During a disaster, like right now in the east, who do you see helping people in a practical loving way? Remember Jesus' parable of the Good Samaritan? The Salvation Army, Catholic Church, Mormons, etc. You will NOT see any organized JW effort. In fact it is like pulling teeth to get them to help a cong. member they've known for 20 yrs.
Need Advice. Quick.
by AwSnap 40 Replies latest watchtower bible
I Want to Believe
Trekkies. Browncoats.
Nevernew is right How much love do they show to people who disagree? It is not very hard to have universal conditional love among clones who HAVE to all talk the same or be kicked out. Also I dont remember such LOVE when I was in more like alot of gossip slander and back stabbing.
Theocratic Sedition
AwSnap, ask him how he knows that no other organization has universal love? Ask him whether he's taken the time to research such a claim, and if so was it outside of WT literature? As a JW still actively doing door to door if a householder askedme that question I'd give a poor response.
Shunning has been a great way to show love.
I have a Hillsong friend, and he is regularly having vistors from the Brazillian group stay with him. Of course, the smaller the religion, the easier it is to keep track of everyone, so the easier it is to know who can be trusted and where they live.
I like TS's approach too. "How DO you know universal love ISN'T found in other organizations? When was your last personal experience with this? "
.......but wouldn't she have to be prepared for the corruption of mankind speech?
I still want to know how it could be called "universal love" if I can only extend love to and expect love from one group only.
Heck, I can get auto-love from a college sorority sister or fraternity brother.
"What kind of charity work did you say they do for others? Did you say it was or was not for the benefit of children? OH and speaking of children.... Did you read about the Conti case? What's going on with that?"
Oh, honey, I'd roll him right into the topic of MY choice.
Send him to my house next!
The bigger question is WHY we love !
Is it mandated by a cult !
Is it the result of the gift of the Holy Spirit...!
It has to be the fruit of the Holy Spirit. If it is the act of "love" out of obligation to some instructions or for self gain (could be out of fear (fear of going to hell or die in the big A, obligation, for fame, assurance, attention or whatever motives), it isn't love at all. Matthew 7:21-27 says it, especially verse 22. And what is "doing the will of God" means? What is His will? The greatest commandment Matthew 22:36-39. If one has no conviction to do good works (motivated by love for others), then don't waste time doing it.
JWs alo have a universal lack of charity for those who are not JWs- they can do a quickbuild KH- but they will never do a quickbuild soup kitchen, homeless shelter ot even a habitat for humanity home--
just get him to put a lid on it so you can enjoy dinner.
say, what about thepedophile problem. Or- i have something you could read (AKA Apostate lit).
Just make the guy uncomfortable enough so he shuts up.
Or ask him about other aspects of his life.
dont put up with the drivel.
It may seem polite but what he is doing means war. Fight back.