The WT May 15, 1984 came to mind when reading this study article. The same scriptures are used plus some new ones added. So, 28 years later and the same old news.
Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 10-28-2012 WT Study (WORLD END)
by blondie 23 Replies latest jw friends
Sounds like they are recycling Fred Franz' doomsday writings with the 1975 date removed.
JW GoneBad
So, make up your damn mind WT! Does the image mentioned at Dan 2:36-45 depict 4 or 5 world powers?
Thank you, Blondie!!!
Oh, and marking...
Sad to think that I used to find this sort of study thrilling........How naive I was ! Now it reads like a poorly written sci fi plot.
P 14 says that the Anglo-American World Power will still the dominant one at the end....As Blondie said "What about the King Of The North?"
Wt 87 7/1 15
"JEHOVAH has given fair warning: There will never be peace on earth as long as the rivalry between the king of the north and the king of the south continues. These two powers would always have conflicting interests. Moreover, at the climax of their enmity, the king of the north will threaten the spiritual estate of God’s people before he ‘comes all the way to his end.’ (Daniel 11:44, 45) Will God’s people survive the assault? And what happens to the king of the south when his great rival comes to his end?.........
Evidently, then, the time of the end of the king of the north is the time of the end for Gog and all his crowd, including the king of the south. "So, they are (or were) supposed to both be there at the end..Are they just forgotton now?
As an article it is unsatisfactory since it stops half way through . On to next week's thrilling episode !
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Looks like they're dumping everything they prophecied about the King of the North and its role in the Great Tribulation in favor of image/feet issues.
Maybe they'll start teaching that the King of the North is invisibly present.
And they still think the toothless UN would be able to put an end to religious institutions and beliefs?
Okay, I'm just at the beginning of this article...
I happened to look up those scriptures [which I don't normally do...], and when I read Revelation 17: 16 - though I read 17: 1-18 - I just realized something....
And HOW did I miss that, all these years???
That "harlot" which represents the "Great City", which reigns over the kings of the earth - well, WHAT "great city" was MOST PROMINENT in John's time...???
Answer: ROME...!!!
Simon Morley
Bumping because this one from Blondie is one of the best I have read.
bumping this thread again to move it to the top of my "topics posted on" list...
Plus, I'm feeling that autumn spirit!!!
"Peace and security...." "Peace and security...."
Ya know, anyone who's been watching world events lately - and I'm referring to "worldly" leaders, especially the leaders of western nations - is hardly likely to be yowling "peace and security" with the troubles in Egypt, Libya, Iran and Israel rattling sabers at each other...
NOT that this crap is going to lead into "armageddon"; it's just that any realistic assessment of world events would not project a period of "peace and security" in the near future.
Watchtower Society is using that "peace and security...." as a "straw-man" - if I understand the "strawman" expression correctly...
I haven't heard a single world leader make any comment to the effect that they perceive some sort of "peace and security" taking place in the world today...