Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 10-28-2012 WT Study (WORLD END)

by blondie 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the 10-28-2012 WT Study (SEPTEMBER 15, 2012, pages 3-7)(WORLD END)

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    “You are not in darkness, so that that day

    should overtake you as it would thieves.”

    —1 THESS. 5:4.


    Older jws, adults prior to 1975 will recognize these scriptures. They were hammered into the rank and file as to what to expect when the end came, in1975. While now the WTS backs away from having been so definite, those of us alive remember the talk, Stay Alive in ’75, by Charles Sunutko and other such talks from the platform.

    1 Thess. 5:3 was used only once in the Watchtower publications in 2011 during a talk by GB Morris (where used Rev. 17:16 as well) and 2012, 5 times (9-15 once, 5-15 once, 4-15 twice, 2-1 once. Rev. 17:16 has 2 mentions in 2011 and in 2012 (2/1 twice, 4/15 once, 6/15 once, 9/15 twice, Awake 11/12 once? Daniel 2:44, 7 times in 2011, but 2012, twice?

    How many jws think the great tribulation = Armageddon. How many of us alive as adults prior to 1975 know the true relationship as taught by the WTS?



    What yet unseen developments

    are indicated in the following


    1 Thessalonians 5:3

    Revelation 17:16

    Daniel 2:44

    1. What will help us to keep on the watch and to cope with trials?

    EARTHSHAKING events will soon occur. The

    fulfillment of Bible prophecies confirms this

    fact, so we need to keep on the watch. What

    will help us to do that? The apostle Paul urges us to

    “keep our eyes . . . on the things unseen.” Yes, we

    need to bear in mind our reward of everlasting life,

    be it in heaven or on earth. As the context shows,

    Paul wrote these words to encourage fellow believers

    to focus on the happy outcome of their faithful

    course. Doing so would also help them to cope with

    trials and persecution.—2 Cor. 4:8, 9, 16-18; 5:7.


    SOON OCCUR = soon has been proclaimed since 1879, but then 1914 was the end and the Bible Students were going to heaven, then 1925 was the big push and when 1925 came and went so did about 75% of the Bible Students, and when 1975 came and went the WTS saw a big drop but still eventually bounced back as memories faded.

    CARROT ON THE STICK for jws = everlasting life but Paul was talking about their having to die physically but not some today for the other sheep, they have been told that they may never die and have to experience a resurrection, being a unique group out of all humans. Starting in 1920 the WTS “preached” that millions then leaving would never many of them are alive today in 2012, 92 years living (can you count babies without understanding)? When was the end coming per the WTS in 1920?

    Rutherford wrote that these teachings were "of God" himself and 1925 was proclaimed a "fixed" date beyond doubt.

    "The date 1925 is even more distinctly indicated by the Scriptures because it is fixed by the law God gave to Israel. Viewing the present situation in Europe, one wonders how it will be possible to hold back the explosion much longer; and that even before 1925 the great crisis will be reached and probably passed." Watch Tower 1922 Sep. 1 p.262

    "... this chronology is not of man, but of God.... the addition of more proofs removes it entirely from the realm of chance into that of proven certainty.... the chronology of present truth [is]... not of human origin." Watch Tower 1922 July 1 p.217

    "Our thought is, that 1925 is definitely settled by the Scriptures. As to Noah, the Christian now has much more upon which to base his faith then Noah had upon which to base his faith in a coming deluge." Watch Tower 1923 Apr. 1 p.106

    Could there be any more direct evidence of an organization that promoted false prophecy in the name of God? How could Rutherford say that his followers had more reason to accept his prediction of 1925 than Noah had to believe the words directly spoken by Jehovah?

    *** w10 2/15 pp. 15-16 par.8***

    In that year, the public talk entitled “Millions Now Living May Never Die” offered hope that many will gain life in a paradise earth after the battle of Armageddon.

    So was it SOME as the WTS say or their president, Rutherford, the one who wrote “removes it entirely from the realm of chance”?

    But what is the worst persecution for jws, being snubbed, painted with a label of being weak Christians, not doing enough and labeled materialistic, etc. Or the comment I heard many a CO, DO, or at Bethel say that 50% of us are here to test the other 50%.

    2. (a) To keep our hope firm, what must we do? (b)What will

    we consider in this and the following article?

    2 Paul’s admonition contains an important principle:

    To keep our hope firm, we must look beyond

    the things that are immediately before us. We need

    to focus on significant events that are as yet unseen.

    (Heb.11:1; 12:1, 2) Let us, therefore, consider ten future

    events that are closely related to our hope of

    everlasting life.*

    *The ten events are considered in this and the following article.


    CARROT ON A STICK = HOPE of everlasting life, you can’t even be sure

    What about the so-called spiritual paradise jws are already in?


    3. (a) What development yet to take place is mentioned at

    1 Thessalonians 5:2, 3? (b) What will political leaders do, and

    who may join them?

    3 One future development is mentioned by Paul

    in his letter to the Thessalonians. (Read 1 Thessalonians

    5:2, 3.) He draws attention to “Jehovah’s day.”

    As used here, “Jehovah’s day” refers to the period

    that will start with the destruction of false religion

    and will culminate in the war of Armageddon.

    However, just before that day of Jehovah

    begins, world leaders will be saying

    “Peace and security!” This may refer

    to one event or to a series of events.

    Nations may think that they are close

    to solving some of their big problems.

    What about the religious leaders? They

    are part of the world, so it is possible

    that they will join the political leaders.

    (Rev. 17:1, 2) The clergy would thus be

    imitating the false prophets of ancient

    Judah. Jehovah said about them: “They

    [are] saying, ‘There is peace! There is

    peace!’ when there is no peace.”—Jer. 6:

    14; 23:16, 17.


    What other ways does the WTS uses “Jehovah’s day”?

