Thinking of changing my life/ long rant

by DATA-DOG 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • perfect1

    Data dog,

    I think because you are not sure yet the best thing would be to go to your local community college and sign up for a class- just something you will have to take no matter what- like a science or English or something.

    Then you can take advantage of their career center. Most schools have a career center that will let you take some tests for free. You might want to take a career inventory test, this helps you identify what you might like to do and what you might be good at- get a sense of how your mind works.

    Another test many schools offer is a personality test like the Myers Briggs Inventory. What- you dont need a test to tell you about your personality- ok sure, but seriously sometimes I have tried jobs that are far outside my personality comfort zone and the truth is i am certain kind of person- its just the way it is and Im not gonna fight it.

    Taking tests this way is better than doing them online where most are scams. But here are links to two sites- these are the quick and short versions, overall it is very broad but maybe it will help.

    a good articleabout choosing a career in the nytimes:

    Good Luck!

    ps I relate to your story because I know and care about someone in the same spot as you. It will not get easier as you get older. Make a change now! :)

  • whathappened

    If you tell your wife that you want to get an education so that you can better provide for your family, she may accept you going back to school.

    Look into grants or school loans and go for it. If you don't, ten...twenty years from now you really will regret it. Getting old is bad, being old AND poor really sucks. Armageddon and paradise is not coming. Prepare for reality.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Hey DD,

    I'll just chime in agreeing with the good advice already given. I started at Community College and have since transferred to university studying engineering. I'm not the only over-30 undergrad, and some of them have kids.

    Don't beat yourself up over past decisions. That's all history now. The important thing is to set your course for the future.

  • Satanus

    I have heard from some, that as they get older, the field of opportunity actually gets bigger. This could be the start of that for you. 'Course, it's maybe not for everybody.



    Thank you! I have a lot on my mind right now. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for the advice and encouragement. Just the other day I was speaking to my wife about time passing and the need to take care of ourselves, and about our daughter being grown-up before we know it. She said " Well, when she moves out one day we can go to Bethel.". I feel like such an a-hole sometimes. She just doesn't get it. She does not realize what the TTATT is. She wasn't in my meetings with the Elder's to see the insanity begin after they said, " Amen ". She doesn't know that one Elder in particular was after me, hoping to find something, anything to use against me. She has not stared into the eyes of a sociopath. I will NEVER be what they want me to be, I can't be.

    Perfect 1,

    Thank you so much. I will be looking into your suggestions!


    Well, I took one test mentioned above. Same result as usual. I know it is subjective, but it is interesting.

    Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test TM Your Type INTJ Introvert(89%) iNtuitive(50%) iNtuitive Thinking(25%) Judging(11%)

    • You have strong preference of Introversion over Extraversion (89%)
    • You have moderate preference of Intuition over Sensing (50%)
    • You have moderate preference of Thinking over Feeling (25%)
    • You have slight preference of Judging over Perceiving (11%)
  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    She said " Well, when she moves out one day we can go to Bethel."

    Unless you or your wive is a doctor, lawyer, or both of you are under the age of 25, Bethel will only allow you to visit or maybe do short-term temporary work. Watchtower isn't going to provide any retirement benefit for people that have bought into their lies.

    Hmmm, for that matter, you could get your degree with the stated intention that you will go to Bethel so your skills can benefit "kingdumb interests." But after you get your degree, get a real job and never apply to that religiopublishing dump. I saw lots of people do that back in the day.


    Good Idea! LOL!!! I am sure Bethel would love to have an Educated person who reads all their old literature and is not allowed to handle a microphone!

  • Hortensia

    Lots of INTJs around, including me.

    If you live in the U.S., go to your department of rehabilitation and tell them you just can't do construction work any more. Quite often, they'll pay your way to be trained in another profession. They'll also do a lot of testing to see what kind of career would suit you best, what you might be good at, what might be most interesting for you.

    I agree with previous comments about the local community college. Start taking some of the basic classes required for any degree, while you think about your direction.

  • Botzwana

    I hear ya! My father died and left me a few grand. I ALMOST pioneered it all away and thought....what if the system is 20 years out? Then I sunk all of it into a restaurant that I own and run. It is so fullfilling. If I had agreed to the WT mandate I would be homeless.

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