Your LEGAL RIGHTS at the Kingdom Hall

by raymond frantz 16 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • james_woods
    Hi James - when did the UK prosecute someone for calling Scientology a cult? Do you mean the scientologists took them to court?

    There have been several threads about it here. As I understood it, it was not the scientologists that charged them, but the British government itself. They were marching with signs saying "Scientology is a cult" outside a Scientology property - & were charged with hate speech.

    It was the discussion on these threads that caused me to realize that the British do not have a specific "freedom of speech" constitutional right like the United States does.

    It is true, though, that the British do not have as much of a "hands off" policy toward religious finances as the U.S.

  • cantleave

    James, there was no prosecution brought!

  • GromitSK

    Thanks James + cantleave

    I guess it depends what they were saying. I'd be surprised if a polite, orderly protest resulted in a prosecution in the UK. Folks generally have quite a bit of latitude here to express themselves before the criminal justice system gets involved IMHO.

  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz

    The idea behind my interest looking into constitution is to find signs or evidence that shows that publishers as contributors have certain rights and therefore the right to put pressure to the undisputed power of elders in the Kingdom Hall .If we have no rights ,why is it that resolutions have to be boted from all in the congragation?

  • jgnat

    RF, I believe the basic stance of a democratic government is that if people are free to leave, then they won't interfere with the internal workings of a religion. It's a matter of buyer beware.

    Canada also publishes the financial returns of registered charities.

  • Chariklo

    I remember the Scientology thing but I think the demonstrators were deemed to have caused a disturbance, weren't they?

  • Terry

    How many websites have we entered after clicking away our rights by approving of their mile long legal document in order to ENTER.

    In humanity's eagerness to get whatever we want we'll pretty much toss away whatever seems to be an obstacle at the time.

    It is only when we are lying in the gutter bruised and bleeding that we want ALL of our rights upheld.

    Religion offers just about everything on a golden platter. All we give up is our rational mind.

    Click: ENTER

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