I love Star Wars too. This news is very exciting! Hamill and company have got to return.
Star Wars Episode VII
by Las Malvinas son Argentinas 71 Replies latest jw friends
Sd, i loved his plot recomendations also! Would have been so good... I loved the concept of qui gon being older and dying and thus obi wan was unprepared... Would have made a lot more sense with obi wans "damn fool idealistic crusade" remark... That guy was brilliant
Yeah, he said some really brilliant stuff--some of which I had also thought of, but most of which was stuff that had never even occurred to me.
You just brought up another very important point--the clear animosity that Owen Lars has for Obi-Wan! That was NEVER discussed at all in the prequels! Another very important piece of the story that was left as a loose end. Hmm. That raises an interesting thought. The concept of the Jedi NOT getting involved in the war as a whole, and only some of them taking the lead, maybe Obi-Wan feels a strong need to fight for the Republic and Anakin is sort of drawn into that and ends up as Vader before he realizes he has a son.
The other thing was Padme. I always assumed she lived a little bit longer, that maybe she was able to at least take care of Leia for a few years and then maybe was killed somehow. Hmm.
But that's definitely my movie review website from now on. I absolutely love all his stuff!
Further excellent point brother mat! I too had noted the anamosity between lars and kenobi. Your idea makes perfect sense and is in harmony with my comparrision to meiji era japan. It would have been exactly "period correct" to have most samurai taking a removed attitude towards the politics of the galaxy (akin to samurai becoming monks instead of warriors) or worse (in the eyes of a principled samurai, a merchant) but to have some "damn fool idealistic" jedi take up the fight for right as a samuari of honor would. It would have blended so well with lars distain to know that he drew lukes father into that and it would have been so much more effective to have anakin turn to the dark side and see his idealisim fade and turn into a lust for power... As so many samuari become disinterested and turn into monks or ordinary people, ankin realizes his "specialness" and as he accumilates victories he turna from humble servant and protector of the common man to leader then to power hungry general!
Goddamn you lucas!!!!!!! May the sprit of jar jar haunt you for all eternity!!!!!!!!
And i the leia thing is something i always thought of too... Leia referances remembering her on somelevel "images mostly", always seeming sad. Some would say it was the force but thats unnessary. Leia could have been the big sister by a few years (would have made her and han closer in age anyway). As anakin grows and becomes more power hungry and ampitious he has a child, a girl. Hes disapointed... He wanted a son to carry on the tradition and leia is ignored by her father ... Then luke is born at the height of his power! He envisions he and luke "ruling the galaxy as father and son!!!!!!" .... Obi wan is horrified to see what his formerly honorable friend and apprentace has become... He realizes hes been driven toward the darkside and knows that if his son is as poweful as his father his goals are unstoppable and worse, he sees his own errors in training anikin. He feels guilt for having unleashed him on the universe and for not stopping him when could have. The only way he can return his own honor is to fsce him and end the madness. Alas, ankin has surpassed even obi wan in power and ablity. Obi wan has saved one last trick, one hidden teqnique that he never taught ankin and its just enough to disable ankin and allow obi wan to escape before ankins guards and henchmen rush into the battle sceen! Anikin is saved but encased the armor.... Obi wan escapes and padame beggs him to take her, leia and baby luke to safety, fearing anikin has been driven insane and she has come to regret thean he became. They escape and the lord of the sith, taking the tittle darth vader, begins to search for his family and to find his former "'master" to settle the score! They all run to tattoine, the desert plant being remote and the desert serving as a fitting symbol of their exile. Padme and the kids live with lars until she dies. Obi wan was never welcome in the home, lars being a simple farmer (famers being the bottom of the social order in japan they often hated the samurai for opressing them). Leia is sickly and cant handle life on tatoine and is sent to live on alderan.....
Damn you lucas!!!!!! Damn you damn you damn you!
Las Malvinas son Argentinas
It could be that Owen thought Obi-Wan 'abandoned' Luke on him unexpectedly, and when Obi-Wan returned to give Luke Anakin's lightsaber and to begin training (as described by Obi-Wan in A New Hope), that is when Owen finally had it with him and got cross, deciding that Obi-Wan wasn't welcome there anymore. That might have been what Lucas was thinking in the live-action series he was planning between Episodes III and IV. Ewan McGregor was planning on doing a few eposides, and I'm sure he could have gotten Owen and Beru back for a few more. Just a thought.
Big Tex
By default, it will be better than The Phantom Menace. So, theoretically, it could only become the 2nd worst movie if things go horribly wrong, right?
No that would Attack of the Clones. Although the most annoying sound effect was that stupid lizard horse Obi-Wan kept riding around in Revenge of the Sith.
I doubt seriously if the films made after Return of the Jedi have any of the original actors in them. It's been 30 years and none of us are as young as we used to be. If they're smart they'll recast the main roles and answer a few dangling questions from the original trilogy. There's a lot of different storylines that could follow Episdode 6. Whichever way they go, just don't dumb it down or waste 2 hours on a 30 minute story.
The prequels turned me off the franchise they were that bad. Really when it comes down to it there are 2 very good films, parts of a third (teddy bears throwing rocks can stop stormtroopers?) and 15 minute Jedi battle in Revenge. Very little about the prequels were believable or interesting.
darth frosty
they need to redo the prequels and clone wars the right way that timothy zahn described in his trilogy.
elderelitr im with you would lovr to see bane.
I was kind of wondering....why not do a reboot? They did that with Batman and Spiderman. Schumacher ruined the Batman series with the awful Batman Forever and Batman and Robin; a reboot wiped the slate clean.
A reboot would be fabulous (of the prequels) but lucas is far to proud i think to let that happen
Was that supposed to go into the Voltaire thread?