yank people out of it. We even have posters here who think they shouldn't interfere with their minor children becoming or not becoming JW's.

    It's possible that, since I don't know your dad, you could be right that he just didn't care, but assume the other part until you know for sure: that he "did not think it was dangerous."

    With no " formal " education there is only so much you can do.

    I am going to softly agree and softly disagree with that statement. Youth, coming up in teen years and entering into adulthood, have the best opportunities to set their path before them. Involvement in school and furthering their education is a world of difference better than what many JW parents have in mind for their kids. So I softly agree- blowing that opportunity in the door-to-door ministry instead, is a shame. I further softly agree because, coming out of the dubs in my 40's, it would be hard to go to college compared with even an energetic 20 year old who lacks their parents' support because they "left the truth."

    Most people who realize the truth about the truth can no longer be a great running back or join the military. Some can, but most of us could not.

    But I softly disagree because there is still so much you can do. College is not out of the question for anyone short of death's door. Even without formal college, people can find something that interests them and try to make a go at a career in basket-weaving or landscaping or art or whatever talents they might have. You liked to write. Anyone can try that. Who knows where that might take you? Yes, it is a hindrance to start late, but it is possible. And money is important, but if someone can make a living doing something they don't hate, it's a way better thing than being rich and hating your job. Also, many keep the job and do what they love on the side.

    Some even find fulfillment in punching the clock at work just to get by, but focusing in on things that don't actually give them a salary- their family, their children. Oh, I know- some lose all that to gain freedom from the JW's. I am a realist. I hate that this happens. But in your case, it sounds like you can focus on your daughter and enjoy living vicariously through her education and taking on the world.

    Really, consider being more active in exposing the truth about the truth to your daughter. Don't let her best opportunity slip by. Don't make her wonder why her dad let it happen to her that she joined a dangerous mind-control cult. Don't let her think her dad didn't care enough to say something or thought it was not dangerous. Figure something out there. Do something. There's your radical life-changing events.

    I respect those that stay in the Kingdom Hall to free their families. I don't necessarily agree, but I am only one voice. You are not in the Kingdom Hall, so you actually have more freedom to say things to your daughter. I know, I know.... You worry that you could lose everything. Same is true if you do nothing.

  • tornapart

    OH dear! I know that 'floating' feeling all too well. It's really good to give yourself something to do that will give some meaning to your life.

    I learnt a new language (which I'm still learning) and that's been a lot of fun. Now I want to improve on another I know the basics of and learn another new one from scratch. It's also widened my friendships (even though most of my new ones are online), it's been fun.

    Being able to expand your horizons in whatever way will help break that feeling of having done nothing with your life. In turn encouraging your daughter to have skills and a good education will make you happy as you see her broadening her horizons too. You can still be an anchoring influence on her life and guide her through life's pitfalls as any good dad does.

    All the best DD... and isn't this a great place to have a good vent!

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Get your ass in college!

    I did, and it's great---loving it!

    also, this statement:

    Floating for dubs is the worst because you can't even become a hippie and smoke weed and float with some style.

    Soooooo true!

  • DesirousOfChange

    Really, consider being more active in exposing the truth about the truth to your daughter. Don't let her best opportunity slip by.

    I think this is the greatest advice of all the advice. Let's assume (for now) you are too late to really change your own life. . . . BUT, it is NOT too late to really change the life of your daughter/children and their future. Insist she delay getting dunked. Insist she plan on going to college. While it's a personal decision, it's my opinion that Home Schooling handicaps a child by depriving them of the socialization (good & bad, just like in real life), and generally achieves a poorer level of scholastic achievement (unless the parent is really a trained teacher). It handicaps JW kids as much as does depriving them of college. It's OK for a girl that's going to marry a JDub and stay at home with the kiddos or pioneer with her janitor hubby. But it's going to limit her ability to achieve a career or decent paying job on her own. I do not know even one home-schooled JW who is remotely successful in the "real world". I'm sure there are exceptions. Consider the options available. If you live in an area with a bad/dangerous public school system, home schooling may be the only safe option, but it will take real work.

    On the other hand. . . . assuming your daughter is not even of High School age yet (just judging from your post), then I suspect you are at most early 40s. Yeah, you feel certain that you're too f***ing old, just as my thinking tells me that I am too old to start over at my age. But I'm guessing I'm 15-20 years older. So look at it from my point of view: I wish I was only 40-something, as then I would have time to start over. At 50, 55, 60 you'll definitely feel even stronger that you're too old to start over, but you won't have that worry about it if you get started at it now. Now that I realize that I'm going to end up at retirement age somewhere besides Paradise, I've started over and am very happy with the progress I'm making.

    Good luck,


  • panhandlegirl

    I agree with BOC. Get yourself in college. I got my EGD when I was about 45 and started college after that. My husband objected to my efforts and even tore up my text books. I persevered, was out for three years because of him. I went back at the age of 52 and now have three degrees. My income went from 17,000/yr to three figures now. Go for it. It is never too late to change the direction of your life. My two children also went back to college in their forties and now have wonderful careers, one in nursing and the other in marketing. I cringe when I think how my life would be now if I had not gone back to school. Be it community college or a university, do it. You will not regret it and your daughter will benefit from your example. I wish you the best.


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