    *** w07 12/15 p.11 par. 2***

    The expression “day of Jehovah” applies to the execution of divine judgment at various times. For instance, a “day of Jehovah” came upon Jerusalem’s residents at Babylonian hands in 607 B.C.E. (Zephaniah 1:4-7) A comparable execution of God’s judgment occurred in 70 C.E. when God used the Romans to execute his judgment upon the Jewish nation that rejected his Son. (Daniel 9:24-27; John 19:15) The Bible also foretells a “day of Jehovah” when he will ‘war against all the nations.’ (Zechariah 14:1-3) Under inspiration, the apostle Paul associated that day with Christ’s presence, which began with Jesus’ enthronement as heavenly King in 1914. (2 Thessalonians 2:1, 2) With the day of Jehovah looming on the horizon, the yeartext of Jehovah’s Witnesses for 2007 has been especially appropriate. Taken from Zephaniah 1:14, it reads: “The great day of Jehovah is near.”

    Peace and Security prior 1975:

    *** w74 4/15 p.244***

    These leaders base their opinions on the belief that for governments to continue to engage in armed conflict would be disastrous to everyone. So the current trend in world affairs is toward détente, that is, peaceful relations between the opposing world powers. But what does Bible prophecy say about this?

    It indicates that an apparent peace will be achieved by the nations. But what will that mean? The Bible answers: “Whenever it is that they are saying: ‘Peace and security!’ then sudden destruction is to be instantly upon them . . . and they will by no means escape.” So the present peace effort is only an illusion; it portends a sudden end for this entire system.—1 Thess. 5:3.

    *** w74 6/15 p.375 par.3***

    Even if the major nations made startling breakthroughs in international relations, so that the foretold significant announcement of “peace and security” appeared certain , many persons would still ‘live just for the moment.’ (1 Thess. 5:3) They believe that they might as well get all they can out of life while they have it, since science (in which they have trusted) cannot prevent death.

    *** w74 9/15 p.552***

    The United Nations, with its predecessor, the League of Nations (which entered into a period of deathlike inactivity during World War II), fits this symbolic description. Even as the governments represented by the “ten horns” gained increased authority on a world scale through association with the composite political organization, so too we see that even small nations have gained a voice, importance and power through their membership in the United Nations.—Rev. 17:7-13.

    As prophetically represented, these distinct symbolic kings “have one thought.” (Rev. 17:13) That is, even though they disagree on numerous proposals, they are united in their determination to employ a human scheme for establishing lasting peace and security on a global scale. In so doing, they reject God’s own provision for accomplishing this: his kingdom by means of Christ Jesus. Therefore the prophecy shows this international political organization as fighting against God’s appointed King and those on his side of the issue. This makes inevitable the ultimate destruction of that composite political organization and all its members and supporters, thereby making way for God’s own government of earth.—Rev. 17:14; compare Daniel 2:44.

    But before it passes off the earthly scene, that composite political organization will fulfill another feature of divine prophecy. The Bible shows that the organization’s member nations have long been under the deceitful domination of worldly religious systems, these forming a world empire of false religion pictured in Revelation by a harlotrous woman named “Babylon the Great.” But prophecy shows that the political powers will tire of the hypocrisy, the meddling, the demands of the harlotrous religious systems and will turn against them, utterly devastating them.—Rev. 17:1-6, 15-18.

    Strange as it may seem, just when this global organization appears to reach the zenith of its prominence, seemingly on the threshold of establishing a political foundation for peace and security, it will simultaneously near the point of its own downfall. As the apostle Paul was inspired to write: “Whenever it is that they are saying: ‘Peace and security!’ then sudden destruction is to be instantly upon them.” (1 Thess. 5:2, 3) And, although after such proclamation this world organization will engage in its most dramatic and world-shaking act—the destruction of the world empire of false religion—that act will not protect it from being destroyed itself by God as a counterfeit, a futile and rebellious attempt to substitute a political setup for God’s promised kingdom.

    *** w75 11/15 pp.681-682***

    This “great crowd” is looking forward with eager anticipation to the prospect of surviving the end of the present ungodly system of things. They know that the destructive “day of Jehovah” will come right after men and nations reach the point where they are proclaiming “Peace and security!” (1 Thess. 5:3) Already there are indications in that direction. Not only are world leaders more frequently using the words “peace” and “security,” but they are also developing a “détente,” in which they view more tolerantly the nations that have completely different ideologies and social systems.

    *** w04 2/1 p.21 pars.12-13***

    In recent years, politicians have often used the phrase “peace and security” to describe various human schemes. They even dubbed 1986 the International Year of Peace, although that year did not live up to its name. Do such efforts by world leaders constitute the complete fulfillment of 1 Thessalonians 5:3, or was Paul referring to a specific event of such dramatic proportions as to claim world attention?

    Since Bible prophecies are often fully understood only after they are fulfilled or are in the process of fulfillment, we will have to wait and see.

    4. Unlike mankind in general, what do we discern?

    4 No matter who will share in saying

    “Peace and security!” that development

    will indicate that Jehovah’s day

    is to begin. Paul could therefore state:

    “Brothers, you are not in darkness, so

    that that day should overtake you as

    it would thieves, for you are all sons

    of light.” (1 Thess. 5:4, 5) Unlike mankind

    in general, we discern the Scriptural

    significance of current events. How

    exactly will this prophecy about saying

    “Peace and security!” be fulfilled? We

    must wait and see. Therefore, let us be

    determined to “stay awake and keep our

    senses.”—1 Thess. 5:6; Zeph. 3:8.


    The WTS and its spiritual elders have been saying the end was in 1914, 1915, 1925, 1940’s, 1975, 1984 (70 yr generation), 1994 (80 yr generation), to be wrong and have mislead many. The same “scriptural significance” of current events then were discerned as indisputable support. The WTS has been waiting since 1914 to “see.”



