We all know that the Society treats us as door mats and we left our rights as Christians behind when we got baptized ,but each congragation in Britain is registered as an autononous Charity ,so you and I the rank and file we contribute towards these Charities .Does this gives us any rights in the eyes of the Law ? I had a chat with a solicitor and he said you might have but he needs to see first the Constitution .The question is : I pressume that this constitution is the same in all British congagations and drafted from the brilliant minds of the Watchtower Leagal Department .Does anyone have a copy of a Constitution ? Has anyone ever looked into it ?
Your LEGAL RIGHTS at the Kingdom Hall
by raymond frantz 16 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Rob Crompton
The constitution would need to be approved by the Charity Commission for them to become a registered charity. So you might be able to able to
get a copy from the Commission if you draw a blank elsewhere.
raymond frantz
I'll ask that ,but as far as I remember the solicitor said you need to ask it from the trustees (=elders) or get your solicitor to ask for it
Band on the Run
If you can get a local solicitor to ask for it, without revealing the name of his client, you will be much more protected.
I expect there are hardly any rights for members of a religious group b/c it would interfere with Freedom of Religion. France allows Freedom from Religion. Great Britain may have more rights than Americans would.
Obviously, JWs will have as few rights as they can get away with and still be a registered charity.
If you ask for a copy yourself, you will become a target and pay for it before you know what your rights are.
Perhaps a reporter could find out the rights.
Great Britain may have more rights than Americans would.
Not as far as free speech goes - remember, Britain prosecuted several citizens for calling Scientology a cult.
Well, I do know from a privacy rights point of view, Britain is ahead of the US. British citizens can demand to see what information is held on them by the WTS...in Britain.
Hi James - when did the UK prosecute someone for calling Scientology a cult? Do you mean the scientologists took them to court?
Band on the Run
I wasn't talking about freedom of religion but freedom from religion. As an American, I am stunned how how rights favor religion and not individuals. Until I researched the separation of church and state issue, I had no idea.
Vegas Girl
As a JW you leave your "worldly" rights at the door. Sad but true. They don't recognize your rights unless it's to promote the preaching work. Then they will be all up in yo shizzit......LOLOL
each congragation in Britain is registered as an autononous Charity
If there are any kind of rules/guidelines that must be met to qualify for this status, I could see where the WTS would be wreckless about its adherence to them, since they think of themselves as above the law and they are most accustomed to the US standards that give religion almost total latitude to do what they want without the risk of any accoutability.