I pray to Thor (default god of all action movies) that they make this one another prequel... A movie featuring Darth Bane. If anyone has read the book telling how the sith actually started it is fantastic!!!!!! It would make the best star wars movie, bar none.
Star Wars Episode VII
by Las Malvinas son Argentinas 71 Replies latest jw friends
I would love to see a Star Wars film written and directed by Woody Allen.
SUCK!!!! Has anyone seen this parody?
Great youtube, dd. Good song, too.
This doormat is EXCITED! My doormat fibers are tingling with anticipation!!!!! I'm just a doormat who liked the Prequels, though with the passing of time I've become more objective about them--they desperately needed better writing and a better performance than Hayden Christensen gave. And whenever Obi-Wan Kenobi spoke of the old days in Episode VI, I always had a grittier vision of the prequels than was shown to us. I'm hoping that they'll bring back the old gang (Fisher, Ford, Hamill, Williams, Mayhem, Daniels, Baker) and give it a go one last time! And introduce a younger generation of heroes (just imagine--Jacen, Jaina, Anakin, Tahiri, Tenel Ka!!!!!). Oh, man...this is beautiful. You've just made this doormat's day, and were it not for the little bundle of doormat-related joy born this year, you'd have made my year!
Watching Anakin become Darth was very disappointing to me. The way the story line developed and the actual battle that nearly killed him, not what I would have written.
Watching Anakin become Darth was very disappointing to me. The way the story line developed and the actual battle that nearly killed him, not what I would have written.
Yeah, I would have expected them to actually be bleeding before it was done. It was kind of comical seeing Ewan McGregor flipping his hair back out of his eyes during the duel. I was like, what is this?? But yeah, there were so many ways to make that work. I wasn't really disappointed, myself, but I know it could have been better.
The books gave that whole movie a lot more context and depth. I would have been disapoint if it was movie alone, but having the novel in my head and filling in things made the movie enjoyable
They need an independent artist to make a prequel telling the story of a young Yoda and his Master. I have it all figured out. Bear with me, I am drinking... I bet even ElderElite will like my story. Here is the synopsis:
We introduce Yoda's real homeworld. The problem is that Slaver's make regular raids on Yoda's tribe. Being weak humanoids with no knowledge of the force ,they are easy prey. Yoda attempts to save his family, but to no avail. He is separated forever from all he knows and winds up on the far side of the planet at the slave market. Enter the Jedi Master, ( played by me of course, hey make your own fantasy movie!!!) he is drawn to Yoda sensing his potential. This unnamed Jedi is not as powerful as Yoda will become, but he truly sees the true nature of the universe which makes him a serious force for good, and he kick major ass. ( Rember Anakin was supposed to be the most powerful Jedi but Obi-wan was victorious because of his reliance on the Force).
So this Jedi makes quick work of the Slave traders, not even breaking a sweat, why should he? He KNOWS the true nature of the universe and is at complete peace with his fate. Remember, death is nothing to those who do not fear it. he take Yoda under his wing and begins to train him. Yoda even pick up the Master's unusual dialect. The 2 are inseperable for many years and Yoda become very powerful. His one weakness is the deep seated fear within his soul. He has never recovered from the loss of his family.
In their many travels, they eventually cross paths with a vicious Sith Lord and his apprentice. Knowing his death will untimately cause Yoda to achieve his true potential, The Master sacrifices himself during the battle. He does not fear death knowing that he will simply return to the living Force, so it is not a defeat. Yoda temporarily overcomes his fear and defeats the apprentice, but all is not well...
Due to the trauma of losing his family as a youngling, and then losing his Master, Yoda's fear grows in his sub-conscious mind. He eventually forms the Jedi council, seeking safety in numbers, but at the same time constantly fearful and projecting his fears onto all recruits. This helps pave the way for Anakin's role and the restoration of balance within the Force...