    5. (a) How will the “great tribulation” start?

    (b)What “queen” will miscalculate her chances

    of survival?

    5 What yet unseen event will take

    place next? Paul stated: “Whenever it is

    that they are saying: ‘Peace and security!’

    then sudden destruction is to be instantly

    upon them.” The first phase of

    this “sudden destruction” is the attack

    against “Babylon the Great,” the world

    empire of false religion, also known as

    “the harlot.” (Rev. 17:5, 6, 15) That attack

    against all forms of false religion,

    including Christendom, is the start of

    the “great tribulation.” (Matt. 24:21;

    2 Thess. 2:8) For many, this event will

    come as a surprise. Why? Because up

    to that point, the harlot will confidently

    view herself as “a queen” who will

    “never see mourning.” But she will suddenly

    discover that she has miscalculated

    her chances of survival. She will be

    wiped out rather quickly, as if “in one

    day.”—Rev. 18:7, 8.


    False religion—all but jws are false…there was a time prior to 1950 that the WTS said all religions were false and they were not a religion.

    *** w51 3/15 p.191Questions From Readers***

    In the past we regarded “religion” as anything that was against God’s will. Now many

    brothers are using the expressions “true religion” and “false religion” to make a distinction. Is this advisable?—D.D., California.

    The brothers are correct in using the qualifying adjectives “true” and “false” respecting religion, so as not to be misunderstood, especially by those outside the organization. In the past we have had to do so much needless explanation and extricating of ourselves from embarrassing positions by not being specific on this. The footnotes of the New World Translation show the early use by Latin-speaking Christians of the term religio as the equivalent of the Greek term thres·kei′a. It simply means “form of worship”, of which there can be a true and a false kind. Study over the footnotes in the New World Translation on the texts at Acts 26:5, Colossians 2:18 and James 1:26, 27, and see how the footnote renderings allow for the use of the term “religion” or “religious”, though the texts themselves use the expressions “form of worship” or “formal worshiper”. Hence it is well to make clear our use of the term “religion” by qualifying it as “true” or “false”, if the context or setting does not do this sufficiently.

    For many (including jws who think they will see a decline in religion)….”wiped out rather quickly” “in one day.” How many jws remember that in the scripture. How many remember this in the WT? Or see this as speaking out of both sides of its mouth?

    *** w74 1/15 p.54 pars.23-24***

    But what does Jeremiah 25:34, 35 say about this? Concerning what will happen to Christendom’s leaders just as concerning what was to befall the Jewish leaders shortly after Jerusalem’s fall in 607 B.C.E., it says: “Howl, you shepherds, and cry out! And wallow about, you majestic ones of the flock, because your days for slaughtering and for your scatterings have been fulfilled, and you must fall like a desirable vessel!”

    So it is not a slow fading away by loss of members that brings the end of Christendom’s false religions and their clergy. Instead, just as a beautiful vase, a “desirable vessel,” suddenly falls from its pedestal, to the dismay of its onlookers, so the clergy and their false religion have a sudden, surprising crash to destruction.

    *** w83 7/1 p.7***

    Though ancient Babylon is no longer in existence as a political power, its religious influence has extended through the centuries to every corner of the earth. Thus, “Babylon the Great” is the world empire of false religion, including all the churches of Christendom. Revelation 17:15 indicates that the “many waters” this religious harlot sits on are the “peoples and crowds and nations and tongues” upon whom she depends for support, much as ancient Babylon depended on the waters of the Euphrates for its prosperity. So the drying up of the waters means the dwindling of the people’s support for religion.

    “The End” Is Near!

    In this context, we realize that the rise of secularism all around the world and the decline in interest and support for religion are of prophetic significance in two ways. First, these developments are in fulfillment of the apostle Paul’s prediction that in “the last days” men would become “lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God.” This is part of the evidence proving that we are living in “the last days” or “the conclusion of the system of things.” (Matthew 24:3) Secondly, just as ancient Babylon fell on the very night that the waters of the Euphrates receded, the rise of secularism and the dwindling of support for religion are clear indications that destruction is imminent for “Babylon the Great.”

    *** w80 10/15 pp.20-23 pars.16-21***

    Another similarity exists between ancient and modern Babylon, one having to do with the manner of their destruction. Ancient Babylon sat on waters, the literal waters of the Euphrates River. Modern Babylon also “sits on many waters,” says Revelation 17:1. What are these waters? God’s Word answers: “The waters that you saw, where the harlot is sitting, mean peoples and crowds and nations and tongues.” (Rev. 17:15) Note that the overthrow of ancient Babylon was immediately preceded by the dropping of the literal waters of the Euphrates River. Is there a similar dropping of the symbolic waters (humans) from underneath modern Babylon? Yes, there is, and it is taking place right before our very eyes!—Rev. 16:1, 12.


    In what way are the symbolic “many waters” under modern Babylon dropping, diminishing? In that millions of persons, including tens of thousands of religious clergy and workers, have abandoned the support that they used to give their religions, seriously weakening them. This is particularly true in Christendom, which has greater guilt since she claims to serve both God and Christ. While at times there is mention of “revival” in a few religions, particularly the less orthodox ones, in most cases this is only superficial. With few exceptions, the overall trend is unmistakable and can be seen by comments in the world press, such as the following:

    “Something has happened to Christendom. Every indication is that we have entered a long, long night and we’re not going to come out of it . . .

    “The effective existence of Christianity and Roman Catholicism in the public structures has already disappeared. We are witnessing the death of a socially and politically structured Christianity.”—Prominent Catholic writer Malachi Martin, in the Providence “Sunday Journal,” February 17, 1980.

    “The shortage of priests and nuns in the West is near the peril point in nation after nation.”—“Time,” August 21, 1978.

