My Introduction

by Left in the Cold 18 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Left in the Cold
    Left in the Cold

    Hi Everyone. I have posted on here a little, and I thought I should probably introduce myself the best I can right now. I stumbled upon this site and told my sister about it. Then, sometime later she started discussing things with me that's she has seen or read (she's in therapy, as well, which probably has made her kind of rethink things). We were born ins. I am currently df'd. I am trying to get reinstated, but my heart is not in it. I have some older friends I want to help when the time comes that they may need it. They would accept me as inactive but not df'd. There are very personal issues involved in this that I'd rather not go into, but suffice it to say, I'm trying due to the "friends & family" reason.

    My marriage fell apart earlier this year and that devastated me. I have struggled with deep depression over this to the point of hospitalization earlier this summer. Like a lot of former (and current) JW's, I have anxiety disorders and all that good stuff.

    I'm female, mid thirties, and still very confused. I don't believe the GB has the abilities they are given credit for having. In fact, I can't really see as they're needed at all. Being on the outside as a df'd one (twice) has made me question many things. I feel like I have the potential to be free of all the feelings of impending doom, never being good enough, constant guilt, and so on. But it hasn't happened over night, and I think that's probably normal especially for a 'born in'. So most days I try to keep my head above the water as far as the depression. I am being treated for it. And I've been doing research for myself and trying to understand things that I never thought to question before. I get no support emotionally from any JW, and I have found much more support here than I ever thought. Many things have changed and are changing for me right now. My head kind of spins at times. But this is my 'little' story, and I'm so glad there are ones here who care and listen and understand. I think, in the end, that's all most of us want. Btw, my spelling is atrocious. And I apologize in advance for future spelling errors. :)


  • james_woods

    Welcome to the forum, Left in the Cold. Very typical story - the total abandonment by the witnesses of their members who face serious problems.

    I would take some time to think over the idea of getting reinstated before fading away.

    It sounds to me like you have already decided to leave, so that might be the best direct course.

    Your real friends and family will accept you as you are no matter what the "official" witness position is.

    Those not your real friends will treat you as disfellowshipped no matter what your status when you eventually leave.

    Good luck in the future.

  • ldrnomo

    Welcome, left in the cold. If you get reinstated which is usually a long and arduous project you might find that friends you thought you had will only be friends if you make advancement in the congregation. Once you start to fade you will be looked at as if you've DA'd and your conditional friends will no longer be your friends.

    Forget about them. Put this all behind you. There is life after Jdubbery. Be patient, you will find friends and a life

  • BlindersOff1

    Welcome to the forum. We are here to help

  • happy@last

    Hi Left in the Cold - welcome, I am new here too and found it very helpful already.

    I'd agree with what's been said already, I 'faded' a little over a year ago and have had almost no contact from any JW, one visit and a couple of phone calls. I was an elder for almost 10 years, I'd have thought that some of them would have at least called to see how I was doing as I left at the time as having a mental breakdown (due to JWs)- it really does show who your real friends are.

    Anyhow, I'm glad you are getting help, keep accepting it for as long as you need it, and I hope that your good days start to outweigh the not so good ones.

  • cobaltcupcake

    Welcome, LeftintheCold! You've chosen a difficult path, but we're here to listen and help you through it. (((hugs)))

  • mind blown
  • jookbeard

    how did you get Df'ed twice?

  • panhandlegirl

    Welcome, Left In The Cold. The WTS can sure make life Hell for those who don't believe anymore. Being shunned is tough but there is life outside of the borg. You are certainly dealing with a lot of loss. You have come to the right place for support. Many here have suffered the same losses. I wish you well and look foreward to your future posts. I'm glad you have your sister to talk things over with.


  • flipper

    LEFT IN THE COLD- We are so happy you joined the board ! Nice to have you here my friend. I'm so sorry you've gone through lots of anguish the past few years, you are not alone. Many of us have or are going through the same so we empathize with your situation. Please accept our unconditional love and caring concern for you. Look forward to getting to know you and being of support to you in any way possible. Hang in there ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

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