Emu Oil is fast becoming an accepted alternative treatment to help relieve pain caused by:
Sore muscles
Minor sprains & bruises
Australian Aborigines have used Emu Oil for thousands of years to reduce pain and signs of aging. Emu oil may also be used as a nutritional supplement to assist in internal healing.
Emu oil products for pain management associated with muscle aches, arthritis and inflammation of the joints, as well as a moisturizer and dietary supplement are endorsed by:
* The Arthritis Foundation of Australia
* The Australian Rheumatism Association
* The Australian Orthopedic Association
I wanted to know if anyone here is familure with this product?
I am considering ordering some. There are so many scams on these info-mercials. I thought with all the Aussies and Dr.'s on board I might get some good advice about it.
I have severe arthritis in my back from a couple of old injuries in the past. I have to sleep on a heating pad ALL the time otherwise when I wake up I can't walk.
They were advertizing this stuff last night and if it works it would be worth the price.
$40.00 for 6 or 8 oz jar.
BTW my e-mail may be down for awhile until I get my service unscrambled. I'm finally getting DSL but now my computer is confused.
"I look to the sea, reflections in the waves spark my memorystyx
Some happy,some sad"
This one most definitely Happy