    “Christianity [is] retreating rapidly . . . a picture of superstitious agnosticism, confusion, and ignorance. . . . It would be no exaggeration to say that almost all children have no idea what Christianity really is.”—London “Times,” September 25, 1978, commenting on a report from the Church of England Board of Education.

    When Pope John Paul II visited France in May 1980, the New York Times (May 31) commented: “The influence of the church is rapidly declining in France. A recent poll disclosed that only 15 percent of the people are practicing Catholics, although 85 percent are baptized in the church.” In Brazil, Archbishop Luciano Cabral Duarte said: “Our Catholics are losing strength and are perishing from profound spiritual anemia.” (Veja, January 30, 1980) In Nigeria, a clergyman of the Presbyterian Church admitted: “Today the church seems to have lost its sense of identity like someone suffering from amnesia and is asking, ‘Who am I,’ and ‘What am I here for’?” (DailyStar, September 11, 1978) In Greece, a newspaper said the following about the once-respected Greek Orthodox Church:

    “Today the Church, that is the clergy, especially the highest clergy, is very often a den of scandal, a source of foolishness and nonsense.

    “So much so, that for some time now, the great majority of the Greek people look on most clergymen, not as a respectable, spiritual institution, but as a swarm of agitators and scandalmakers, radicals and exploiters, who rather than ‘guide their flock,’ amuse it with their prattle and deliria.”—“To Vima,” October 15, 1978.

    Regarding the Eastern Orthodox Church’s most important center in Turkey, Time declares: “The historic see, once the center of half the Christian world, is dying.” American rabbi Alvin Reines says of the Jewish religion: ‘American Jewry is in a desperate state of crisis. The problem is that American Jews simply do not accept the teachings of traditional Judaism.’ In England, so many churches have closed in recent years due to dropping attendance that one commentator called them “an endangered species.” In Germany, a poll revealed that only 17 percent of Germans under 35 believe that God exists. In Japan, when people were asked, “Do you have a religion of some sort?” 60 percent answered “No” and 7 percent more did not answer. In country after country the situation with this world’s religions is as TheAge of Melbourne, Australia, says—that all denominations “are suffering a fall in believers.” Since the “fall in believers,” the fall of the “many waters” upon which the harlot sits, is so obviously taking place now, can the forces of destruction be far behind? No.

    The diminishing support for the “great harlot” fits the description of Bible prophecy regarding these “last days” when it says that people would be “lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, having a form of godly devotion but proving false to its power.” The same prophecy then counsels: “From these turn away.” (2 Tim. 3:4, 5) Similarly, the striking declaration addressed to righteously inclined persons still in modern “Babylon the Great” is: “Get out of her, my people, if you do not want to share with her in her sins, and if you do not want to receive part of her plagues.”—Rev. 18:4.

    Very soon now, the “great harlot” will be executed as a judgment of God against her. As with ancient Babylon, modern Babylon’s speedy overthrow will prove to be a great shock to the world. (Rev. 18:9-19) Her destruction is the event that will mark the beginning of the “great tribulation.” Then, also, the anti-God elements will turn on Jehovah’s servants to try to crush them. (Ezek. 38:16) But Jehovah says to his loyal ones: “He that is touching you is touching my eyeball.” (Zech. 2:8) This causes an immediate reaction from God. Jehovah says: “And it must occur in that day . . . that my rage will come up into my nose. And in my ardor, in the fire of my fury, I shall have to speak.” (Ezek. 38:18, 19) Coming to the rescue of his loyal servants, God swiftly and with crushing force strikes the nations at the “war of the great day of God the Almighty,” Armageddon. The enemies of God and his people are thus annihilated, cleansing the earth of all wickedness.—Rev. 16:14, 16; Prov. 2:22.

    *** kc chap.17 pp.164-165pars.7-8***

    Do we see a modern-day parallel to this? Why, yes! The time has come for God to execute judgment on “Babylon the Great,” and especially her “daughter” organizations of Christendom. Christendom’s apostasy and bloodguilt have now come to the full! (Revelation 18:24; Jeremiah 51:12, 13) In recent times the “waters,” or “peoples,” that formerly supported her religion have been falling away. Support for religion has been drying up, with many persons turning to the teachings of Darwin, Marx, Lenin and Mao. Also, as prophesied concerning the “last days,” people have become “lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God.”—2 Timothy 3:1, 4.

    Contributing to the falling away of the “waters” has been the action of righteously inclined persons who have obeyed heaven’s call with regard to “Babylon the Great”:

    “Get out of her, my people, if you do not want to share with her in her sins, and if you do not want to receive part of her plagues.” (Revelation 18:4)

    The world empire of false religion, and Christendom in particular, laments the closing of church buildings, the empty pews and the dwindling numbers of priests and nuns. However, those who now place themselves on the side of the Greater Darius, Jehovah God, and the Greater Cyrus, Christ Jesus, enter into a marvelous spiritual prosperity. Are you one of these?


    1 Proclamation of “Peace and security!”

    2 Nations attack and destroy “Babylon the Great”

    3 Attack on Jehovah’s people

    4 War of Armageddon

    5 Satan and his demons are abyssed

    6. False religion will be destroyed by whom?

    6 God’s Word identifies the harlot’s

    attacker as a “wild beast” with “ten

    horns.” A study of the book of Revelation

    shows that the wild beast refers

    to the United Nations (UN). “The

    ten horns” represent all present political

    powers that support this “scarlet colored

    wild beast.”*(Rev. 17:3, 5, 11,

    12) How devastating will the attack

    be? The nations of the UN will plunder

    the harlot’s wealth, expose her real

    character, devour her, and “completely

    burn her.” Her destruction will be final.

    Read Revelation 17:16.

    *See Revelation—Its Grand Climax at Hand! pages



    So once again the WTS identifies the UN as the scarlet-colored wild beast.

    That it is the UN and not just political powers.

