Wack Job MIL Thinking Sandy is Another Sign of "THE END"

by LostGeneration 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • LostGeneration

    I live nowhere near the East coast, nor does my JW mother in law. But according to my wife, mommy dearest thinks "Sandy" is the latest sign that Gawd Almighty is about to bring about the end.

    So I ask my lovely JW wife what she thinks, amazingly she says its probably just another storm, though it does look bad. I tell her yes, I agree, and if there is anything we can do to help out, I am willing to help. Including donations to the RED CROSS to help in those areas.

    Then she flips back into cult personality. She says, why not give it to the WT, they will help out those in need.

    LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL. Not a f----ing red cent to those bastards! I'm sure they are already making plans to fleece the flock via the storm, with their "Just make the check out to Watchtower Inc, we will be sure the funds are spent wisely"


    Sorry for the rant. I just know how these pricks work disasters to their own advantage.

  • DaCheech

    thumbs up to the read cross!

    thumbs down to the WT!

    If you look at history, there have been hurricanes for a long time! for goodness sake wasn't Paul and Jonah in one?

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    yea I think it was a fairly quiet year for Hurricanes. Perhaps it will go the way of "increased earthquakes" in one place after another

    I feel sad for the JW who actually tries to connect the dots on WT prophecy

  • 00DAD

    When you live in JW-Land everything that is negative is confirmation of your beliefs.

    In other words, they are programmed to look at the world through a negative lens.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    yep 00DAD, we had a very informative conversation on this. I was speaking to 00DAD about this as sometime back when the financial crises was hitting, my inactive/active JW wife was flipping out. She was convinced that it was the financial crises that would bankrupt the planet, end of the world, armegeddon, etc etc.

    We're still here and now we're buying a condo so I think the coast is clear.

  • cobaltcupcake

    Oh for pity's sake! It's just a bad storm! Jaysus!

  • nuthouse escapee
    nuthouse escapee

    To JW's everything is a sign of the Big A coming. Can't believe I was one of those. Sheesh! Leslie

  • jam

    when man first walked on the moon a sign of

    the last days. The tower of Babel.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Jam, even in my most crazy JW days I couldn't see a connection there

  • braincleaned

    When my big toe is buzzing - I know armageddon is close! LOL!

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