Do they talk to you, ignore you, love bomb you???
How Are You Treated When JWs See You?
by minimus 38 Replies latest jw friends
The talk to me, ignore me and love bomb me at the same time :) ... it all depends on which JW is standing in front of me...
Like I have aids and leprosy at the same time. In twenty years only two have been cool with me, this includes family. One didn't know I was df'ed until after a job was done, the other was an old friend that I had when I was a kid, hadn't seen or heard from each other in twenty three years saw him last month and he was very cool.
Other than that I'm the disgusting freak!
Left in the Cold
Well, being df'd you can guess. But interestingly, about a year ago (before I really started questioning things) I had a real heart to heart discussion with two elders. They were very kind, one in particular. A few days later I saw him at a local venue with his wife and he looked at me a smiled really big, but then I think he must have remembered who I was so he averted his eyes and kind of turned away. I was thinking how utterly disfellowshipping goes against human nature as we are meant to be social creatures. Idk. I just never forgot the sudden change in his face...
"Do they talk to you, ignore you, love bomb you???"
Actually, I am getting all three! (Sorry about the underlining with the copy and paste. Blame the iPad! ) yesterday, for instance, I was in the local supermarket and met, successively, two. One, an elder, ignored me almost completely, but I greeted him with my usual cheery smile which forced him to produce a sorry apology for a half-smile and scuttle away. The second was a sister, who looked as though she was going to ignore me, and it seemed like she would, but when I cheerfully greeted her by name she then looked up and we had a half way civilised chat, a bit as though I was a long lost friend. A few days ago another sister saw me before I saw her (in the frozen fod aisle) and advanced on me in total love-bomb mode, as if I was her long lost best friend. -
Hi Minimus,
I have not posted a message for a long time, but read the forum dayly. A week ago I went to the kingdom hall (after more than 10 years) to pick up my father-in-law and my mother-in-lay.... I parked the car when everybody was going out at the end of the meeting... everybody who saw me greeted me.. nobody told me to return to the kingdom hall!.. (I left with my family over the UN)... It was a nice experience... (I will never attend a meeting again.. I say to me "Primero muerto" )
Caballo sentado
Same as DW, depends who it is, they either look awkwardly/overt their eyes and walk off or are all over you
They comment on how Big I`ve Grown and..
Want to Take me Out for Ice Cream..
Some JWs are very polite, greet me and even ask about my wife and kids. Others run away, and some turn their faces and look away.
I always speak to them first, calling them by their first names, if possible.
I usually don't go out of my way or seek them out, but occasionally I bump into them while shopping or dining.