    *** w11 3/15 p.24 par.2***

    In a stunning plot twist, the Devil’s world becomes divided against itself. The scarlet-colored wild beast represents the United Nations, and “the ten horns” represent all the political powers.

    *** w05 9/15 p.19 par.13***

    Likewise today, Bible prophecy indicates that militarized powers within the United Nations will see religion as a disturbing element and will act to destroy modern-day Jerusalem—Christendom—as well as the rest of Babylon the Great. (Revelation 17:12-17)

    *** w99 5/1 p.17 par.15***

    Details supplied in the prophecy help us to identify this symbolic beast as a peace organization that came into existence in 1919 as the League of Nations (a “disgusting thing”) and that is now the United Nations. Revelation 17:16, 17 shows that God will yet put it into the hearts of certain human rulers who are prominent in this “beast” to desolate the world empire of false religion.

    *** w96 6/1 p.18 par.18***

    At Revelation 17:16, it is foretold that a figurative scarlet-colored wild beast, which has proved to be the United Nations, will turn on harlotlike Babylon the Great and violently destroy her.

    *** re chap.35 p.258 par.21***

    Yes, the nations will use the scarlet-colored wild beast, the United Nations, in destroying Babylon the Great. They do not act on their own initiative, for Jehovah puts it into their hearts “even to carry out their one thought by giving their kingdom to the wild beast.” When the time comes, the nations will evidently see the need to strengthen the United Nations. They will give it teeth, as it were, lending it whatever authority and power they possess so that it can turn upon false religion and fight successfully against her “until the words of God will have been accomplished.” Thus, the ancient harlot will come to her complete end. And good riddance to her!

    7. What will trigger the attack by the “wild


    7 Bible prophecy also indicates what

    will trigger this attack. Somehow Jehovah

    will put it into the hearts of political

    rulers “to carry out his thought,” namely,

    to devastate the harlot. (Rev. 17:17)

    Warmongering religion continues to be

    a disruptive force in the world; hence,

    the nations may feel that destroying the

    harlot is in their own national interests.

    In fact, when the rulers attack, they will

    think that they are carrying out their

    own “one thought.” In reality, however,

    they act as God’s tool for obliterating

    all false religion. Thus, in a stunning reversal,

    one part of Satan’s system will

    attack another part, and Satan will be

    powerless to prevent it.—Matt.12:25, 26.


    Somehow….may feel…leaves room open for interpretation or “new” understanding. So how will jws seem to pose a threat to secular authority? The WTS sees itself as the only true representative of Christ. An attack on them = an attack on Christ?

    *** re chap.35p.255 par.13***

    They have “one thought” in that they want to preserve their national sovereignty rather than accept God’s Kingdom. This was their purpose in subscribing to the League of Nations and the United Nations organization in the first place—to preserve world peace and thus safeguard their own existence. Such an attitude ensures that the horns will oppose the Lamb,

    *** re chap.35 pp.257-258 par.20***

    They will feel that it is in their nationalistic interests to turn upon the great harlot. They may come to view the continued existence of organized religion within their boundaries as a threat to their sovereignty.

    *** w09 3/15 p.18 par.14***

    We understand that some time after false religion has been destroyed, there will be an attack on Jehovah’s servants, who have been proclaiming his judgment messages. (Ezek. 38:14-16)

    *** w94 3/1 p.20 par.11***

    As foretold at Revelation 17:12-17, the time will come when Jehovah starts his strange act by putting it into the hearts of “the ten horns”—militarized members of the United Nations—“to carry out his thought” of devastating the world empire of false religion. How will this come about? There are numerous ways that “the ten horns” of Revelation chapter 17 may, in the words of verse 16, come to “hate the harlot and . . . completely burn her with fire.” True, nuclear arms have proliferated and are still proliferating in many danger spots on earth. But we must wait and see how Jehovah will put it into the hearts of political rulers to execute his vengeance.


    8. What is the attack by “Gog of the land of


    8 After false religion has been destroyed,

    God’s servants will still be

    found “dwelling in security” and “without

    wall.” (Ezek. 38:11, 14) What will

    happen to this seemingly defenseless

    group of people who continue to worship

    Jehovah? It appears that they will

    become the object of an all-out assault

    by “many peoples.” God’s Word describes

    that development as the attack

    by “Gog of the land of Magog.” (Read

    Ezekiel 38:2, 15, 16.) How should we

    view that attack?


    God’s servants = only baptized jws


    9. (a) What is a Christian’s main concern?

    (b)What steps should we take now to strengthen our faith?

    9 Knowing in advance about this attack

    on God’s people does not make us

    overly anxious. Rather, our main concern

    is, not our own salvation, but the

    sanctification of Jehovah’s name and

    the vindication of his sovereignty. In

    fact, Jehovah declared more than 60

    times: “You will have to know that I

    am Jehovah.” (Ezek. 6:7; see footnote.)

    Hence, we look forward with intense

    interest to the fulfillment of that outstanding

    aspect of Ezekiel’s prophecy,

    trusting that “Jehovah knows how to deliver

    people of godly devotion out of

    trial.” (2 Pet. 2:9) Meanwhile, we want

    to use every opportunity to strengthen

    our faith so that we will be able to

    keep our integrity to Jehovah no matter

    what tests we may face. What should

    we do? We should pray, study God’s

    Word and meditate on it, and share the

    Kingdom message with others. By doing

    so, we keep our hope of everlasting

    life firm, like “an anchor.”—Heb. 6:19;

    Ps. 25:21.


    God’s people = only jws

    What do jws really know in advance? Did they know anything valid in advance of 1914, 1915, 1925, 1975…..?

    Are jws really only concerned about vindicating God’s sovereignty…would they do it without the promise of everlasting life on a paradise earth? What do jws entice people at the door with, being part of vindicating God’s sovereignty or living forever on a paradise earth with their resurrected loved ones?

    Jws look forward to the destruction of all 7 billion plus non-jws, men, women and children (even babies in the womb).

    How many jws read the bible daily, let alone the flood of WT publications? Does reading the WT publications take the place of reading the bible? How many scriptures are quoted in this article…quoted not just cited or snippets?

    Do jws pray other than at the KH or listening to prayers at the KH? How many of those prayers are well thought out, considering the one giving was told as they walked in that they had the privilege?

    Considering that all non-jws will be destroyed, how much time do jws devote to warning and teaching? Do they spend more time watching tv or playing games on the computer?

    Are jws being told they can earn “everlasting life” through prayer, study, sharing?



    10, 11. What will signal the beginning of Armageddon,

    and what will take place during that time?

    10 What earthshaking event will be

    triggered by the attack on Jehovah’s servants?

    Jehovah, by means of Jesus and

    the heavenly armies, will intervene in

    behalf of His people. (Rev. 19:11-16)

    That intervention will be “the war of the

    great day of God the Almighty”—Armageddon.—

    Rev. 16:14, 16.


    So Armageddon is considered the conclusion of the great tribulation.

    How though will God and/or Jesus and the angels (and the anointed already in heaven per the WTS). What about the many individuals who have never heard a word about Jehovah, Jesus, etc.?

    Will the descend into eternal destruction?

    11 Regarding that war, Jehovah declares

    by means of Ezekiel: “ ‘I will call

    forth against [Gog] throughout all my

    mountainous region a sword,’ is the utterance

    of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah.

    ‘Against his own brother the sword of

    each one will come to be.’ ” Panic stricken,

    those on Satan’s side will be

    thrown into confusion and will turn

    their weapons against their own ranks

    —warrior against warrior. However, havoc

    is also to come Satan’s way. Jehovah

    states: “Fire and sulphur I shall rain

    down upon [Gog] and upon his bands

    and upon the many peoples that will be

    with him.” (Ezek. 38:21, 22) What will

    be the result of this divine action?


    Satan’s side – all non-jws regardless of their age or lack of knowledge

    Fire and sulfur???

    *** g83 12/22 7 ***World events indicate that the expression of God’s judgment is due at any time. Thus the following prophecy must also shortly undergo fulfillment: “Whenever it is that they are saying: ‘Peace and security!’ then sudden destruction is to be instantly upon them.” (1 Thessalonians 5:3) While not ruling out conventional wars or even a possible limited atomic war , this scripture does rule out a nuclear holocaust. How so? Well, ask yourself: After a nuclear holocaust, who would be left to cry out “peace”? And if there were survivors, just how much reason would they have to cry out “security,” living as they would be upon a radioactive, polluted earth?

    12. The nations will be forced to do what?

    12 The nations will have to realize that

    their crushing defeat is brought about

    by the order of Jehovah himself. Then,

    as did the ancient Egyptian attackers

    who pursued the Israelites at the

    Red Sea, Satan’s forces may cry out in

    desperation: “Jehovah certainly fights

    for them”! (Ex. 14:25) Yes, the nations

    will be forced to acknowledge Jehovah.

    (Read Ezekiel 38:23.) How close are we

    to the start of this chain of events?


    By quoting an OT scripture, the WTS writes Jesus out of the Revelation account.

    HOW CLOSE ARE WE???? Is a date coming?


    13. What do we know about the fifth part of

    the image that Daniel describes?

    13 A prophecy in the book of Daniel

    enables us to establish where we are in

    the stream of time. Daniel describes an

    image in human form made up of different

    metals. (Dan. 2:28, 31-33) It represents

    successive world powers that have

    had a major influence on God’s people,

    past and present. They are Babylon,

    Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome—and

    the last, in our time, another world power.

    A study of Daniel’s prophecy shows

    that this final world power is depicted

    in the image as the feet and toes. During

    World War I, Britain and the United

    States forged a special partnership.

    Yes, the fifth part of Daniel’s image is

    the Anglo-American World Power. The

    feet form the last part of the image, indicating

    that no other human world power

    will appear on the scene. That the

    feet and toes are made up of iron and

    clay pictures the weakened state of the

    Anglo-American World Power.


    The WTS has now woven Ezekiel, Daniel and Revelation together. Have they been all talking about the “day of Jehovah” as the same day in this century?

    How many jws realize that while Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece are identified in the bible, nowhere is Rome or the UK and US mentioned in Daniel…only through the convoluted explanation of the WTS.

    And what about the King of the North? Since the toes (and it doesn’t say there are ten in the bible; doesn’t say there are 2 arms or 2 legs or 2 thighs either) represent the US and UK there is no power after them….the last KON was the Soviet Union…….how about that?

    14. Which world power will be the dominant

    one when Armageddon strikes?

    14 The same prophecy indicates that

    God’s Kingdom, pictured by a large

    stone, was cut from the mountain of

    Jehovah’s sovereignty in 1914. That

    stone is now hurtling toward its target

    —the feet of the image. At Armageddon,

    the feet and the rest of the image will be

    smashed. (Read Daniel 2:44, 45.) Thus,

    the Anglo-American World Power will

    still be the dominant world power when

    Armageddon strikes. How thrilling it

    will be to witness the complete fulfillment

    of this prophecy!* What, though,

    does Jehovah have in store for Satan



    Was that stone cut out in 1914 in past WTS explanations?

    Expanded Biblical Comments EBC27 - Daniel

    Smote the image -- The preparatory step to the establishment of Messiah's Kingdom. R5526:2; OV341:1; B99

    The impact is prominently noted throughout the Scriptures as a "time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation." ( Dan. 12:1 ) OV83:T The little period of 40 years between 1874 and 1914 is, in the Scriptures, called the "Day of Vengeance," the smiting time preparatory to the inauguration of the Kingdom of righteousness. R1874:5
    We expect this smiting in 1915, not 1914. Q96:4

    Yet the WTS taught that Jesus became the Messianic king in 1878, 36 years before the kingdom was supposedly established in 1914.

    *** jv chap.28 p.632***

    Based on the premise that events of the first century might find parallels in related events later, they also concluded that if Jesus’ baptism and anointing in the autumn of 29 C.E. paralleled the beginning of an invisible presence in 1874, then his riding into Jerusalem as King in the spring of 33 C.E. would point to the spring of 1878 as the time when he would assume his power as heavenly King.

    *The phrase “put an end to all these kingdoms” at

    Daniel 2:44 refers to the kingdoms, or world powers,

    pictured by the parts of the image. However, a parallel

    Bible prophecy shows that “the kings of the entire

    inhabited earth” will be lined up against Jehovah on

    “the great day of God the Almighty.” (Rev. 16:14; 19:

    19-21) Hence, not only the kingdoms of the image

    but also all other kingdoms of this world will be destroyed

    at Armageddon.



    15. After Armageddon, what will happen to

    Satan and his demons?

    15 First, Satan will have to witness

    from beginning to end his entire organization

    on earth being wiped out. Then,

    Satan himself becomes the focus of attention.

    The apostle John reports what

    happens next. (Read Revelation 20:1-3.)

    Jesus Christ—the “angel . . . with the

    key of the abyss”—will seize Satan and

    his demons, hurl them into the abyss,

    and keep them there for a thousand

    years. (Luke 8:30, 31; 1 John 3:8) That

    action constitutes the initial stage of the

    bruising of the serpent’s head.*—Gen.



    So why will Satan “have to” witness….

    Where does the WTS give scriptural proof that this angel is Jesus?

    Why does the WTS couch its language to say “initial stage”? Because Satan won’t be destroyed (the WTS explanation of the bruising of the head) for another 1,000 years?

    Did you ever have to explain if the demons were abyssed too from the bible since Revelation says nothing about this?

    *** w52 8/1 p.479 Questions From Readers***

    It is true that the twentieth chapter of Revelation does not specifically mention the demons when it speaks of Satan’s abyssing and ultimate return for a little while. But inasmuch as Revelation 12:9 shows that Satan’s angels are ousted from heaven and hurled down to earth with him, it is logical to believe that when the tribulation started against him then is resumed at Armageddon, after this in-between period of preaching is over, and his fall is resumed and completed at that battle of God Almighty, landing him in the abyss, the demons will go along with him.

    *The final crushing of the serpent’s head occurs

    after the end of the thousand years when Satan and

    his demons are hurled into “the lake of fire and sulphur.”—

    Rev. 20:7-10; Matt. 25:41.

    16. What will it mean for Satan to be in “the


    16 What is “the abyss” into which Satan

    and the demons will be hurled?

    The Greek word a_bys·sos used by John

    means “very or exceedingly deep.” It is

    also translated “unfathomable, boundless,”

    and “the infinite void.” Thus, it is

    a place completely out of reach of anyone

    except Jehovah and his appointed

    angel “with the key of the abyss.” There,

    Satan will be in a state of deathlike inactivity

    so that “he might not mislead

    the nations anymore.” Truly, that “roaring

    lion” will be silenced!—1 Pet. 5:8.


    Why when the WTS rarely if ever mentions the specific Greek or Hebrew word they reference, why do they do it now?

    Is Satan unconscious or able to see what is going on on earth?

    Will he be silenced…and why released in 1,000 years…does that mean that God does not know the heart condition of humans alive at that time. Why a test in view of this scripture?

    (James 1:13) When under trial, let no one say: “I am being tried by God.” For with evil things God cannot be tried nor does he himself try anyone.



    17, 18. (a) What events that are yet unseen

    have we considered so far? (b) After these

    events, what time period will we enjoy?

    17 Significant developments and

    earthshaking events are ahead of us. We

    look forward to seeing how the saying of

    “Peace and security!” will come about.

    Then we will witness the destruction of

    Babylon the Great, the attack by Gog of

    Magog, the battle of Armageddon, and

    the hurling into the abyss of Satan and

    his demons. After these events, when

    all wickedness is gone, we will enter a

    new chapter in life—Christ’s Millennial

    Reign, during which we will enjoy an

    “abundance of peace.”—Ps. 37:10, 11.


    Has the WTS speculated about “peace and security” in the past?

    *** w74 4/15 p.244***

    It indicates that an apparent peace will be achieved by the nations. But what will that mean? The Bible answers: “Whenever it is that they are saying: ‘Peace and security!’ then sudden destruction is to be instantly upon them . . . and they will by no means escape.” So the present peace effort is only an illusion; it portends a sudden end for this entire system.—1 Thess. 5:3.

    *** w76 7/15 p.442 par.19***

    So we will not expect to see this world’s systems grind almost to a halt or reach a state of virtual collapse as a necessary prelude to the “great tribulation.” We will not be deceived if these systems seem to make an apparent ‘comeback’ from severe crises , as if that apparent recuperation would have a postponing effect on the arrival of God’s day of judgment. We will not start ‘rebuilding’ with the world, as though this system will continue indefinitely.

    *** w81 11/15 p.14 pars.14-15***

    Moreover, the fulfillment has to be something striking enough to justify its being recorded as a specific prophecy inspired by Jehovah. The “Peace and security!” must be an exceptional development, different from the many peace efforts that had been made up until that time.

    Also, who are the “they” who say “Peace and security!” just before the end comes? It is unlikely that any part of this world could proclaim such a thing without the cooperation or direction of the major political powers. Hence, it appears that the rulers of the nations play a large part in the outworking of this prophecy. The United Nations organization, supposedly dedicated to peace, could also play a role.

    18 In addition to the five events we

    have examined so far, there are other

    “things unseen” on which we want to

    “keep our eyes.” These events will be

    considered in the following article.


    In days gone past, these first 5 were what the WTS emphasized. What is “new”? Things after the end.



    Paragraph 2, 6,000 years of human history

    Paragraph 3, progressive

    Paragraph 8, what is the “report” mentioned here

    Paragraph 9, what does it mean for God to remove “a measure of that fear and terror” from the animals…does that mean there would be some fear?

    Paragraph 12, why does it take 1,000 years to make humans on earth perfect, and the 144,000 become perfect upon their resurrection to heaven?

    Paragraph 17, what does it mean when it says Adam and Eve communicated with God personally? Will humans who pass the “test” no longer have to pray through Christ and will talk directly to God?

    Love, Blondie

  • PaintedToeNail

    I couldn't get through this review of the WT, could only read through paragraph 7. It makes me sick to read how everything old has been dusted off, polished and rehashed again...just in time to scare a bunch of other people who didn't live through the 1975 debacle.

    Blondie, I don't know how you manage to force yourself to do this every week, including highlights from old WT's. You are certainly better prepared than ANY Watchtower conductor I've ever heard.

    You deserve a toast, so 'here's to you, blondie'

  • blondie

    Thanks, PTN. I'm sure this sounds like new to jws in for only 10 years. To me it is the SOS. can't shine shit7 up , 3 down
    The subject of conversation, is in such dire condition that any attempt to fix it is futile. A variation of the expression you can't polish a turd . delusional mayor: The Chamber of Commerce and I will revitalize downtown Hazleton.

    honest person: You can't shine shit, Mr. Mayor! can't shine shit7 up , 3 down
    The subject of conversation, is in such dire condition that any attempt to fix it is futile. A variation of the expression you can't polish a turd . delusional mayor: The Chamber of Commerce and I will revitalize downtown Hazleton.

    honest person: You can't shine shit, Mr. Mayor!
  • WTWizard

    Another piece of false hope. Earthshaking events are going to happen, true--but not as described in the washtowel. The advice that follows is misleading--I am expecting a major war between right-hand path religions (all three Abrahamic religions) and the general population. This will be accompanied by hyperinflation as the US Toilet Paper Dollar loses all its value. It will also feature energy crises of extreme magnitude, regulators that are corrupted by the Rothschilds and other globalists who insist on holding us back, and stupid wars on behalf of Israel (including the one that keeps popping up on this forum as a "Defend Israel, stop Iran's Nuclear Ambition" ad). However, the outcome will not be as later described.

    False religion? You mean all Judaism, Christi-SCAM-ity, and Islam, along with all other religions that have been corrupted by one or more of the above? It wouldn't surprise me to find out that Christi-SCAM-ity and its hybrids will be among the first to go, including those who are so stupid that they place all their trust in Jehovah. Even when they are about to lose the war, they are so stupid that they expect Jehovah to rescue them. Rather, Jehovah wishes to enslave them, not rescue them. So they are going to keep right on preaching until they are finally put out of business once for all time. The washtowel keeps on harping on that Jehovah has their back, so they are just going to keep right on going until Father Satan finally annihilates them or the Rothschilds manage to enslave them along with everyone else, whichever comes first. Either way, the witlesses are up sxxx creek without a paddle, in a barbed wire canoe.

    Even the "peace and security" crap is useless. They will only cry "Peace and security" once the whole world is under control of the globalists, and Agenda 21+ is fully implemented. At which point, we will be one nation, forcibly integrated against the best interests of everyone involved, and with no spirituality of any kind. Just the kind of communism they forced down the Soviet Union's throat, only this time the whole world. And then it will be too late--Jehovah is not going to change what is already the way he wants it, which is global enslavement. And if Satan wins the war, peace and security will be genuine, with the religions already gone. Either way, articles like this are misleading the witlesses to do exactly the wrong thing.

    If you believe earth-shaking things are going to happen, it is better to prepare physically. Energy crisis? Get a more efficient car, get LED light bulbs instead of those compact fluorescent squiggly things, prepare for rolling blackouts. Hyperinflation? Get out of dollar, yen, or euro based investments into physical gold and silver. Learn a skill so you can barter and/or grow your own food. Tyranny where you are forced into cities and growing food is illegal? Hope for hyperinflation (the SWAT teams are not working if their pay doesn't buy anything, and you will probably be able to sneak your own food) and prepare for that. Either way, whether Jehovah succeeds in enslaving us all or Satan succeeds in liberating us, you are better off equipping yourself to rely on yourself to get through instead of trusting in Jehovah.

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    Wow. Sometimes I forget how screwed up their explanation of end times prophecy is. You don't even have to be a Christian anymore to see how messed up their interpretations are.

  • ldrnomo

    Par. 13

    That the

    feet and toes are made up of iron and

    clay pictures the weakened state of the

    Anglo-American World Power.

    Am I mistaken or wasn't the understanding of this at some point: aristocracy/peasents?

  • designs

    Was there anything worse than believing the 'world will end' and billions of innocent lives killed by a supreme being. Getting over that was the turning point in our return to sanity.

  • smiddy

    Remember that the United Nations organization already proclaimed a year ,was it 1984 ? as the year of" Peace and Security" , almost 30 years ago


  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    I hadn’t realized just how slow moving Jah and Jesus can sometimes be until I read par 14. The paragraph reads:

    ‘The same prophecy indicates that God’s Kingdom, pictured by a large stone, was cut from the mountain of Jehovah’s sovereignty in 1914.That stone is now hurtling toward its target—the feet of the image. At Armageddon, the feet and the rest of the image will be smashed.’

    So for the past 100 years that Messianic Stone has been traveling through the universe on its way to planet earth----what ……in slow motion?

    This WT explanation is almost too comical to believe!

    Thank you Blondie.

  • cantleave

    I don't read these very often now since I so far past caring about JW doctrine and just find myself getting annoyed by the stupidity of it all. However, I thought this would be a good one, and it was...

    Well Done Blondie and Thanks!

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